[Shell vent] Let's prime our basses! 😎
Hi gang! Editorial Sorry guys but after having thought this one through for quite a while I came to the conclusion that the 'vents' are coming back in. Yah, we talked about this on the "other place" but.. I suppose I enjoy being the underdog? 😉 I'm a huge fan of guitars and thus the "session guitarist" series really hit a…
Using S88 with Ableton Live's plugins
My S88 works fine for the basic MIDI stuff likes keys and transport in Live 11. However should it auto map S88 knobs to certain parameters in Live's instruments automatically? For instance if I have Macros should the rotary knobs automatically map to the macro knobs? I thought this is what Live's Remote Control feature did…
Maschine Stand-alone vs Maschine instance in Ableton
Hi, I'm creating projects using Maschine Stand-alone on my laptop, my projects became bigger and bigger and at a point, I was unable to play the arrangement, so much CPU saturation. I thought about testing something : loading my project as an instance of Maschine in Ableton, and I was surprised to see that my CPU is ok, 0…
[Review] Turning your Maschine into a voicebox!
Hi gang! If you ever need an excuse to get FL Studio, how about its cute mascotte FL Chan? 😊 Intro / Editorial One of the things which truly excites me about the world of synthesizers and digital audio in general is that we can do just about anything we want. Ever came across those fun electronic keyboards? They usually…
How to remote control ableton with my Kontrol S4
Hi I would like to route the audio of my S4 to ableton and being able to use the knobs and fader of the S4 natively or controling knobs or faders into Ableton (as a remote control)... The issue i have is i can't figure out how to remote control ableton with my S4 and still be able to use Traktor... It looks like it is one…
How to run Maschine mk3 and KK M32
Hi guys, does anyone knows if can i run together m32 and maschine mk3 into maschine software? i tried but i am not able to record any sound from my m32, even the record/play lights buttons are off. Would i have to run m32 in Ableton and maschine mk3 separately? Many thanks
Maschine Jam to work with Ableton 11
Hi all, does anyone know if NI will update the Jam to work with Ableton 11? Thanks
Why are the sounds in Maschine 2 so rich, and when i transfer to Live, they are so weak?
Hi everybody. I´m new here, so please excuse me if i´m wrong here. Following situation: I create a drumloop with my Maschine MK3 and the Maschine 2 software. It sounds pretty rich and good. My method to transfer it to Ableton Live, is to take the midi tracks and put em into the DAW via drag&drop (see screenshot). Then I…
How to transfer my drumtracks from Maschine SW to Ableton Live correctly
Hi everybody! I´m new and learning, so please excuse my maybe stupid question: When I programmed my drums in Maschine SW or played it with the Maschine MK3, and i´m happy with them, how do I transfer them into my DAW (Ableton Live) correctly and in a way not to loose any quality of sound? I do not want to get them as one…
Kontakt 6.7.0 crashing as standalone and in Ableton Live 11 with MacBook M1 Pro/Monterrey
Kontakt is crashing when opening it as standalone and in Ableton, also Ableton is not recognising VST2 Kontakt 6.7.0 on MacBook Pro M1 with Monterey, I already know I made a mistake by getting Monterey, but I know some people can still run Kontakt. Komplete seems to be working fine except for the libraries that are linked…
Cremona Quartet sustain issues
Hi everyone. I'm having some issues with the Cremona quartet on Kontakt - if I play a note on the actual Kontakt piano roll it sounds great, but using my MIDI keyboard or even the Ableton piano roll produces a short weak sound on virtuoso mode, and no sound at all on the other modes. Using the multi-mic version seems to…
Massive X Stereo Delay Bug with Ableton Live 11
Hey, i discovered a weird bug, when syncing the stereo delay in Massive X. It only appear in Ableton Live with Cubase everything works fine. These are the DAWs i could test. Everytime a Sequenz is played it seems like the delay time is reset, the result is this pitch effect you hear, when modulating the delay time. It is…
Traktor,Ableton & Drum Machines
Hello Has anyone ever successfully synced Ableton, Traktor and external drum machines all together. I know Traktor cannt be a slave but when I use Link it works great , problem is if I want to incorporate another Machine it has to be turned to "Ext" mode. I cannot for the life of me find any videos of people using all…
Kontakt Player crashing when loading Electric Vintage on M1
I'm using Ableton 11.1 (universal on a macbook pro 2021 M1). Electric vintage is permanently crashing (with and without using Rosetta). Tried nearly everything (AU, VST, VST3). Crashes from Kontakt Player and Komplete Kontrol. When i select "electric vintage" -> "regular" i crashes nearly directly. When i select "melody"…
Where to find Maschine Jam template for Ableton Live
Hi, I"m stuck with an issue, a long time ago I found the Remote Script file given with Maschine Jam to use it in Ableton, but I can't remember where to find it, I thought I found it in Native website, but I don't find it. And in the path Host Integration/Ableton/... there is no Maschine Jam script. Could someone help me?