Yamaha DX200 Maschine Group
This is something that i made for me and like to share with you, i am not sure if here is the right place, or it is the Sampling Room, however i read that there, all contributions must be made with the auto-sampler, so since i used the Audio module and not the Sampler, i post here. As far as i know, this instrument was…
Komplete Kontrol AND Maschine 2
hello all, my question is: I open my Maschine 2 DAW I ALSO open Komplete Kontrol Standalone I choose a sound out of the Komplete Kontrol Library I play this sound in the Maschine DAW with my Komplete Keyboard I record this Sound in Maschine DAW and I can here this sound and see beams appear When I stop recording and play…
maschine cant open bug
Maschine freezes when I try to open it during the plugin scan. It stops at "Console Recall" plugin which I think is from. Is someone experiencing the same problem ? UAD
Komlete M32 in Maschine 2, when I loaded a drum kit, all my keys play just one sound
What am I doing wrong? I'm watching a lesson on Youtube of using M32 in Maschine 2. But when I'm loaded a drum kit, I only can play just one sound on all keys. Kit is loaded right way with all instruments. How to set to play it like a kit - different keys play different sound?
Small Grey Square appears when trying to load Logic/Ableton project containing Maschine
When trying to open an existing project containing Maschine in either Logic or Ableton, the project will not load - instead a small grey box appears on the screen (see attachment), which is moveable w the mouse - and the message "Busy…See Software" appears on the screen of Maschine Mikro Mk3. I can load Maschine software…
Maschine MK2 software not in Native Access?
I am trying to use my Maschine MK2 on my new computer. Years have gone by since I used it last. I still have my old serial numbers and I inputted them into Native Access. Although I "successfully registered Maschine" on Native Access, the Maschine software still doesn't show up. Kontakt, Massive etc. all show up and…
How Do I Get Rid of Duplicate Presets in my Kontakt 7
In my Kontakt 7, I noticed all my Native Instruments libraries have duplicate files. Is there any way to get rid of them?
Tuning Maschine 2 preset
My question is below; How do I make sure this preset "Sub Skotos," in Maschine 2 is tuned right? When I play a C into my piano tuner it hears G. How can I change that to C? I've searched the manual, and YouTube to end up with no relatable answers.🤔
Maschine 2SW missing samples
Maschine SW cannot detect certains samples in a folder but can detect other samples. They are still dtected when I browse through files. See screenshots.
How to get MASCHINE software?
I bought MASCHINE MK3 but the MASCHINE software is missing. REAKTOR, MASSIVE and MONARK downloaded correctly but MASCHINE did not. How to get MASCHINE software ?
Ableton Live Packs in Maschine 2?
Hello ! Is it possible to use my Ableton Live 12 Library in Maschine 2 to create patterns and loops with Maschine MK3? I would like to catch my ideas in Maschine before exporting to ableton. but i don´t want to miss my ableton packs when doing so. Thanks in advance!
how to get Komplete start working
hey community, I am super exited about the new instruments effects and what not from the free bundle named ''Komplete start''. I have downloaded everything from native instruments and also the izotope product portal. for some reason the ozone EQ, the vinyl and a couple of plug ins just don't appear in my Maschine even tho…
Lost all user content on machine 3 [Fix(?) for windows]
Hello my user content and plugin destinations did not save, and importing user libraries lost my user icons. However I found this data is stored in C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Maschine 2 plugin.data has your plugin destinations komplete.db3 has your icons and library destinations copy them into (and…
How can I use my MK3 on my new laptop?
I've downloaded Maschine 2 on my Lenovo Yoga. The software launches but only in demo mode. I've used Maschine on my older laptop with my MK3 controller hundreds of times but my old PC is toast and I was told everything could be used on a new PC. Also, when I plug in my Mikro MK3 it lights up momentarily but shuts off. It…
How to use expansions?
I picked up a couple of massive X expansions, installed them. I see them in the right folders, everything seems ok. However when I load Massive X as a plugin in Ableton, it has nothing but Init - Massive X, Init - Massive X Blank, QSG-01 Modulation, QSG-02 Effects, QSG-03 Control and that's it. I've hit the scan button,…