Ableton Live + Komplete Kontrol + MassiveX: I can't move knobs with the mouse
Setup: Ableton Live. Loading a MIDI track with Komplete Kontrol: then select MassiveX plugin. If I want to change some knob values, I'm able to do it from the keyboard knobs. And I can also assign any VST control to my keyboard knobs. All good. However if I try to use the mouse to move the knobs in the VST, it doesn't…
Automation turns off when pausing audio. (KK, Ableton)
Hey guys, I am struggling with a really annoying problem lately, hope you could help: 1. I record a (beautiful) track using my KK M32 and the KK plugin. 2. during the record I play with the midi knobs to record automations. (Which works fine!) 3. as soon as I stop recording, one automation becomes disabled, rest of the…
Komplete Kontrol / Push 2 compatibility.
I just got my hands on an Ableton Push 2, and I was wondering if there's a way to have the colour coding in Komplete Kontrol show up on it like it would on the NI keyboard controllers or Maschine. I know it's probably a no, but I'm asking just in case as the colour coding is incredibly useful when using the Kontakt sample…
ABLETON LINK - PLEASE allow Traktor Decks to become MASTER.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE allow Traktor Decks to become the master when LINK is enabled, therefore allowing us to beatmatch manually using HID or Timecode. It's completely counter intuitive to have to rely on MIDI Sync to make this happen for a number of my use cases for Traktor. This is something that Serato does with ease.
maschine vsti Sending midi to HOST ableton
hi guys maybe you can help me, in maschine vsti i set midi output to HOST (ableton) channel 1 and in ableton i want to send this midi to external HW but maschine didnt send anything... 312139368_511831024460948_9043226899340807271_n.jpg
Can I use Ableton Link on Maschine+ via an USB Ethernet adapter?
Hey there. I just found an NI support article saying that it's possible to connect an USB Ethernet adapter to Maschine+ (standalone mode) for a more stable Internet connection. Does anyone has real life experiences using the same adapter for Ableton Link? I had an Akai Sampler before with an Ethernet port build in and…
Kontakt 7 in Ableton Live 11: "No libraries found here"
Hello, I have a newby problem: I installed Kontakt 7 via Native Access on my Windows 11 machine. I also installed several Kontakt 7 instruments like Gentleman, Drum Lab etc. In the Native Access file management preferences I selected the following paths: Application Location: C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\ Content…
Tutorials for using Maschine Plus with Ableton?
I'm having problems incorporating maschine plus into my larger overall workflow and there don't seem to be many good tutorials covering how to use Maschine Plus with Ableton. I know it's a standalone system, but i will never be able to start and finish an entire track with just the Maschine in spite of how much i like it-…
Drum Lab causing issues in Ableton Live 11
I've been trying to figure this out, and after hours of trial and error, I was able to determine that any instance of Drum Lab (whether being used with Komplete Kontrol, or Kontakt, AU, VST, or VST3) is causing my Ableton Live sessions to load and save very, very slowly. An update for this would be amazing. Thanks!
Maschine not showing in Ableton
I followed the How to Install MASCHINE Templates for Ableton Live 11 article and Maschine doesn't show up as a controll surface. Appreciate any help on fixing this. I deletedthe Ableton Live 9 file per the directions
Changing Track Sets For Balancing In Ableton Live 11 With Komplete Kontrol M32
Hi, I recently bought a KK M32 and it is pretty bang for buck for me. I almost have all the features that I couldn't have in the other controllers at this price range, But I have a question. In the track mode, KK M32's 8 knobs works as track volume controllers for the first 8 tracks in Ableton and panning controller while…
Recording MIDI with Electric Mint on Ableton
Hi. I'm brand new to both NI and Ableton. I have been recording other native instruments plugins over the last few weeks with little issues I couldnt solve, but I am having trouble with Electric Mint through Komplete Kontrol. With the Sunburst plugin, or accoustic guitar plugin, when I record any of the patterns, I can…
Loading Reaktor 6 Ensembles in Ableton Live
Hello, I've been using Reaktor 5 as a VST in Ableton Live for many years, and I'd like to update to Reaktor 6. One thing that keeps me from updating is the apparent inability, when using Reaktor 6, to indicate the path only once to load a group of Ensembles when loading a Live Set that has been saved on another computer.…
Maschine MK2 not being detected in Ableton Live 11
Hoping there's some knowledgeable people that are using Ableton with Native Instrument products who can shine some light on an issue I've been experiencing. I followed the set-up for the Ableton template associated with my MIDI controller (Maschine MK2) in the following article down below:…
Kontakt vst is in 6.22(RS1) but standalone is 6.7.1
I just installed Kontakt onto my PC on windows 10, and the standalone is the latest version but for some reason the vst is showing as 6.22. I can't update through Native Access because it says it's up to date. I'm using ableton live 9 and the VST folder for Kontakt is definitely the same as the plugin folder in ableton