I bought maschine 2 update at 99 euros but it does not activate.. why?
I bought maschine 2 update at 99 euro but it does not activate ... Yellow writing "demo" appears on native access after downloading the update and clicking retry an error message appears: "" Activating * Product * failed: you are missing the base product ... " N.B. I'm using a second hand mk1 without serial number The…
Using Maschine MK3 with KK S49
Hi, Sorely tempted by a KK S49 to go with Maschine MK3. Not sure how they work in parallel... Is it possible to have a kit group selected on the MK3, and simultaneously have a different instrument group open on the KK S49? It seems like this would be a good way to work, but I'm not sure if the Maschine SW can have two…
How does the Audio Plugin work with different patterns of the same group?
Hi guys. I’m confused by the Audio Plugin and how it works with different Patterns of the same group. let me explain what i did. I sampled my external Synthesizer into the Sound slots 1 to 16. Next i made sure that each Sound slot use the Audio Plugin Now i created a couple Patterns. What i want to achieve now is that…
Open plugins on two or more different patterns/groups at same time.
Hello All, I am looking for a way to have tow or more plugin windows (eq in this case) from different sound pads at the same time. What I am trying to do is view 2 EQs at the same time. One lives on the kick pad the other on the bass pad. Obvously switching from one pad to the other also switches access to the plugins on…
Maschine 2.0 Crashing When Tracking Beat
My Maschine 2.0 software keeps crashing whenever I'm quickly tracking a beat.. btw I may be using the wrong terminology. Basically, whenever I try to quickly add different patterns from different groups when making a beat on the main screen, the software crashes. It may be worth mentioning that I basically have 0 hard…
Keyboard controls from Maschine?
I'm wondering if there's any way to assign keyboard buttons ("W", space, ctrl) to pads on the Maschine? Can't recall seeing such a thing on Controller Editor, but that'd be super useful for ALL computer applications.
How to set swing in Maschine ?
I did some swing accompaniment I want to use maschine's drums for this swing song. Did I edit the normal way and then set 100% swing Then this drum fits the rhythm of the swing accompaniment?
How to connect virtual Midi keyboard to Maschine on MacBook Pro
How would I connect this to be used in Maschine daw? Please help
Unable to load sounds in Maschine 2
After installation, I’m unable to load sounds (I see a “Massive could not be loaded” msgbox). The only thing I changed on the install was the content location so it was on the SD card attached to my PC. When I look at the plug-ins tab of preferences, there are 4 file paths listed (see attached screenshot) of which only 1…
Questions about the Komplete 13 ecosystem
Hi, I've just got a Maschine and upgarded to Komplete 13. I've only jus got around to messing about with all the VSTs that are now availble to me in my DAW. I don't think I really understand the whole ecosystem, and hope someone would be able to explain in simple terms... So there's a bunch of synths and things (like…
Feature Request - Track Media/MIDI Offset
Could it be possible to add a Track Negative Offset Feature? I really miss this feature called Media Playback Offset on Reaper. Some VSTs like Orchestral Soundbanks needs a negative MIDI Offset (-250ms for Audio Imperia's Soundbanks for example).
Lunar Echoes Icon/Image Folder Missing.
The Lunar Echoes icon doesn't show up in the Maschine or Komplete Kontrol software. I've tried to reinstall it, but it still won't show up. I looked in the NI Content/NI Resources/image folder, and there is no Lunar Echoes image folder. Every other Expansion that I own has an image folder there, but the Lunar Echoes folder…
Customize user's favorite sound source and check sound
Hello. There are two requests for maschine2. (This sentence uses google translate) mashine2 has a function to search for samples, but it is very difficult if there are many sound sources. So, can you update the sound sources that you put in your favorites list so that they can be divided into folders? example [Favorite…
No sound on audio inputs on Maschine Software
I tried to get the Maschine 2 Software Audio Inputs working with my RME audio interface for the better part of an hour without success. Everything seemed properly configured, but there was no sound. This article (as posted by @D-One on this old forum thread) saved me from going insane:…
Exporting Midi of clips as a single file
As far as I can tell I can only export a single clip (new in 2.14.7) that are in song view only. Once I've completed a composition, is there any way to export midi including the clips as as a single file?