How do I resolve "Installation Failed" for Massive?

metrosuperstar Member Posts: 21 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hi, I've been able to update everything except the original Massive. I tried using the Windows uninstaller to remove it and start fresh when the UPDATE was throwing me the Failed error due to Invalid Location. But nothing seems to fix it. Its path is the same as all my other instruments, and what's odd is that if I look at the installation path for this particular one, it shows....nothing.

I reached out to NI but didn't receive any assistance for this so I'm hoping someone can help. Here are screenshots to illustrate the issue.


Best Answer

  • metrosuperstar
    metrosuperstar Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Thanks for your assistance. I was able to resolve but I'm not sure how as I only noticed your last reply today.

    I do know that I had deleted some Massive keys in the registry, and moved the Native Access database file out of the folder to let it rebuild itself upon launch. Which on its own didn't work so I placed it back in the folder. Launched a few times... eventually worked. I really don't know what exactly solved it but I appreciate you taking the time to go into details here to help me out!


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    Run Native Access as Administrator

    If still fails then, check where is the original Massive (since what you trying to install is an update)

  • metrosuperstar
    metrosuperstar Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited July 2023

    Well, I found maybe why it's not able to update... it doesn't even look like it's installed!

    However, the option to Reinstall is disabled!

    Is there anywhere I can delete whatever has Native Access thinking this is already installed?

    This would explain why it was asking to update, not install. It thinks somehow that it's installed.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    You already tried to uninstall it through Windows (not through Native Access), right?

  • metrosuperstar
    metrosuperstar Member Posts: 21 Member

    I believe I did in the past, when I first had the issue with updating it. But right now I wouldn't be able to since it doesn't show up at all in the list.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
  • metrosuperstar
    metrosuperstar Member Posts: 21 Member

    I was very confident in this solution you recommended....until.. you won't believe this:

    Massive is missing from the list of VSTs!

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    Then i am out of ideas...

    Actually i know what you have to do, but, its a bit complicate and you need a basic knowledge of windows registry.

    It will take a bit long time to explain, but if you feel up to it, we can continue tomorrow.

    Otherwise, if you can not, the best thing is to contact Native Instruments Support.

  • metrosuperstar
    metrosuperstar Member Posts: 21 Member

    Oh I totally know my way around.

    Should i just remove the registry key for massive and try a fresh install?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited July 2023

    Unfortunately it is not that easy!

    Of course you don't need to clean all that! There are 3 or 4 specific values that have to be deleted, but it's a long shot for now. It will take sometime to find them, but i will have a look tomorrow.

    Those 2 keys have to be deleted for sure:



    but maybe is not enough.... give it a try and we continue tomorrow

  • metrosuperstar
    metrosuperstar Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Thanks for your assistance. I was able to resolve but I'm not sure how as I only noticed your last reply today.

    I do know that I had deleted some Massive keys in the registry, and moved the Native Access database file out of the folder to let it rebuild itself upon launch. Which on its own didn't work so I placed it back in the folder. Launched a few times... eventually worked. I really don't know what exactly solved it but I appreciate you taking the time to go into details here to help me out!

  • Billy D
    Billy D Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    I uninstalled Native Access 2, and reinstalled and older version. I was able to install all the programs that weren't installing. The one program that still didn't install I found the download folder where it was located and I unzipped the file and installed it myself. That's how I got around the file location error. Then you can go ahead and reinstall Native Access 2.

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