Waiting for Maschine MK4, Maschine Studio MK2, or Komplete Kontrol MK3



  • MrFresh
    MrFresh Member Posts: 58 Member

    lol…simple grammar…1) I used no comma in btw "No" and "Mk4"… The only way you will die Maschineless is if you don't own one at the time of your death!

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited September 2024

    Based on what?

    A new HW version for the major products lines is always coming. There will be a KKS MK4 eventually, a Maschine Mk4, probably Mk5, Mk6… etc… As long as nothing drastically changes, it's reasonable to expect that the past repeats itself.

    The big question is "when", If OP did wait then it's been 16 months, since he has Maschine controllers already this wait could have been a good choice unless theres something about the MK3/M+ that OP feels like could have made a big difference from his (current) MK2/Studio setup.

    For someone considering getting into the ecosystem that wait might have been silly since in 16 months one could have made tons of Music, learned the devices, etc… instead of sitting around waiting for something that no one knows the actual release date.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    And what about our personal D-One to push and twist?

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro

    I recently purchased my new MK4 Maschine but somehow it got relabeled at the factory with Ableton push 3.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    To push and twist the hardware or the user? Either way i am available for any sort of freelance work 🤣

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    Neither the hardware, nor the user.

    It was YOU to be pushed and twisted, wife allowing… 😂

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru
    edited December 2024

    A new HW version for the major products lines is always coming.

    Zoom call for you, @D-One … it's Kore 2, Rig Kontrol, Maschine Jam, and Maschine Studio asking if you're going to join the meeting. They want to talk to you about your use of the word "always"... 😉

    All kidding aside, I know that your key point is "major product lines".

    But still; I miss Kore 2. Nothing does what it did, not with the same class anyhow. I never got a Maschine Jam. My Maschine Studio is still good, but I just wish there was going to be a MK4 of it.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru
  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2024


    They want to talk to you about your use of the word "always"... 😉

    Hahah whos calling?

    yeah, I meant Maschine HW in general. Do you want to bet a new Maschine will come within 1-3 years? Lets each put 949Eur on a pot, winner takes all?

    Same. A bit expensive for me atm but… Our bet just so happens to be the same value as a new Push 3, you might aswell just give it now since I will for sure win that bet, then I can have P3. I will email you my paypal details rn 😁

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru

    Not gonna bet, and not just because it's NI.

    I know how quickly they will kill a product, and I know that nothing is sacrosanct.

    Plus, I don't know WHO all is on the beta team or what they're talking about. So I go through these forums already with less information than many. Thanks, but I'm good. 😁

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    I’m quite tempted to take the bet…😏

    When I saw Maschine 3 coming, I thought “maybe the Maschine branch is not completely dead. They are putting resources in it”.

    Then I saw what they did to it. And started thinking the resources they dedicated correspond to paying a guy with two pizzas to work a couple of evening on it…😔

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2024

    They did what they have been doing for a decade… small updates, nothing new, and still during that time several hw iterations have come out. Dont be scared, take the bet!!! 🤣

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    The only thing I’m scared of is you having more informations…

    Even the fact that you named an exact amount for the bet is worrying 😏

    (I’m joking of course…I doubt even NI knows if they will do a new version…)

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru
    edited December 2024

    They know. Remember, they need to report to their beastmasters. They are no longer owned by a couple of Berlin-based DJs in the underground Euro dance scene.

    Private Equity/Venture Capital firms usually don't want to buy your company if you're just going to keep doing +1 version iterations. +1's do not move the needle in the investing world.

    For example, if you report earnings increases of 2%, 3%, 10%, I'm generally not going to waste my time buying your stock. I need to see a 20% increase, then a 50% increase on top of that, maybe followed by a 75% increase after that. "Move the needle" is what I'm looking for, and you can't do that if you're only putting out new versions of Komplete and giving 3/4 of your users the "upgrade discount".

    Likewise, a PE/VC firm is not going to spend tens of millions on a company that can barely find a few new customers each quarter.

    And, if you really want to know what Francisco Partners thinks about NI, just go to their page of holdings and set the filter to "Buy and Build".

    Native Instruments appears right there, along with several other interesting companies.

    But why would FP call NI a "buy and build" play if there wasn't going to be new products and especially, new hardware products? Furthermore, NI just went through a hell of a horse whipping behind the woodshed, what with the "failure to launch" two years ago of KK MK3. Sure, it chased some customers away. But it was done for a reason. And that reason is the future. The future is the ONLY reason you keep working a catastrophic problem forward to conclusion.

    For all the above, I say there WILL be a MK4 Maschine, and it will be done in the image of Komplete Kontrol MK3. And that may very well spawn some other new product after that.

    It has to happen that way, or in some other similar way, otherwise why would Francisco Partners keep Native Instruments in its stable of technology companies?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,225 Expert

    "It has to happen that way, or in some other similar way, otherwise why would Francisco Partners keep Native Instruments in its stable of technology companies?"

    They keep it the portfolio for the same primary directive that all other PE firms do - to get to a point where an offload makes sense to their bottom line (AKA make a profit).

    Deals are cut day in and day out for a variety of strange reasons. And that does not necessarily mean setting the world on fire with new products either.


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