How to install Masive X and its expansion correctly?
Could someone guide me on installing Massive X Expansion Factory Content Please I tried to install it by reading the forums but was unsuccessful. It would be very helpful if the folks at native instrument made tutorials on how to install the plugins and their respective extensions. Thank you.
Hi, I have Komplete 14. I bought expansions for massive x but now it seems that those expansions are included in Komplete 14. So it is money i spend unneeded. Any idea how to get this solved? The support doesnt react. A voucher would be appreciated… thanks
Massive X v1.4.1 Standalone?
I just updated to Massive X V1.4.0, installed to my standard locations: ...and when I go into that installation location to shortcut the MassiveX.exe to my desktop as SAL, there is nothing there: I can launch it in the KK wrapper SAL, from inside my DAW as a VSTi, and from inside my DAW in the KK wrapper. [Win10 Pro, 21H2,…
Massive X Factory Library missing
Native Access shows that Massive X Factor Library needs "repair". As I reinstall the library and start Native Access again, it still shows "repair" in Massive X Factory Library. I haven't moved the library from my external hard drive, nor done any changes whatsoever. I just updated the Native Access to 3.8.0..
How to get polyphonic expression with Massive X in Maschine 2?
I just spent a few hours creating a new patch for Massive X in KK, using polyphonic expression. But when I load my new patch into Maschine, it is only monophonic. How do I make it polyphonic in Maschine?
Massive X macro/envelope feature request
Can you please animate the envelope shape display (and possibly other parameters) when the macro controls are manipulated by the knobs on my MIDI? The envelope doesn't change when I use the macro to control a set modulation amount.
Open Browser to User Content by Default
Hi all, In Massive X v1.4.4, is there a way to set the preset browser to open to the user presets tab rather than to factory content at initialization? I am only aware of the pin button in the browser, which is definitely useful, but not exactly what I'm looking for, since it seems to be off by default on plugin…
Sound holds forever when pausing playback during a MIDI note
Hi, I'm trying here before submitting a ticket to support. In Ableton Live arrangement view, when I play a midi clip on a track with Massive X loaded and pause it while a midi note is playing, the sound keeps playing. If I pause after a note has finished playing, no issue. When the AMP ENVELOPE trigger mode is set to…
Crossgrade Question
Hello, i was looking into getting massive X and can see that crossgrade is an option, does crossgrade replace regular massive? or can i keep using it after getting X and use them together?
Best expansion for minimal techno?
Hello dear community! on the verge of buying massive x! I just need to know, is it worth it 2023? And which 2 expansions should I get? I make minimal techno, deep house and techno, but more of that rhytmic/hypnotic stuff, not that trance-sounding stuff.
Error installing Massive X
I recently updated my NI Products and now I can't start Massive X anymore. It seems, that it isn't installed but Native Access shows that it is. I tried to reinstall Massive X without any effect. It's also confusing, that the installed version is 0.0.0 and there is now installed path.
FM modulation bug
When applying an envelope to the fm amount, it wont work when the fm knob is at 0 percent , yet it has full modulation applied by a envelope . External Osc 1set to sine is used as fm mod source Just increasing the fm FM knob a tiny fraction will enable the moduation . Definately a bug but doesn't always happen
Strategies For Even Volume Across A Wavetable
Is there a feature that will allow me to modulate the volume of a wavetable as it glides through the different steps? I've been using a Sin-Tri-Sq-Saw wavetable and find myself wishing that the sine/triangle stages were a little louder as I transition between them and the Sq/Saw stages. From a metering perspective they're…
Issue with sustain pedal on Massive X VST3
I have a problem with massive x vsti3 and sustain pedal in reaper. Steps: Play a few notes after each other with sustain pedal. Keep finger on last note. Release sustain pedal. Problem: That last note should keep playing but it does stop with the release of the sustain pedal.
Using Massive X with MacMini M2Pro.
I've just started using a new MacMini M2Pro.I tried to load an instance of MassiveX in Logic 10.8 but received the message "Massive X could not be loaded, as it may not yet support Apple Silicon or VST2 to VST3 migration. Please contact the plug-in manufacturer for more information." I checked the compatibility information…