[NKS] Freelance Soundlabs 3rd Party NKS Libraries for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine



  • Rob Gray
    Rob Gray Member Posts: 54 Member
    edited October 2023

    Very cool. I'm trying out the Core library now that it's VST3 compatible and can't seem to figure out if it's possible to have the individual outputs work with the Multi-Out AU of Komplete Kontrol in Logic. I've done all the usual setup but the Separate Outs for each channel don't seem to be routed to Komplete Kontrol Stereo 1-16 outputs. Is this possible, and has anyone else got this working? I recall AD2 doesn't allow you to choose where those Separate Outs go specifically, so I'm hoping it's not trying to route them to something that doesn't exist.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,143 Expert

    Yeah no idea with AU or Logic, I use neither.

    I know with the VST version it is possible to rout to the multi outs as I have done it in many plugins before. I think I have a multi-out version with pre-mapped presets for XLN XO but not for AD2, tho I could likely create a version that pre-maps. The current library is simply all on output 1 like all plugins

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,143 Expert

    In regards to Nexus, i've contacted Michael who is the brains of the operation, I have worked with him before on some things and Nexus 4 does not and will not have NKS "officially" again. Technically it never had official NKS support as it was never approved by NI and the tagging was a little bit of a mess/incorrect and well basically, Michael said from the metrics he had the effort of supporting and maintaining NKS was simply not worth the hassle for him so he removed it and has no plans to look into it again.

    However, I have access now to the full catalogue of expansions and also Vanguard and have started up-dating and exporting all the files for VST3 and overhauling all the tagging. It will likely be done maybe November or December as there are a LOT of files to work through.

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 79 Member

    You are Amazing!! Thanks a lot for your Effort and I will look here for your Updates :)

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 139 Advisor

    From what @Matthew_NI was saying, if I understand correctly, the NKS 2.0 format does not require presets to be updated individually by the looks of it, so while NKS 2.0 (for backwards compatibility) does require NKS 1 compatibility (and each preset saved the way you did it I assume), the NKS 2.0 integration uses a global editing mode of the parameters.

    ~NKS 2 mappings are much more efficient than NKS 1 mappings for several reasons, chief among them:

    1. NKS is now implemented in KSP (Kontakt Script Processor), so Kontakt instrument builders can develop NKS in tandem with developing their instrument, rather than it be a cumbersome and separate step. That is true for both NKS 1 and NKS 2.
    2. NKS 2 is also a global map, rather than per preset. Both Kontakt and VST developers had to do NKS 1 maps per preset, which takes an age, especially if you have a lot of presets. This doesn't mean the global map has to display a rigid and unchanging list of parameters - they're mapped globally, but how they display on the keyboard is fully dynamic, and can change as parameters change in and out, if the content manufacturer implements this.

    However, it's actually NOT more efficient just yet. Because we still require a product be authored for both NKS 1 and NKS 2 in order that it supports existing and new users. Even if NKS 2 is easier, you still have to author for NKS 1 as well.

    We do plan to introduce more updated tooling at some point to help people who create NKS content do so more efficiently. NKS 2 partners already receive a dedicate application that creates all the required visual assets in one fell swoop, for instance. But there's more work to be done.

    We also need to put thought into how user presets play into NKS 2. Folks like @JesterMgee do a huge amount for the community with third party NKS maps for non NKS products, which is helpful, but also even a lifeline to some (e.g. users who rely on NKS for Accessibility purposes). Currently, this isn't possible, and would still be NKS 1 only, which works on the new keyboards, but doesn't get the cool new features.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,481 mod
    edited October 2023

    At the moment though NKS2 is completely closed off from the likes of us, it either requires Kontakt scripting skills (for Kontakt libraries) or in the case of plugins, SDK level support. If NI ever release a dedicated app to the masses then maybe but I would be very (pleasantly) surprised to see that happen in the near future considering how much NI like to keep this stuff in house and with NKS partners.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,143 Expert

    Yep, already aware of all that, however it still doesn't make any real difference to the scheme of things.

    Since NKS 1 supports the plethora of MK1/2 keyboards out there and also supports MK3 keyboards, makes sense for users like us to just make NKS1 still and the idea of a global map sounds nice, but as I understand a preset file has to be created anyway for the preset data and tagging and in some instrument cases, each preset may have a different set of parameters to map (thinking UVI and Keyscape) so I don't see it as saving any time in reality. What may be possible which I would see as an intelligent move is for the single "global map" to simply be detected and applied to the existing NKS1 presets for the MK3 so only a single file needs to be created that works on existing NKS1 files.

    Once it is all released we will begin to know more, I try not to get too carried away until I understand what the deal is.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,143 Expert

    New NKS Library Releases

    All these releases support VST3 (with UVI EGP supporting both VST2/3 and Falcon/Workstation). Detailed tagging has been done and all presets contain a full custom designed and labelled controller map covering pretty much all controls.

    Additionally, there should also be compatible artwork files that covers the new MK3 keyboard image with artwork being updated soon for all previous libraries which you will be able to simply download the new artwork files from a GDrive instead of having to download the entire library just for the new artwork file. I do not own an MK3 and currently have no plans to get one until significant improvements happen with KK v3.0 so let me know if it does not display the new artwork.

  • James Steele
    James Steele Member Posts: 70 Member
    edited October 2023

    Hey Jason... UVI just had a sale on Falcon Expansions and it looks like the released some new ones and have a two for one sale going on.


    I bought the Pulsar expansion and then bought your NKS library, but they have a few new ones now: Modular Noise, Organic Pads and Organic Arps. I bought Organic Pads so looking forward to your library for that. Anyways... I figured those are probably already on your radar and you're a busy guy... but just hoping maybe those will eventually be available. Thanks for all you do!

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,143 Expert

    Yeah there are a few new expansions I need to look into and is certainly on the horizon.

  • James Steele
    James Steele Member Posts: 70 Member

    Awesome! I'm not not in a hurry... just happy you may be tackling it down the line. Thanks, Jason!

  • Rob Gray
    Rob Gray Member Posts: 54 Member

    Are you using the VST2 version when you get multi-out to work on Addictive Drums?

    In the VST3 version of Komplete Kontrol, on any DAW I try, loading the VST3 version of Addictive Drums I still can’t use multi-out routing. I think the presence of mono-only outputs might be causing something to fail in Komplete Kontrol’s end.

    Did this previously work in VST2? Is this a regression?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,143 Expert
    edited November 2023

    Yep, use to work no problem, used it myself I am pretty sure, but TBH I dont use AD2 all that much.

    When you say you cant "get" multi-out routing is it you do not see the multi-output from KK or within the plugin there is no assignment of the channels to multi-out?

    If you cannot see the channels from KK then it's likely just another of many bugs that need to be fixed in the VST3 version of KK. If you manually select the plugin from the plugin menu and see the same issue, problem is in KK and not NKS so needs to be raised as a bug.

  • Rob Gray
    Rob Gray Member Posts: 54 Member

    This is what I’m doing in both REAPER and Logic- neither works:

    • Add Komplete Kontrol to a new track
    • Add KK’s 16 stereo outs in the DAW either through the VST routing matrix in REAPER or the plus icon in the Logic Console.
    • Load Addictive Drums 2 in Komplete Kontrol
    • go to the Mixer in AD2
    • click the arrow signs at the bottom of the channels in AD2 to select Post-Fade output

    At this point none of the kit pieces or buses come through any of the Komplete Kontrol stereo outputs. Is there some routing page in Komplete Kontrol I’m not aware of?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,143 Expert

    I would say if manually adding the plugin and assigning the outputs causes no sound to be heard from the extra outputs that it's a plugin issue. I know it worked using VST2 and still does, TBH I have never checked using VST3 but would not surprise me in the least if it does not work.

    In any case, if it is the plugin or KK specifically it's not NKS so cant really help, u'll have to submit a ticket.

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