Please make all UIs scalable



  • JeremyCorbett
    JeremyCorbett Member Posts: 14 Member

    Hi, just found this thread after having a similar issue.

    This is Kontakt opening on my 12", 2880 x 1920 resolution laptop.

    This is completely insane lol.

    Is nothing happening about this?

  • SH-1
    SH-1 Member Posts: 34 Helper

    Kontakt 7 is better about this, but still not great.

    And I do not know what the future holds for all the other instruments, sadly.

  • Jon Watte
    Jon Watte Member Posts: 79 Advisor

    It's quite possible that the actual "development" happens by separate individual developers, and NI is more of an "aggregator" than a "development house."

    If so, then the amount of HiDPI/UI smarts available for each product, depends on the particular skills and experience of the developer(s) for each of their products.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 699 Guru

    This is not just a problem with HiDPI screens. I have 49” Dell Ultrawide with 5120x1440 resolution, Kontakt looks so tiny. Maschine software is barely usable due to small fonts and Komplete Kontrol is an ergonomic disaster…

  • Justerini
    Justerini Member Posts: 17 Member

    I am vision impaired and find it extremely annoying I cannot use some of the instruments because I simply cannot read them - Kontakt 7 is better but for Absynth, reaktor, Massive etc its a pain

  • Raikro Scorp
    Raikro Scorp Member Posts: 26 Helper
    edited March 2023

    Dear everyone,

    I invite you to take a look at the new Feature Request I have raised today.

    [Feature Request] - Enable Full Screen / Maximize Window in all Standalone Applications

    I know this request won't be the cure to this big and old known issue, but it might be a step further in the right direction.

    Please, take a minute to read it and show your support if you are agree with me.

    This will benefit us all.

    Thank you,

  • nwebb
    nwebb Member Posts: 15 Member

    Another year on and another year without a scaleable interface. Pretty embarrassing at this point, really. There's clearly a huge demand for it.

  • Revillo
    Revillo Member Posts: 2 Member

    Just got back on producing after a long time, with the latest Komplete library and Ashlight. When opening the window I saw the low resolution and after a while found this thread. I can not believe this is a thing.... WHY the hell don't you update the graphics??? Unbelievable...So I jump on this train to be another vote on this one..

  • DrWashington
    DrWashington Member Posts: 6 Member

    Yes, I agree, this is definitely embarrassing. Much like Massive X having no industry standard MIDI learn still, but that's for another thread. NI is stagnating badly, and it's kind of sad watching a bunch of new, ambitious upstarts stomp all over them lately.

    Even some really established players like u-he are doing amazing work that looks and feels modern and are keeping up with the times relatively well with some enormously complex products.

    There really can be no more excuses at this point: NI needs to do something and do something fast. This is no longer acceptable.

  • Geoff Modulate
    Geoff Modulate Member Posts: 4 Member

    Another bump for this.

    Dear NI, your software is pretty much industry standard, and I get you have a lot of it...Komplete is a huge resource. But these days almost every professional producer (and I guess a lot of semi-pro or hobbyists) is working on a large highDPI monitor. Most other manufacturers now make scalable or high DPI interfaces, look at FabFilter, Valhalla, Arturia, Softubes, U-He, Cherry etc. So lets not mince words here, your interfaces simply aren't where they need to be. As most people have pointed out, they are tiny on a high DPI screen. In fact, so small they are almost unusable. Battery, Kontakt, Maschine, FM8 etc.

    We all know the software sounds great, that's why we use it, that's why we bought it. But the user interfaces really really need an overhaul if you are going to stay relevant. Please don't ditch things because they are old. Just because a synth is old, Absynth, FM8, Massive, Battery etc doesn't mean they aren't amazing pieces of software. Maybe they evolved into their perfect audio form years ago, much like a MiniMoog or a TR909, but the interfaces are making using them really difficult. And I want to use them because I love them.

    It might be a hack, but even a wrapper with a new High DPI interface that somehow accessed the original sound engine would be great over trying to recode the original interface. Even something that just enlarged the interface and left it fuzzy but usable. I get that over the years, things developed, things were done in various ways, some software is easier than others to recode the UI. But right now, it's frustrating as hell. I have a large High DPI monitor, it's great. I have my DAW's looking great in High DPI, and most of the software I use, apart from a few much loved NI instruments.

    If nothing else, update the software people use the most.

  • SH-1
    SH-1 Member Posts: 34 Helper

    AFAIK they are well aware it's a huge issue. My fear is that they will go all in on Komplete being a content only bundle as that is inevitably going to be more ROI as you have to pay less very expensive developers- plus content is easier to sell as a subscription :D

    But I also understand there is a lot of technical debt as there seem to have been a gigantic number of layoffs (for an audio software company) before the merger into the soundwide conglomerate happened.

    Chances are among those laid off were some key people who actually knew more about the codebases of these older synths&FX that we are now finding very hard to use due to postage stamp UIs.

    At any rate I don't see anything happening too soon as NI are probably mostly busy trying to keep the lights on, and updating older software in existing bundles for free doesn't do that as it seems to be easier to offset the value the Komplete bundle loses through included software being deprecated by... including more and more content for Kontakt.

    Which is cool and all but IMO it's still less worth getting Komplete nowadays than it was 10 years ago, as you get way less usable software in a Hi DPI world. And my guess is people are going to notice the shift in value proposition over time.

  • micdim
    micdim Member Posts: 4 Member

    I was just looking at the 50% Discount today and was tempted to buy it. I have Complete 11 Ultimate, and was thinking up upgrading to 14 Ultimate. Am I ever glad I researched this issue with the scalability. Very disappointing and now I won't upgrade until this issue is fixed. I have a 40" 4K display and have no incentive to use Native Instruments because it's so small, and it's just not worth it for me.

    Looking forward to Native Instrument fixing this issue some day. As for now No Thank you!

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