[NKS] Freelance Soundlabs 3rd Party NKS Libraries for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,001 Expert

    So I received your email and I have tried to reply but I get blocked by your mail server for some reason with this:

    host eig-east.smtp.a.cloudfilter.net [] SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data: 550 EcUnryw8997pzEcUnrpSHV - <email_address> message rejected AUP#SNDR

    So not sure why your mail server is rejecting my email but I cannot reply to your question via email, you likely have some kind of aggressive spam filter or something. But to reply to your question here:

    Q: Will Zenology be updated any time soon?

    A: Yeah it is still on the radar to update, just due to how many other things also need updates and releases it keeps getting pushed back, usually updates to plugins that are just to add extra presets are lower on the list compared to new libraries or updates due to issues or completely new versions of plugins that break functionality. Rest assured I will get to it, just takes some time to get around to some things and at the moment I am having a break as I have been making NKS for over 10 years now almost without any break.  Also depends if it is a new update of presets or the whole library has to be done again to cover the new reverb effect you speak of as I have no idea, don't actually use Roland stuff myself.

  • Onj
    Onj Member Posts: 60 Member

    Uh, that's weird. It's google, and I don't run my own email instance, so google is blocking you not me. I have no idea why, but I will try to find a way to add you to a safe-sender list. Your receipts obviously come through, so that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    Regarding my query then, it's only because they charge me £208/year and I'd like to be able to use every last little damn bit of their software I can for that price.

    I could buy 20, probably even 50 preset packs fro you a year for that price.

    Extortion but self-professed Roland fanboy so it is what it is.

    Thanks for responding here though in any case.

    Stupid gmail...

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,001 Expert

    Yeah unsure on why the bounceback, I have no issues with any other emails, only occasional bounces from mail outs which is expected but my admin email has been in use 15 years so has a pretty respectable score usually.

    The cost is a massive reason I do not use Roland personally. I make the NKS for it using the subscription to do it but I just cannot personally bring myself to fork out constantly for plugins I would seldom use, and not being a professional musician I have no justification for it.

    Anyway, it is a task logged in my list but no timeframe I can give at the moment. Very much depends on how much time I can devote to NKS since I have to take on a lot of other jobs at the moment to make ends meet and it's adding up to much less time to devote to NKS since I can only spend time if I have income from somewhere to stop the bank taking the house.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,001 Expert

    Now Available: reFX Nexus 4 / 3 NKS Library

    Back in 2018 I developed support for Nexus 2 and then worked with reFX to help bring support to Nexus 3 which was being included with the Nexus installer for a few years before being removed due to lack of demand and what the developer cites as too much work to maintain for the demand so for Nexus 4 it was dropped but I have been cleared to add my own support for it and so have gone back over the last 3 months and re-exported all presets for the latest VST3 version of Nexus while also adding support for all expansions up to August of this year (almost everything currently released).

    There are upgrade paths for users who had the previous factory and complete builds and for anyone needing custom selections of expansions just use the links on the page to email me a request or ask me any questions (related to the topic) you like.

    It should be noted that all expansions listed for the factory bank and all banks from the 2018 collection list should be compatible with both Nexus 3 and Nexus 4 however since I only have N4 and cannot roll back to N3 to test again I cannot 100% confirm this so please test the demo first and see if that works. If so, all those will work.

    For the expansions listed under the 2023 list, these may not work and many are Nexus 4 only expansions but if you need some test files let me know.

    This was quite a lot of work and a lot of attention into tagging has been done with hopefully more down the track. I do plan to potentially add more future expansions including the few that were released since I started this update but this depends on the demand, if there isn't sufficient demand I will likely not progress much further.

  • Onj
    Onj Member Posts: 60 Member

    I own M-Tron Pro IV and associated NKS files. Today I purchased all the expansions and of course, their NKS files too.

    Turns out that M-Tron Pro IV and M-Tron Pro are different products and even show up differently in the browser.

    Does anyone happen to know whether I can install M-Tron Pro even though it's older, without losing functionality, so that Jason's presets will work for me?

    Weird question to ask here I know, but maybe someone knows.

    Thanks for any advice.

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 76 Member
    edited December 2023

    @JesterMgee updated also his NKS for the M-Tron IV, I have both, the old and the new in my NKS user Library and they work separately.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,001 Expert
    edited December 2023

    Yes this is because MTron Pro and MTron IV are completely different plugins so have separate libraries and the libraries do not work between these versions, IV was done from scratch. Would have been nice if they made it a simple update but was basically a new plugin with new ID etc.

    You can actually have BOTH Pro and IV libraries installed at the same time together and these open the different plugins so they don't cause any issue, just think of them as different plugins, even tho they offer the same sound content basically and IV is kind of just an update, I guess it's different enough it had to be a new plugin since it just was not backwards compatible.

  • Onj
    Onj Member Posts: 60 Member

    Yeah, I learnt that the hard way today. I saw 'M-Tron expansions' on the page separate from the rest, bought that, only to dig into the M-Tron Pro IV and find an upgrade price later. My bad.

    Aah well, hopefully a little Christmas bonus for you. Should have read more carefully. It happens.

    Deleted the M-Tron expansions and replaced with Pro. Now everything works just as it should.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,001 Expert

    Now Available: VPS Avenger 2 NKS Library

    Complete overhaul of the Avenger library for the new Avenger 2 release. It was impossible to update the previous library as Avenger 1 would crash with the VST3 version on any preset using the Arp system. That has been fixed now in the new V2 plugin but of course is a paid upgrade and the old NKS files are not compatible at all so they all had to be done from scratch.

    This library covers all factory presets from the Factory/Factory 2 libraries with all tagging I did in the past carried into the new files and a few updates and changes to the template. The Main filter page is now page 2 and all the modular pages for Amp, Filter, Shaper, LFO and Envelope will cover the first 3 modules that a preset has (which in 98% of cases is fine) but will only show the actual modules added in Avenger:

    Additionally, each preset has up to 2 macro module pages available with macro page 1 on the first page and macro page 2 (only if it exists in the preset) available on the second page with all macros labelled as they are in the preset. This all should make each preset much easier to operate instead of having generic and minimal controls but does make it difficult to update the templates if needed.

    Most of the layout is based off the original template that received good feedback over the last 10 years so I did not mess with it other than several suggestions to move the main filter page to be before the modular ones.

    And for the questions about expansions that usually crop up, sorry, still zero plans to add support for expansions at this stage as I still personally find them far too expensive to be bothered to even look at.

    Supports VST3 Avenger 2 only (no VST 2 support)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 249 Newcomer
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,001 Expert

    Yeah that is now fixed

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,001 Expert

    Update: Lethal Audio - Lethal NKS Library VST3 Update

    This one took a while because I had to go back and forth with the developer about some issues in the VST3 implementation when it came to exporting their preset data before it would work and unfortunately they had to make changes to the preset format meaning VST2 preset data would not upgrade to VST3 which resulted in the whole library having to be reprocessed from scratch. This wasn't something I wanted to do because this is not the most popular plugin but it's been knocked off the list of updates and is now fully VST3 supported and includes artwork now for the MK3 keyboard.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,001 Expert

    Now Available: GForce Axxess NKS Library

    This NKS library covers all factory content and also includes presets from expansions that were freely available from Gforce during the initial launch of the synth: Cinematic, Electronica, Hip-Hop, Pop. All presets are fully tagged and include sound previews along with artwork (including artwork for the MK3 keyboard) and a full controller map.

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 333 Advisor

    Probably me being stupid, I can’t find the prices for anything on your site?

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