MASCHINE sw not shown in NA
Hi there! I’ve bought a 2nd hand MASCHINE MIKRO MK3 cca 2 weeks ago. HW registered via TrID. 3 instruments installed fine, exept the Maschine sw and Library. They are not shown in Native Access. I think mine is not the first issue with them. How can i fix that problem? Thanks..
Mac mini question..
have an maschine plus, and now I buy a mac mini and, I installed maschine 2, just to start to using it i download a song from YouTube with TubeRipper web.. I downloaded in a WAV format.. then I connect the hardware, and open it.. when I tried to load the song into the software, it accepted but when I try to edite un the…
Can you run both Maschine 2 and 3 side by side?
I have lost the functions of my mk2 and s26 mk1 keyboard. Is it possible to run both on the same machine?
Purchased Maschine Mk3 where to download Maschine 2?
Maschine 2 or 3 is not listed among the products(registered or unregistered) under the link: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/my-account/my-products-serials-downloads/ Here are some image snapshots from the website: [Links removed by Moderator] I tried to add the serial several times: [Links removed by Moderator] Here…
Sold Maschine MIKRO MK3, but can't transfer MASCHINE 2 Essentials
Hi, I sold my Maschine MIKRO MK3 second-hand to another user. I used license transfer to transfer the licenses for the hardware and expansions. However the other user can't see the core MASCHINE 2 software that came with the device. So now neither him nor me can use the device. How can we fix this? Best, Frederik
Maschine user instrument images broken & Vendor, Author fields not editable
In Maschine user images are broken. Images are not showing in both Maschine 2 and 3. Also it doesn't allow you to edit Vendor and Author fields, they are locked. Not sure why.
Komplete Kontrol AND Maschine 2
hello all, my question is: I open my Maschine 2 DAW I ALSO open Komplete Kontrol Standalone I choose a sound out of the Komplete Kontrol Library I play this sound in the Maschine DAW with my Komplete Keyboard I record this Sound in Maschine DAW and I can here this sound and see beams appear When I stop recording and play…
maschine cant open bug
Maschine freezes when I try to open it during the plugin scan. It stops at "Console Recall" plugin which I think is from. Is someone experiencing the same problem ? UAD
Komlete M32 in Maschine 2, when I loaded a drum kit, all my keys play just one sound
What am I doing wrong? I'm watching a lesson on Youtube of using M32 in Maschine 2. But when I'm loaded a drum kit, I only can play just one sound on all keys. Kit is loaded right way with all instruments. How to set to play it like a kit - different keys play different sound?
Small Grey Square appears when trying to load Logic/Ableton project containing Maschine
When trying to open an existing project containing Maschine in either Logic or Ableton, the project will not load - instead a small grey box appears on the screen (see attachment), which is moveable w the mouse - and the message "Busy…See Software" appears on the screen of Maschine Mikro Mk3. I can load Maschine software…
Maschine MK2 software not in Native Access?
I am trying to use my Maschine MK2 on my new computer. Years have gone by since I used it last. I still have my old serial numbers and I inputted them into Native Access. Although I "successfully registered Maschine" on Native Access, the Maschine software still doesn't show up. Kontakt, Massive etc. all show up and…
Tuning Maschine 2 preset
My question is below; How do I make sure this preset "Sub Skotos," in Maschine 2 is tuned right? When I play a C into my piano tuner it hears G. How can I change that to C? I've searched the manual, and YouTube to end up with no relatable answers.🤔
Maschine 2SW missing samples
Maschine SW cannot detect certains samples in a folder but can detect other samples. They are still dtected when I browse through files. See screenshots.
How to get MASCHINE software?
I bought MASCHINE MK3 but the MASCHINE software is missing. REAKTOR, MASSIVE and MONARK downloaded correctly but MASCHINE did not. How to get MASCHINE software ?
Ableton Live Packs in Maschine 2?
Hello ! Is it possible to use my Ableton Live 12 Library in Maschine 2 to create patterns and loops with Maschine MK3? I would like to catch my ideas in Maschine before exporting to ableton. but i don´t want to miss my ableton packs when doing so. Thanks in advance!