Kontakt 6 not included in Komplete 13 Collectors?
Hello, I've just crossgraded into Komplete 13 Ultimate Collectors Edition and assumed that Kontakt 6 would be included (I have Kontakt 5 from previous Komplete), but can't seem to find it in my Native Access. Is it not included with that version on Komplete? Thanks in advance
Hello, Will a physical copy of KOMPLETE 13 ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S EDITION be available soon? Thanks!
Cremona Quartet sustain issues
Hi everyone. I'm having some issues with the Cremona quartet on Kontakt - if I play a note on the actual Kontakt piano roll it sounds great, but using my MIDI keyboard or even the Ableton piano roll produces a short weak sound on virtuoso mode, and no sound at all on the other modes. Using the multi-mic version seems to…
Reinstall of Komplete 13 Ultimate Collector's Edition
I am reinstalling K13 on my system after a clean wipe. I have been upgrading since version 10. Does the K13 update drive have the full version of the software on it so I don't have to go through all the physical installations from v10 forward. Also, I do not want to down load over a TB of data on my network as I have a…
Hi guys. I am a registred Kontakt 6 user. And i consider to buy Komplete 13 Ultimate Collectors Edition. When i look over to my "My Komplate offers" page, there are some special offers for my account. But ther are for Kopmlete 13 and Komplete 13 Ultimate (with MPS 4.1). Dont ı get any special offer for Komplete 13 Ultimate…
Work-around for the "Not Enough Space on Mac HDD"!
Hello fellow musicians, I'm not sure if it has been posted before, but today I finally found the solution to a problem that is terrifying everyone on a 128GB System HD iMac/Macbook etc. It's not about changing the install location, the "Downloaded" folder, or installing the Libraries Separately. Sure this helps but here…
Is it possible to upgrade from Komplete 11 S to Komplete 13 U CE ?
Hi everyone! I am new to NI's software and hardware, and recently convinced myself to acquire what I consider to be the appropriate tools to properly develop my work. But since it represents a huge investment for me, I would like to be sure about what I buy and how I could eventually save some money. I am about to buy :…
Reinstalling Komplete 13 from hard disk after crashed SSD
I am on a MacBook running Mojave 10.14.6 In November, 2021, I installed Komplete 13 ULTIMATE Collectors Edition, purchased on a hard disk (named KOMPLETE), to an external SSD (named GLYPH-2TB). Recently, the SSD crashed. I got it repaired and am trying to reinstall. I have created a new folder on the SSD named NI (so…
Symphony Series Brass - Powerful sustained brass?
Hi, I'm working on a track and I want to make a series of powerful deep bras staccato notes that is followed up by an equally powerful sustained note, but I can't find any articulations for the sustained note at the end, which is as powerful as the staccato notes. The sustained is way too weak and the sforzando has a dive…