Waiting for Maschine MK4, Maschine Studio MK2, or Komplete Kontrol MK3

BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru
edited May 2023 in Social Club

Well, "waiting" is a strong word. But I'm waiting, lol. I have a Maschine MK2, an old Studio, and the MK1 keyboard.

  • Maschine MK3 came out in October 2017
  • Komplete Kontrol MK2 came out in October 2018
  • Studio was new in 2013, and I still think it was the best one

I think we're overdue for new controllers, and MIDI 2.0's higher resolution would be as good a reason as any to do it. And NI has been running a sale of late. Could it be that we'll see new controllers this summer?



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    “Waiting“ is a mandatory word with NI 😉

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    I expect storm of new HW Maschine, keyboards and Traktor controllers. Soon. And new SW. Soon. But I may be wrong.

    But I doubt there will be Studio MK3. Instead I would like to have Maschine Expansion Unit. With jog wheel, dedicated buttons, volume controlls and even possibly third display. It would do the job and one could travel with smaller setup of just Maschine. More convenient for transport than Studio...

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru

    I disagree that a MK4 Maschine would make Maschine+ outdated. And that's because (based on my reading) Maschine+ has far more processing limitations than even a middle-powered laptop. My laptops are far more than "middle powered", so no thank you. MK4 for the win, let's do this NI!

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru

    I agree that they probably won't release a new Studio. And that's too bad because I would like it better than any of the normal form-factored Maschines. BTW, I love your idea for a Maschine Expansion Unit.

  • NativeAmerican
    NativeAmerican Member Posts: 46 Member

    Interesting! I am new to Native Instruments. I had no idea when they were made. In the last 5 months I have bought 5 controllers that are all old. I bought two MKI's, two Mikro MKII's, and one Mikro MKIII. I wish I would have did some research, because I could have just got a MKIII with the audio interface. I am disabled so my budget is limited. This concept is interesting, because most of them are only controllers and they all do the same thing basically from the software. It would be cool to link them, like the extra module idea is speaking about. You could assign different instruments to each set of pads and have multiple people playing along. I did not realize the Mikro's did not have Midi in and out, I have electric drum sets that I want to link the modules with also. The main thing I am missing is the audio interface that the MKIII has or the plus has.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    You could connect Mikros to PC and connect drum modules to PC or MK1s. And route MIDI from Mikros via PC or MK1s.

    Also try Maschine Jam, if you could get it for good price.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    Next hardware released by NI should be a chair.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    @BIF between a new Maschine and a new KK keyboard - which one would you wanna see released first? 👀

  • Shed Maa
    Shed Maa Member Posts: 81 Member

    Where's the leaks? Lol I think a lot people wish for this or that. Akai keep having leaks we don't anything for Native Instruments when it comes to hardware

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    It shouldn’t even be about leaks…but about working with the users, to know what they want/need (and therefore they will buy). In my opinion keeping everything secret till last minute is not a good strategy

  • wzdm.85
    wzdm.85 Member Posts: 67 Helper

    I'm hoping that NI makes a competitor to Akai's MPC Keys. Something that will take some of the load off my M+. I would not buy a new version of Maschine though. What more could you possibly want out of a sampler?? Although, export to Ableton project file would be super helpful.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru

    The nice thing about having all those controllers is that you have one or more controllers for travel and another for just keeping in your home studio. Let me also calm your fears about not having an audio interface: There are some really good ones out there from Arturia, UAD, and yes, Native too. Take your time on that.

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