Keyswitch articulations vs MPE vs Piano Roll?
Hi there, Am hoping some knowledgeable person will be able to inform me... I'm working with the Session Brass Pro instrument, and have a solo Trombone instrument loaded. Plays fine, but I'm trying to better understand articulations and the assigned keyswitches. As someone not at all fluent on a keyboard, I currently tend…
vst3.kontakt issue
Hello! I have some problems with my template, which started out of the blue: when I work in this template, after 30 minutes it crashes. So it freezes for a second, starts playing again, and freezes again and then the project crashes. I have no CPU spikes, my memory isn't full or whatever. I'm running Nuendo, my computer is…
kontakt and my sound librairies
Can someone tell me what is the body?
Kontakt Player 7 standalone is frozen empty shell
Hi, I did look for answers in this forum but couldn't find a similare post. I have a Windows 10 computer and can't seem to properly load Kontakt Player 7 standalone. An empty shell with nothing but a file menu with Options and Exit shows up. If I click Options I get an empty window and then the program freezes. I get the…
which disc to place Kontakt Player?
Hello, After 20 years I'm updating my rig. I've just built a modern computer with two internal SSD drives and have installed Digital Performer 11 onto my Windows 11 drive. My other SSD drive will house Spitfire Symphony Complete, etc. My question is: Where do I install the Kontakt Player? On the DAW drive, or on the sample…
How to install Glaze?
Hi NI Community, I recently received a complimentary copy of Glaze from NI and installed Kontakt 7 Player along with Glaze on my laptop. According to the manual, Glaze should work with either KONTAKT or KONTAKT PLAYER. However, I am encountering difficulties running Glaze on Kontakt Player as it doesn't show up in Kontakt…
Feature Ideas for upcoming Kontakt 7.7.4. update!
Here are my ideas and requests that could improve and enrich Kontakt software: Host and MIDI automation for the effects inside Outputs section. Guitar Rig Crossover feature. Changing the key for each sound (for drum and percussive libraries and instruments only, not tuned ones such as piano, guitar, trumpet etc.) Let me…
Path is invalid-ALWAYS
Is it possible to install Vintage Organs, The Gentleman and Scrabee Mark1??? Tried so many times and I give up. Always "Path is invalid". It dosn't matter which path i chose, it ALWAYS invalid! And what is this "the folder must contain the .nicnt-File..." I CAN'T INSTALL IT!
Kontakt doesn't work inside Cubase
Hi, I'm new to Native instruments and I find the whole system of how it works quite complex. I work with DAW Cubase and I only need some professional sounds (VST's) to be able to compose and arrange my own music. I decided that Electric Mint is great choice for me as my Cubase Elements doesn't offer any realistic guitar…
Kontakt 6.8 not playing LO-FI GLOW or Analog Dreams (and others) anymore
Dear all, I wish you all a wonderful new year! I bought NI Komplete 13 a while ago and used Kontakt with Analog Dreams on another PC. Now I transitioned to a new PC and insalled everything newly. But Analog Dreams, LO-FI GLOW and other VSTs are not working anymore with Kontakt 6.8. Do I really have to use the Kontakt 7…
Can Kontakt 7 Player be used as VSTi in DAW?
Hello, I want to ask if I must buy full version of Kontakt 7 to use is as VSTi in my DAW? I downloaded free version (Kontakt 7 Player) via Native Access and it seems not installing proper, or any files in VST32 or VST64 folders to use it in my DAW. Thanks for answers!
How to access Kontakt 6 Player as VST?
Hello, I've installed Native Access and through it Kontakt 6 Player. This installs Kontakt.dll as VST at C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit. Instead of the Player version the regular Kontakt 6 shows up with demo, buy and activate options. I want to access Player as VST in my DAW. How?
Kontakt 7.7 Preset Name Truncation
Kontakt 7 allows to resize the window and list of preset names, but still truncates long names in a way to become indistinguishable. Check out the attached screenshots. Please allow to resize the column width of the preset name list and the width of the information panel.
Error message: "Your version of Kontakt is too old..."
I am running Kontakt Player on Win10. When trying to load certain libraries, I get the error message that my version of Kontakt - ver. 7.6.1 - is too old and that I need version 7.7, but Native Access says my Kontakt Player is up to date. What am I missing? Is there something wrong with Native Access?
Multiple Outputs in KONTAKT for multiple keys
I found this guide: How to Create Multiple Outputs in KONTAKT and Route Them to a DAW – Native Instruments (native-instruments.com) but it only talks about how to do it if I have multiple instruments loaded in Kontakt. What if I would like to route only one instrument but it consists of different instruments, e.g. Factory…