[NKS] Freelance Soundlabs 3rd Party NKS Libraries for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine
Hey, thanks for the Quick reply!
Ok... maybe Nexus are doing something, and yes, the VST2 Version ist still working of them, that's right.
I updated Lethal yesterday and I have a VST3 in my Folder also on there Homepage they say:
What formats are Lethal available in?
VST3 (32/64 BIT)
AAX (32/64 BIT)
VST3 (64 BIT)
AU (32/64 BIT)
AAX (32/64 BIT)
Could it be working then soon? :)
Thanks for helping!
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Interesting, 2 weeks ago there was no VST3 and I contacted them, they sent me a beta and I found some issues and after some back and forth with a few versions the issue was still there but looks like it's been released anyway.
I'll have a look but the issue I found was the NKS files don't migrate at all so have to be re-saved which is not the issue, however when I resave them it stores a heap of unrelated garbage, a full list of every VST I have installed is in the data, it's strange, but this increases the size of the presets from 20kb to 500+kb each. I'll do some tests and see if it can be updated or if it will actually work between systems and if it's all good i'll do an update hopefully.
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Now Available: Cherry Audio Harmonia
Harmonia from Cherry Audio NKS library now available. Includes all 350+ factory presets fully tagged, detailed controller map, artwork files and sound previews. Interesting sounding wavetable synth with a decently big sound for the size.
Library supports VST3 only, no plans (unless it is desperately needed) to support VST2.
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So just checked and yeah, the issue is still there, they just ignored my testing and seems now the scanned plugins I have are obfuscated into binary data.
If I save a preset using VST2 for the latest version the preset size is 17kb
With VST3 it is 508kb. The extra space is just rubbish, null characters for 90% of the file and it does not load the data in VST3 from a VST2 preset, even tho it should technically be fine it seems the VST3 version of the plugin is completely different and not compatible with the saved data from VST2.
I also get this error when I save and try reload a NKS file for VST3:
So yeah, given this plugin is (IMO) pretty mediocre and seems to have issues, is not really updated much and is not that popular (I would likely never offer a recommendation to consider it unless it was VERY cheap), if their devs don't address the issue there will be no further updates. I have sent all this info to them so they are 100% aware of the issues
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Wooohoooo! Harmonia is up! Thanks, Jason. Off to your site now to make my wallet a little lighter. :)
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Yeah it was a fun one to work through, would have possibly had it up yesterday but kept getting side tracked playing on sounds as I was tagging. Kind of reminded me of when I first used Korg Wavestation and some of the cool sounds i'd heard in productions over the years were finally revealed. Some neat things you can do in this one with the harmonic layering and some of the initial presets are quite nice starting points. Prob one of my fav CA synths so far.
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I went ahead and bought it at Plugin Boutique since it's only $10. Sorry to report that it is not Apple Silicon native, but Intel only. That includes the VST3. Which is fine, but it means that if you're not running a DAW that can host AU plugins (like Cubase or Pro Tools, etc.) you will need to launch your DAW in Rosetta mode to use it. AU compatible hosts like DP or Logic can run it while the app is running native, but the plug itself will be running in Rosetta.
I haven't fully investigated the implications for running it in Komplete Kontrol, but this will affect that. I can report more when I know.
Also, there is speculation that SoundSpot may be out of business. Apparently their website is gone. There's article about this from only a couple months ago here: https://synthanatomy.com/2023/06/soundspot-is-the-plugin-developer-company-out-of-business.html
So, keep in mind that Union may likely never updated to support Apple Silicon natively. So if you have Cubase or ProTools users would have to use launch their DAWs in Rosetta mode to use it, or possibly use something like Blue Cat Audio PatchWork as a shell to run the AU version inside it while running those does in Apple Silicon native mode.
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Yeah that is a rather common issue and why even tho a plugin has VST3 available doesn't automatically mean it's Apple Silicon compatible, need to always check on the specs and assume if it doesn't say specifically, it's not AS compatible.
There are loads of great plugins that Apple users will now have no access to if they migrate up to Apple Silicon since many older plugins will never be updated.
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Yeah... it's a shame... that's "progress" right. In this case, when the developer calls it quits and there's no chance of an update to a plug it's beyond a merely technical issue, which could be solved. It's a shame because it's a decent plugin.
If you're a Mac user running either Logic or Digital Performer (or other host that can run Audio Units) you're not in that bad a position. My primary DAW is Digital Performer. Since Audio Units is Apple's own plugin format and used exclusively in Logic, they built the capability into macOS to run Intel AU plugins by using Rosetta on a plug-in-by-plugin basis. So you don't have to slow down your entire DAW by launching in Rosetta just to use a handful of plugins that aren't UB2 (containing both Apple Silicon and Intel code). So I can use Union just fine in Digital Performer without having to launch DP natively. Pro Tools (AAX) and Cubase 12 (VST3) are out of luck because Union is Intel only. They will have to launch those DAWs in Rosetta to use Union.
Unfortunately, I can find NO way to run Union within Komplete Kontrol on an Apple Silicon Mac... either the plugin form of Komplete Kontrol or the standalone Komplete Kontrol app. The latest Apple Silicon version of Komplete Kontrol (v.2.9.4) simply doesn't see the Intel VST3 at all. The last Intel only version of Komplete Kontrol is v 2.7.2 doesn't see the VST2 either... which is strange because you'd assume it would.
One neat trick I do in Digital Performer is activate both Komplete Kontrol 2.9.4 VST3 and Komplete Kontrol 2.7.2 AU simultaneously. DP supports both formats. If I know I want to use Komplete Kontrol to search for a sound in an older instrument (like Absynth), I instantiate the AU (Intel) Komplete Kontrol plugin which will use Rosetta and thus be able to load VST2s. Otherwise I instantiate the VST3 (Apple Silicon) Komplete Kontrol plugin for everything else. However, using the older Komplete Kontrol doesn't work with Union.
It really is too bad that SoundSpot may be defunct Union will never make it to Apple Silicon and thus be accessible by Komplete Kontrol on M1/M2 Macs.
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Thank you for Testing this!
And yes, maybe sometimes PlugIns must leave at some point. You are absolutely right.
If they will do some changes you will know it as first and you will let us know. Thanks for helping!! :)
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Hey Jason... don't know if you've had time to digest all the recent changes, but wondering what your take was on the new Mk3 keyboards NI just announced? Do you think it's going to be worthwhile to update your libraries for the Mk3's new screen? I really don't know if it's worth it for my needs to buy a Mk 3. Might even wait till the Mk3s are shipping and grab an 88-key Mk2 if the bottom falls out of the used market on the Mk2 keyboards.
I do like that you can set the parameters of for MIDI mode without having to use the Komplete Kontrol app. Moving the touch strip out of the way (I was always accidentally touching it) was a good idea. I do hope they made it so the CC assigned to pedal/footswitch and touchstrip are no longer global, but can be different depending on the profile that's loaded. That always seemed like a poor implementation to me.
I haven't read up on all the features, but again, wondered what your thoughts were?
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Yeah I have been in the Beta testing a few things but because the software is a complete change and I need to access the way the KK software works now to manage NKS stuff I cant install and test much on my main PC, I only know from my initial use that it is (IMO) a step backwards in usability now that you cannot display the preset and tagging list along with the gui of the plugin so switching presets and using the GUI you constantly have to switch back and forth.
Do you think it's going to be worthwhile to update your libraries for the Mk3's new screen?
The only update that I may be able to do is the wide banner art which would be a simple wide image, tho no idea on this as yet and I may simply make some kind of generic template to just drop the current image on.
The new addition of the control icons is nice, tho I am sure that this feature is not open for users to utilise, only developers but will have to see if this is possible to implement at all.
I really don't know if it's worth it for my needs to buy a Mk 3.
TBH the poly aftertouch is probably the only real feature to consider,m almost all other aspects are just "nice" things to have but don't make it anything to spend over an MK2 at half the cost now. Hell, even the MK1 will get the job done well enough.
Cosmetics aside, the new image artwork display makes zero actual useful contribution, the new screen is noce, but again adds very little new or better functionality other than tabbed pages now and if you don't need Poly AT or up to 4 foot pedals then yeah, there really isn't much else to get wet over. Certainly not "enough" for most to get if they already have an MK2 keyboard, some will feel the need but most will really not see enough worth in this climate.
The good thing is all current NKS works as it does now so that is a good thing, wherever improvements and updates can be done i'll certainly look into it.
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don't buy anything off this guy, bought his nks for anna 2, not one parameter mapped, £15 i paid for that, trying to find the email you hit me with to post here, con man
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Have you contacted me about the issue, I can find no questions about this in my inbox? If there is an issue it can be resolved, hardly believe calling me a con-artist is warranted when I am clearly around answering questions, have many years doing this and have completely free test libraries people can use to see how things work and ask questions before buying, followed by real-time support for those having issues. Sounds like you maybe have the VST2 library version but have VST3 plugin and possibly the plugin migrates loading of the preset fine but the controls are not linked (because some plugins do not migrate the parameters) so possibly you need the VST3 library version. Can only guess since you have posted no actual details of your OS/Versions etc so when you want to calm down and post details about your issue or email me, I will gladly help you work through the issue (if you are even interested to resolve)
This is what is mapped in ANA 2 and working as you can see, many have confirmed this working both on PC and macOS:
The full parameter list:
Controller Page: [1]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1040127981): Volume [MAIN] Control 2 (ID: 973056434): Cutoff Control 3 (ID: 1555420710): Reso Control 4 (ID: 270278353): Porta Control 5 (ID: 1065737701): Macro 1 [MACROS] Control 6 (ID: 1065737702): Macro 2 Control 7 (ID: 1065737703): Macro 3 Control 8 (ID: 1065737704): Macro 4 Controller Page: [2]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 3357411) : Mono [KEYBOARD] Control 2 (ID: 1040905678): Legato Control 3 (ID: 109526449): Slide Control 4 (ID: 676106116): Bend Control 5 (ID: 3446732) : Poly Control 6 (ID: 659339456): Active [CMD] Control 7 (ID: 817590663): Mode Control 8 _______ ________ Controller Page: [3]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 629239328): Cutoff [FILTER 1] Control 2 (ID: 572821240): Reso Control 3 (ID: 678772235): Env Control 4 (ID: 84325070) : Drive Control 5 (ID: 2020079390): Type Control 6 (ID: 13497339) : Velocity Control 7 (ID: 25846732) : Keytrack Control 8 (ID: 225986902): Gain Controller Page: [4]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 629239329): Cutoff [FILTER 2] Control 2 (ID: 572821241): Reso Control 3 (ID: 678772236): Env Control 4 (ID: 84325071) : Drive Control 5 (ID: 2020079391): Type Control 6 (ID: 13497340) : Velocity Control 7 (ID: 25846733) : Keytrack Control 8 (ID: 225986903): Gain Controller Page: [5]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 712176721): Attack [AMP ENV] Control 2 (ID: 925838481): Decay Control 3 (ID: 1573592378): Sustain Control 4 (ID: 221111070): Release Control 5 (ID: 940159624): Style Control 6 (ID: 925406662): Curve Control 7 (ID: 950068390): Velocity Control 8 _______ ________ Controller Page: [6]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1233236189): Attack [FLT ENV] Control 2 (ID: 1011920517): Decay Control 3 (ID: 546566702): Sustain Control 4 (ID: 1341569042): Release Control 5 (ID: 1026241660): Style Control 6 (ID: 1011488698): Curve Control 7 (ID: 1324527154): Velocity Control 8 _______ ________ Controller Page: [7]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1096322254): Attack [MOD1 ENV] Control 2 (ID: 522588276): Decay Control 3 (ID: 597202013): Sustain Control 4 (ID: 1392204353): Release Control 5 (ID: 536909419): Style Control 6 (ID: 522156457): Curve Control 7 (ID: 746738147): Velocity Control 8 (ID: 1089728222): Depth Controller Page: [8]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1983825935): Attack [MOD2 ENV] Control 2 (ID: 551217427): Decay Control 3 (ID: 192528700): Sustain Control 4 (ID: 987531040): Release Control 5 (ID: 565538570): Style Control 6 (ID: 550785608): Curve Control 7 (ID: 1086767332): Velocity Control 8 (ID: 1977231903): Depth Controller Page: [9]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 723845968): Attack [MOD3 ENV] Control 2 (ID: 579846578): Decay Control 3 (ID: 1935339035): Sustain Control 4 (ID: 582857727): Release Control 5 (ID: 594167721): Style Control 6 (ID: 579414759): Curve Control 7 (ID: 1426796517): Velocity Control 8 (ID: 717251936): Depth Controller Page: [10]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1611349649): Attack [MOD4 ENV] Control 2 (ID: 608475729): Decay Control 3 (ID: 1530665722): Sustain Control 4 (ID: 178184414): Release Control 5 (ID: 622796872): Style Control 6 (ID: 608043910): Curve Control 7 (ID: 1766825702): Velocity Control 8 (ID: 1604755617): Depth Controller Page: [11]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 57514584) : Voices [OSC 1-1] Control 2 (ID: 1817928874): Detune Control 3 (ID: 2095808503): Width Control 4 (ID: 508050514): Shape Control 5 (ID: 278807409): Sub Control 6 (ID: 1349762894): Pan Control 7 (ID: 594277545): Filter Control 8 (ID: 917421391): Volume Controller Page: [12]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1721334060): Phase [OSC 1-2] Control 2 (ID: 1240432734): PW Control 3 (ID: 1816590924): Sync Control 4 (ID: 242025872): FM Control 5 (ID: 555451347): FM Src Control 6 (ID: 782534369): Octave Control 7 (ID: 1223298463): Semi Control 8 (ID: 1469066731): Fine Controller Page: [13]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 57514585) : Voices [OSC 2-1] Control 2 (ID: 1817928875): Detune Control 3 (ID: 2095808504): Width Control 4 (ID: 508050515): Shape Control 5 (ID: 278807410): Sub Control 6 (ID: 1349762895): Pan Control 7 (ID: 594277546): Filter Control 8 (ID: 917421392): Volume Controller Page: [14]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1721334061): Phase [OSC 2-2] Control 2 (ID: 1240432735): PW Control 3 (ID: 1816590925): Sync Control 4 (ID: 242025873): FM Control 5 (ID: 555451348): FM Src Control 6 (ID: 782534370): Octave Control 7 (ID: 1223298464): Semi Control 8 (ID: 1469066732): Fine Controller Page: [15]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 57514586) : Voices [OSC 3-1] Control 2 (ID: 1817928876): Detune Control 3 (ID: 2095808505): Width Control 4 (ID: 508050516): Shape Control 5 (ID: 278807411): Sub Control 6 (ID: 1349762896): Pan Control 7 (ID: 594277547): Filter Control 8 (ID: 917421393): Volume Controller Page: [16]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1721334062): Phase [OSC 3-2] Control 2 (ID: 1240432736): PW Control 3 (ID: 1816590926): Sync Control 4 (ID: 242025874): FM Control 5 (ID: 555451349): FM Src Control 6 (ID: 782534371): Octave Control 7 (ID: 1223298465): Semi Control 8 (ID: 1469066733): Fine Controller Page: [17]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 2057390375): Hi Pass [SAMPLER 4-1] Control 2 (ID: 2044237371): Start Control 3 (ID: 1096504183): Loop Start Control 4 (ID: 129579358): Loop End Control 5 (ID: 87328133) : X-Fade Control 6 (ID: 1820984412): Pan Control 7 (ID: 1575428769): Filter Control 8 (ID: 1131836219): Volume Controller Page: [18]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1753751913): Octave [SAMPLER 4-2] Control 2 (ID: 490678507): Semitone Control 3 (ID: 1682856735): Fine Control 4 (ID: 477393015): Drift Control 5 (ID: 934236188): Velocity Control 6 (ID: 572354413): Key Control 7 (ID: 231388149): Retrig Control 8 (ID: 2030417143): Loop Controller Page: [19]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 2057390376): Hi Pass [SAMPLER 5-1] Control 2 (ID: 2044237372): Start Control 3 (ID: 1096504184): Loop Start Control 4 (ID: 129579359): Loop End Control 5 (ID: 87328134) : X-Fade Control 6 (ID: 1820984413): Pan Control 7 (ID: 1575428770): Filter Control 8 (ID: 1131836220): Volume Controller Page: [20]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1753751914): Octave [SAMPLER 5-2] Control 2 (ID: 490678508): Semitone Control 3 (ID: 1682856736): Fine Control 4 (ID: 477393016): Drift Control 5 (ID: 934236189): Velocity Control 6 (ID: 572354414): Key Control 7 (ID: 270520555): Retrig Control 8 (ID: 231388150): Loop Controller Page: [21]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 2057390377): Hi Pass [SAMPLER 6-1] Control 2 (ID: 2044237373): Start Control 3 (ID: 1096504185): Loop Start Control 4 (ID: 129579360): Loop End Control 5 (ID: 87328135) : X-Fade Control 6 (ID: 1820984414): Pan Control 7 (ID: 1575428771): Filter Control 8 (ID: 1131836221): Volume Controller Page: [22]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1753751915): Octave [SAMPLER 6-2] Control 2 (ID: 490678509): Semitone Control 3 (ID: 1682856737): Fine Control 4 (ID: 477393017): Drift Control 5 (ID: 934236190): Velocity Control 6 (ID: 572354415): Key Control 7 (ID: 270520556): Retrig Control 8 (ID: 231388151): Loop Controller Page: [23]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1678105790): Delay [LFO 1] Control 2 (ID: 1461407230): Depth Control 3 (ID: 422017435): Rate Control 4 (ID: 1721200822): Phase Control 5 (ID: 1816457686): Sync Control 6 (ID: 1072508246): Sync Rate Control 7 (ID: 557764106): Retrig Control 8 (ID: 1470889717): Type Controller Page: [24]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1678105791): Delay [LFO 2] Control 2 (ID: 1461407231): Depth Control 3 (ID: 422017436): Rate Control 4 (ID: 1721200823): Phase Control 5 (ID: 1816457687): Sync Control 6 (ID: 1072508247): Sync Rate Control 7 (ID: 557764107): Retrig Control 8 (ID: 1470889718): Type Controller Page: [25]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1678105792): Delay [LFO 3] Control 2 (ID: 1461407232): Depth Control 3 (ID: 422017437): Rate Control 4 (ID: 1721200824): Phase Control 5 (ID: 1816457688): Sync Control 6 (ID: 1072508248): Sync Rate Control 7 (ID: 557764108): Retrig Control 8 (ID: 1470889719): Type Controller Page: [26]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 448121538): Depth [G-ENV 1] Control 2 (ID: 633362890): Rate Control 3 (ID: 305240529): Phase Control 4 (ID: 633415557): Sync Control 5 (ID: 108280293): Sync Rate Control 6 (ID: 633197454): Loop Control 7 (ID: 927574841): Retrig Control 8 _______ ________ Controller Page: [27]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1335625219): Depth [G-ENV 2] Control 2 (ID: 634286411): Rate Control 3 (ID: 333869680): Phase Control 4 (ID: 634339078): Sync Control 5 (ID: 448309478): Sync Rate Control 6 (ID: 634120975): Loop Control 7 (ID: 1815078522): Retrig Control 8 _______ ________ Controller Page: [28]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 75645252) : Depth [G-ENV 3] Control 2 (ID: 635209932): Rate Control 3 (ID: 362498831): Phase Control 4 (ID: 635262599): Sync Control 5 (ID: 788338663): Sync Rate Control 6 (ID: 635044496): Loop Control 7 (ID: 555098555): Retrig Control 8 _______ ________ Controller Page: [29]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 845022225): On / Off [ARP] Control 2 (ID: 1465205498): Gate Control 3 (ID: 1033279774): Swing Control 4 (ID: 1833922802): Sync Control 5 (ID: 1608096934): Length Control 6 (ID: 1787027848): Rate Control 7 (ID: 1149195937): Order Control 8 (ID: 1411112959): BPM Controller Page: [30]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 1306897138): On / Off [EQ] Control 2 (ID: 1213718232): Low Control 3 (ID: 1214641753): Low Mid Control 4 (ID: 1215565274): High Mid Control 5 (ID: 1216488795): High Control 6 _______ ________ Control 7 _______ ________ Control 8 _______ ________ Controller Page: [31]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 718805676): Insert FX 1 [FX ENABLE] Control 2 (ID: 1606309357): Insert FX 2 Control 3 (ID: 346329390): Insert FX 3 Control 4 (ID: 1233833071): Insert FX 4 Control 5 (ID: 2121336752): Insert FX 5 Control 6 (ID: 359628477): Send 1 Control 7 (ID: 1247132158): Send 2 Control 8 _______ ________ Controller Page: [32]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 735124739): Insert FX 1 [FX INPUT] Control 2 (ID: 538611234): Insert FX 2 Control 3 (ID: 342097729): Insert FX 3 Control 4 (ID: 145584224): Insert FX 4 Control 5 (ID: 2096554367): Insert FX 5 Control 6 (ID: 1398207314): Send 1 Control 7 (ID: 1201693809): Send 2 Control 8 _______ ________ Controller Page: [33]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 818677089): Insert FX 1 [FX DRY/WET] Control 2 (ID: 1706180770): Insert FX 2 Control 3 (ID: 446200803): Insert FX 3 Control 4 (ID: 1333704484): Insert FX 4 Control 5 (ID: 73724517) : Insert FX 5 Control 6 (ID: 459499890): Send 1 Control 7 (ID: 1347003571): Send 2 Control 8 _______ ________ Controller Page: [34]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 823314630): Insert FX 1 [FX OUTPUT] Control 2 (ID: 1173846919): Insert FX 2 Control 3 (ID: 1524379208): Insert FX 3 Control 4 (ID: 1874911497): Insert FX 4 Control 5 (ID: 77960138) : Insert FX 5 Control 6 (ID: 2051521623): Send 1 Control 7 (ID: 254570264): Send 2 Control 8 _______ ________ Controller Page: [35]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 441180864): Control 1 [INSERT 1] Control 2 (ID: 441180865): Control 2 Control 3 (ID: 441180866): Control 3 Control 4 (ID: 441180867): Control 4 Control 5 (ID: 441180868): Control 5 Control 6 (ID: 441180869): Control 6 Control 7 (ID: 441180870): Control 7 Control 8 (ID: 441180871): Control 8 Controller Page: [36]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 469810015): Control 1 [INSERT 2] Control 2 (ID: 469810016): Control 2 Control 3 (ID: 469810017): Control 3 Control 4 (ID: 469810018): Control 4 Control 5 (ID: 469810019): Control 5 Control 6 (ID: 469810020): Control 6 Control 7 (ID: 469810021): Control 7 Control 8 (ID: 469810022): Control 8 Controller Page: [37]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 498439166): Control 1 [INSERT 3] Control 2 (ID: 498439167): Control 2 Control 3 (ID: 498439168): Control 3 Control 4 (ID: 498439169): Control 4 Control 5 (ID: 498439170): Control 5 Control 6 (ID: 498439171): Control 6 Control 7 (ID: 498439172): Control 7 Control 8 (ID: 498439173): Control 8 Controller Page: [38]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 527068317): Control 1 [INSERT 4] Control 2 (ID: 527068318): Control 2 Control 3 (ID: 527068319): Control 3 Control 4 (ID: 527068320): Control 4 Control 5 (ID: 527068321): Control 5 Control 6 (ID: 527068322): Control 6 Control 7 (ID: 527068323): Control 7 Control 8 (ID: 527068324): Control 8 Controller Page: [39]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 555697468): Control 1 [INSERT 5] Control 2 (ID: 555697469): Control 2 Control 3 (ID: 555697470): Control 3 Control 4 (ID: 555697471): Control 4 Control 5 (ID: 555697472): Control 5 Control 6 (ID: 555697473): Control 6 Control 7 (ID: 555697474): Control 7 Control 8 (ID: 555697475): Control 8 Controller Page: [40]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 706689167): Control 1 [SEND 1] Control 2 (ID: 706689168): Control 2 Control 3 (ID: 706689169): Control 3 Control 4 (ID: 706689170): Control 4 Control 5 (ID: 706689171): Control 5 Control 6 (ID: 706689172): Control 6 Control 7 (ID: 706689173): Control 7 Control 8 (ID: 706689174): Control 8 Controller Page: [41]==================================== Control 1 (ID: 735318318): Control 1 [SEND 2] Control 2 (ID: 735318319): Control 2 Control 3 (ID: 735318320): Control 3 Control 4 (ID: 735318321): Control 4 Control 5 (ID: 735318322): Control 5 Control 6 (ID: 735318323): Control 6 Control 7 (ID: 735318324): Control 7 Control 8 (ID: 735318325): Control 8
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I bought a lot of NKS from Jason, never had Problems at all. He is all the time friendly and helpful. 🤷♂️
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