Battery 4.2.0 - suddenly, knobs/faders don't work



  • SoundslikeLogic
    SoundslikeLogic Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I just discovered this today. For me, the culprit is 100% when I open a Waves plugin in a session. Waves 14/14.1. It's a fresh system, never had anything earlier installed on the PC.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @SoundslikeLogic Contacting you by eamil for this, we need to look in your system.

  • Pampy
    Pampy Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hi, is there any update to this? I've just updated battery 4 to their latest version hoping the update would fix the issue.

    I tested an empty project with only battery loaded and the knobs seems to work fine. Did a test by loading a WAVES plugin V10 and the knobs are not working anymore. I'm aware some people are still facing some problems after updating their waves plugins. Is there a fix for this?

    My system:

    m1 mac mini 2019

    MacOs Ventura 13.1

    Logic Pro 10.7.6

  • scopemc
    scopemc Member Posts: 3 Member

    Absolute Terrible Support from NI! It is no way acceptable for NI to push customers to Waves because a NI product stops working. Ridiculous!

  • Rob Gray
    Rob Gray Member Posts: 54 Member
    edited February 2023

    @Pampy if it's truly only V14, I think updating your Waves library will fix it. But I can confirm it's not just Waves. Battery has this interaction problem with other plugins. Another user mentioned Ohm Force but I've had it in sessions that don't use Ohm Force or Waves, and I've been on V14 for some time now.

    Support has been genuinely trying to help but the automatic ticket closing makes it very difficult because when I'm working on a production I don't always have time to make them videos and test uninstalling, reinstalling, deleting and remaking all my patches, etc. By the time I have some feedback the ticket is closed and I have to start a new one.

  • Rob Gray
    Rob Gray Member Posts: 54 Member

    Interacting with the GUI in Kilohearts plugins can trigger this issue too. Tested it with Kilohearts Convolver (latest version).

  • Gohmez
    Gohmez Member Posts: 3 Member

    This isn't fun anymore.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @scopemc We are not pushing customers to Waves. Waves have acknowledged the issue was on their side and they fixed it with the latest Waves updates. Feel free to contact them for confirmation.

  • Rob Gray
    Rob Gray Member Posts: 54 Member

    @Jeremy_NI There are other plugins that Battery interacts with in this fashion. I realize you can't get too detailed on a public forum, but is this due to other companies using old tools, or proprietary workarounds, or what? I emailed Kilohearts to make them aware of this but it would be nice to know why this is happening.

  • Yo-yo
    Yo-yo Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hey guys! So, I just got a brand new max MacBook Pro M2 maxed out on every god damn level :D. I have all the latest waves plugins and all the latest updates on all NI plugins. I've experimented a bit, and even with all the latest updates, the Battery knobs will go crazy, and as someone already mentioned, it's not only waves. KiloHearts plugins will make Battery react the same way. I've tried a bunch of other plugins (SoundToys, Slate Digital and more) But looks like only KiloHearts and Waves are the only bad apples here.

  • Pampy
    Pampy Member Posts: 5 Member

    @Jeremy_NI respectfully please refrain responses directing us to waves, multiple of users reported it is not just waves.

    It is very obvious why waves would happily acknowledge it hoping we purchase their WUP.

    The issue here is in Battery 4 and we are paying customers that demands fixes for their paid product. I can’t believe a such bigger company find it hard to fix their plug-ins than smaller companies.

    I think you guys may not have a solution right now but all we need is an assurance that NI is fixing it.

    Even the undo button that are still being ignored all these years, hopefully this erratic knobs wont fall unto the same fate.


  • patrickmeagher
    patrickmeagher Member Posts: 2 Member

    Just as Thommytippy posted on Octover 2022, in addition to the stuck knobs in Battery, I'm experiencing the same problem in Komplete Kontrol. My Waves and Pro Tools are on the latest versions (V14 and Pro Tools 2022.12 respectively). I really wish Native Instruments would just own the problem and find a solution, it's ridiculous at this point. Adding insult to injury, they recently released a Youtube tutorial, "How to use everything in KOMPLETE KONTROL software," where I learned a few things but the stuck knobs makes it impossible to use the software in a real world setting. Seriously guys, get this problem straightened out, you're going to start losing paying customers.

  • Memoryman75
    Memoryman75 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I'm not able to upgrade my waves plugin to v13. How to I install the older version of Battery 4?

  • patrickmeagher
    patrickmeagher Member Posts: 2 Member

    Memoryman75, here's a link to the older version of Battery 4: BATTERY 4.1.6

  • Memoryman75
    Memoryman75 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks! How do I install it? Do I need to uninstall the latest Battery? because everything is done by the portal I don't know the procedure to install an .iso file

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