Problem Triggering scene maschine midi change (daw ableton)

hug' Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Ch1 au dessus Ch 16 ou autre au dessous (midi change)

Hello to all,

Small question without answer after several hours of research...

Since the update of maschine 2.15, I have problems to launch my scenes via the midi change of maschine in plugin by my daw and my other controllers.

Either the chosen channel is 1 (midi change) and therefore the scenes can be launched by my daw and my controllers. However my master keyboard (channel other than 1) sends midi to Live and Live to maschine but nothing happens... no notes are heard.

Either I choose another channel than 1 for the midi change and so the scenes do not start and my master keyboard sends the midi to live and live to maschine.

In other words:

I noticed that only channel 1 allows to send the midi change for the scenes to maschine (is that right?) but when I select channel 1 for the midi change, so the piano does not receive the midi from any channel anymore...

It is enough to change this channel (midi change) by another one than the 1 so that maschine receives the midi..and thus no launching of scenes...

If I put all channel for the maschine plugin track it doesn't work either. 

I am in a dead end because there is something I don't understand and I would like to have your advice to get me out of it.

I hope that my words are clear in any case,


maschine mk3, last maj, windows 10 maschine in plugin in ableton live 11

Thank you,

Translated with (free version)


Best Answer

  • hug'
    hug' Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Thank you Great I succeeded!

    I had to recreate an armed midi track in live to maschine!..

    My keyboard was fine in c-2.

    I thought all midi went through the plugin track. Like a magical Midi To! (since my piano worked as best I could..)

    Your answer set me on the path and I thank you! Good music to you



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Hey @hug' As you may have noticed, the forum is in English only, please write in English, there are some great online translators like Google Translate or DeepL. I will translate your post to English but next time think about it please. I also moved the post to the Maschine section, this way more Maschine users might help.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro


    scene1 will equal the lowest midi note on channel 1 or which ever channel you choose

    so you would have to transpose your keyboard in order to use it

    make sure you are also arming your track and also the midi of the controller is being recognised and sending out the midi note message

  • hug'
    hug' Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Thank you Great I succeeded!

    I had to recreate an armed midi track in live to maschine!..

    My keyboard was fine in c-2.

    I thought all midi went through the plugin track. Like a magical Midi To! (since my piano worked as best I could..)

    Your answer set me on the path and I thank you! Good music to you


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