Better opportunities to pick up ideas from the Traktor forum
"General request for the beta ideas section, or the possibility of adding it in the same style in the Traktor Forum" In order not to violate the rules of the Beta Ideas section, I would like to suggest that certain topics from the Forum can be integrated here or bring something like this Beata Ideas feature to the Traktor…
Request to change default enabling of loop button
Hello, Regular user of GR6 here. Whenever loading a file into the tape player, the loop button always defaults to on (even after I've disabled it during previous playback). I'd like to request that the loop button not continually default to on. It's my regular custom to load one of my practice files and listen back in the…
Maschine headless mode (feature request)
It would be great if there was a Maschine mode that could allow it to be used like Maschine+ when I plug in a Maschine device. When in headless mode, it could be active as a tray icon when started, loading plugins, etc. in the background. In this mode it should be more forgiving when a Maschine is plugged in or removed…
iMaschine 2: Feature requests.
I have recently purchased iMaschine 2, i like it. It is basically a very toned down software version of the hardware controller. What I would really like to see though, is the introduction of smart instruments as present in Garageband ( ...Oops didn't mean to promote Apple), but just think about it. Garageband like…
[Feature Request] Ability to colour keyzones in Keyboard mode
A lot of times I have a sampler eg Battery or Kontakt with samples or MIDI-triggered FX in a certain key range and it's difficult to remember what it is and it's fairly easy to lose your orientation as to what octave you're in on Mk3. It would be really handy to be able to colour keyzones so you know which buttons to…
Request for Komplete Kontrol Smart Play improvements
First, glad to see the added Inversions feature to MK Smart Play. Coming in the next update. I questioned the integration between MK and KK as well as Maschine SW and KK SW before, and got bombarded with opinions. KOMPLETE KONTROL customers will already be familiar with this feature. Says it all I bought the KK keyboard…
Feature request: Maschine+ Pitch Correction
I like singing, but I'm not great at it and usually use either auto-tune or melodyne when recording vocals in my DAW. It would be amazing to have a similar feature built in to Maschine+ to provide some adjustable pitch correction, and/or other vocal-specific features. In the meantime, I'm looking into buying an effects…
Is NI planning to make synth and plugin GUIs scalable?
If so, do you have a timeline and can we hope to open the champagne shortly? I like the way Waves has handled this aspect. You could take inspiration from it. Apart from this inconvenience, I really like your products. Cheers!
East Asia - Erhu octave range is too small.
Hello! I posted this topic many months ago in the old forum, but didn't receive an answer. To be frank, I'm extremely disappointed with the erhu in East Asia Spotlight Collection. Its octave range is ludicrously small, and I'm finding it impossible to write the music I'd like. A real erhu can play over three octaves, and…
S2 MK3 / S3 controllers & MIDI
Good afternoon, I've seen the latest S2 MK3 and S3 firmware updates, but there are some things that still don't work as I would expect and stated in the old forum... MIDI & RGB Pads Will the S2 MK3 / S3 be added to the Controller Editor app (as the Mk1 and Mk2)? Otherwise we are limited to blue/purple pads in MIDI mode and…
[SUGGESTION] More automation options + [QUESTION] Existing automation solutions?
Automation is an activity that records the changing of a parameter on either the software or hardware: in both cases, this change is manual. The ability to place something like a linear increase between two different values in time, or a gentle gradient, or maybe even an LFO on a specific parameter, would be pretty useful.…
Feature Request: More robust Native Access Install Options
Komplete 13 CE user: Problem 1: My laptop has 1TB storage, and I have 8TB external. I want all Maschine and expansions on internal storage, and all Kontakt related stuff on external. Native access should be able to separate the content to install to difference drives via settings. Currently, the content install option just…
TouchKeys for Mk-Keyboards
Dear Native Instruments, may we know whether there will ever be a keyboard that contains the Touch Keys conception by Andrew McPherson (https://touchkeys.co.uk/)? Can't wait for you to release a keyboard and software that includes these techniques and functions...
[Maschine +] Project Prehear/preview and Templates
I really wish there was a way to Prehear/preview projects from the browser before I load them. Especially for us who create a lot of beats inside standalone mode. This would speed up our workflow. Also if there was a way for us to toggle a lock on projects so that it can't be overwritten. That would allow us to create…
Maschine Mk3 / Maschine+ as Komplete Kontroller
Please allow the Maschine Mk3 and Maschine+ hardware to be used as controller for Komplete Kontrol when not used to control the Maschine software. It’s really painful to have a great piece of controller hardware on the desk unable to be used with Komplete Kontrol when working with a different DAW. I would love to be able…