NKS Development Discussion
Kymeia says in Oct 27, 2015 - "Since there are a number of plugin devs not on board with NKS support (yet) I thought it would be useful to share mappings for their plugins to enable controlling them in KK until (hopefully) they release official NKS ones (with presets too)."…
NKS Requests
Hi. I had a thorough look through the forum before starting a new discussion topic and didn't find a page like this, so I thought I'd make this one. Here, hopefully, can be a page to have NKS requests for instruments that currently don't have any. The first thing I've found recently is this lovely free synth from…
NKS User Library Index
A1Audio Aberrant DSP AirMusic Airwindows Altar of Wisdom AmpleSound Analog Obsession Applied Acoustic Systems (AAS) Aquasmatiq Arturia Audiodamage Audiority Audiothing Audio Plugin Union Baby Audio Boz Digital Cableguys Cherry Audio Crow Hill Cytomic D16 Group Dawesome Delta Sound Labs DeltaV Audio Devious Machines…
NKS User Guides
The great thing about NKS is it enables you to control pretty much any plugin Komplete Kontrol can host, and with a lot more precision and detail than using MIDI cc. Although a lot more plugins and companies are ‘NKS ready’ out of the box than there were when we got started, there are still many more that are not, which is…
NKS Repository links
I will add to these as I get them but at the moment the main sources of NKS templates and libraries are the one I originally setup but which several people also contribute to (@Vagus, @Mercury, @Christos Adamos, @Siverskyy, @Diam and @Cooner) - btw I can also setup shared folders for other contributors if they want: NKS…
Welcome to the official NKS User Library
It's nice after many years to get our own 'official' space. The original thread back on the old forum was intended to learn and share information about how to create NKS presents and templates for, at the time, the vast majority of plugins that were not NKS compatible. I felt figuring out how to create these needed to be a…
NKS User Library Code of Conduct
Code of conduct Post only your own stuff You may not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission. You may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someone’s intellectual property (software, video, audio, images), or for breaking any other law. This particularly includes NKS…
[NKS] Freelance Soundlabs 3rd Party NKS Libraries for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine
NKS Compatible Libraries Available Here: Freelance Soundlabs has been developing and supporting NKS libraries to add support for 3rd party instruments for 10 years since Komplete Kontrol V1 and through your feedback have been able to constantly improve library mappings to offer what users are asking for. All feedback is…
Spitfire Audio NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Softube NKS
This topic is for discussion and sharing NKS for Softube plugins. Softube were early NKS Partners but seem to have lost interest sadly so none of their more recent plugins have NKS whereas the older ones that do have NKS these are not compatible with the VST3 versions. This folder contains both new NKS for plugins that…
Polyverse Music NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
This topic is for Korg NKS content and discussion The NKS User Library has NKS for their 3 non legacy plugins - Wavestate, Modwave and OPSix - templates by me and NKS conversions by Christos Adamos KORG NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
NKS for Reason
This thread is for NKS content and discussion related to Reason Studio Rack This discussion was originally created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Crow Hill NKS
This thread is for Crow Hill NKS. So far, I've done: Cosmos Dot Allison - Dulcet Voice Small String Gestures Nocturnal Gestures Filth - Imperial Electric
AudioRealism NKS
Here is a NKS template w/graphics I made for Audio Realism ABL3. I have included a banner for NKS 2 users, though as I don't have mk3, am unable to replicate all of the files to my preferred standard. I have done most of the difficult bits though so you won't have to. Also I have placed alternative thumbnails in the images…
Comprehensive tagging of the entire Musio catalog. Each instrument has its own artwork and navigation, with detailed tags and previews for every preset: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/yodkl0eqtyhhx86fgd6ii/AI8R5K1KM3UdcBZtZmCnhL4?rlkey=6e9vtbpxkk25ebrhukgplvl0i&st=rb51hmy2&dl=0 Up to date with the latest catalog published…
Applied Acoustics Systems (AAS) NKS
This thread is for NKS for AAS plugins. Note most AAS plugins apart from Multiphonics are officially 'NKS Ready' - however recently AAS greatly simplified their NKS mappings making them barely usable so I have made customised mappings covering most params (except details of fx) for those of us who like to do more than just…
The Usual Suspects NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library. This folder contains full NKS for Vavra and Osirus, and templates for OSTirus and Xenia Mostly by Kymeia and Diam
Create an NKS compatible Reaktor ensemble
This procedure is meant to be the final step, after you completely finished with your ensemble creation. Step 1: Choose the parameter you want to start with, go to "Connect" tab, enable Automation, map the ID numbers in the order you want and give an appropriate name to the Custom Parameter Name: Note: Make sure that your…
Kontakt 3rd party libraries NKS
This thread is specifically created for Kontakt 3rd party libraries that are not NKS ready, either because they are old either because the developer does not support NKS natively, or simply, because the don't have graphic resources.
Devious Machines NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Custom icons for .nksf & .nksfx
I made 2 custom images and also separate the instrument from the FX in Registry, as: Native Kontrol Standard Instrument Preset, and Native Kontrol Standard FX Preset. The registry values needs the 2 icons to be at: C:\Users\Public\Documents\NI Resources but you can modify them easily to whatever folder you like. Zip…
GForce NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
BLEASS Audio Plugins NKS Presets https://www.bleass.com/
Aly James Lab NKS
This discussion is about NKS presets by Aly James Lab plugins