Waiting for Maschine MK4, Maschine Studio MK2, or Komplete Kontrol MK3



  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 633 Pro
    edited August 2023

    Okay, it's time for a new idea. We're just talking about pictures of rotaries and screen dimensions, and I think the MK4 should be a lot more than just an incremental nudge.

    How about a Komplete Keyboard with TWO MANUALS of keys, with keyswitch keys on the left side of each manual. Add to that the underpinnings built into Komplete Control to drive it like you have one instrument or two separate instruments. With "keyboard split", you could have up to 4 sounds simultaneously. Bigger models could offer more features.

    Think Komplete Control meets Hammond meets MIDI 2.0 meets 2024. And for good measure, add some specialized switches or x/y pads to drive the new Leslie speaker simulation or any other effect, just like on an old-school Hammond. Allowing for gestures while playing would possibly add a new dimension for live playing.

    Oh, and since this would be a big instrument (thicker, deeper, and maybe even wider), it should come with bigger screens (or one huge screen twice the size of all the screens on the prior version) and the same full-color LED lights for both manuals of keys.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,309 Expert
    edited August 2023

    …and it would cost twice (or more…) the price of the prior version 😂😂😂

    Jokes apart…I agree with your vision. Not talking about the contents you ask for, but exactly about the price.

    In my opinion, instead of replacing the existing hardwares, they should think about making “deluxe” versions. The actual line up could be their “entry level” for the (very important) hobbyists market, while an improved, enriched, enlarged line up would be something professional musicians could be interested to. Double keyboard (as per your suggestion), MPE, larger screens,… All of this comes at a cost, but not replacing what they already got would allow them to sell devices to the people with a budget but also to the professionals who knows that even if they spend 2k or 3k, them using it for their job would allow to regain the price.

    This is the only way to hope that NI will put ALL the things we dream of into a single device. As I said, features comes at a price, and today’s market is made of users like us saying “I want this and that” but then not buying things because “hey, it’s too pricey”.

    And NI seems more like a company who thinks “I want to put out this device and having it be in every house”, not “I want to put out a very complete device and if only some musician will buy it, I will gain my money anyway because they paid a good price for it”

    It’s nowadays economy’s dilemma of “better selling a lot of unities at a lower price than few unities at a higher price”

    Until we’ll continue to want to spend 400-500 bucks because “it’s an hobby…and in every case in 2 years I want to buy something new”, those very complete devices will not be the focus of companies. Technology has become too fast in modern days…in 2-3 years some very appealing new things will arise and therefore buying something very expensive because we know for the next 10-15 years we will be set up is not the case anymore.

    What I would prefer to see is companies expanding the possibilities of the products they have and adding all the features that can be added in the following years (even by paying for them, in order to keep the company having a cash revenue). There are so many things that could be added on the software side of things. Think just about what Mr Kymeia is asking from a long time: we have S series keyboards allowing for aftertouch…and still Maschine don’t recognize it… Or what other companies are doing: Akai released a very valid device with the Force, and through the years they made it even better adding to it an arranger mode, instruments, fxs, workflow improvements… And they did it for free, just knowing that making it a better device, more units would be sold. Ableton thought its standalone device to be expandable (they nailed it? Maybe not…but at least they thought about it…)

    Therefore…a better thought device, that will be improved through the years to reach its real full potential (maybe something new that can not be implemented will come out…but if on 20 new features we can have 15 of them on the device we already own we would miss the 5 remaining less). And not creating doubles just because “hey…but this new device has blue keys…I need it!”. Maybe it would be better also for our (not) beloved planet earth… And to cure our consumerism and GAS syndrome

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,304 Guru

    Well.. as we get one week closer to a reveal of the next-generation NI keyboard controllers, I am more sure that the best path going forward is for NI to totally abandon the concept of browsing for presets by means of the on-device display. There is simply no way to provide a truly elegant selection and results presentation within the practical size restrictions of this space.

    Let these next-generation controllers best serve their fundamental purpose: Translating motor skills into expressive performance data. Remote control of DAW functions that are pertinent to performance capture is the second most vital purpose of these devices.

    Doing these two thing elegantly is what matters most. They need to be "real-time" capable and allow the performer to stay in friction-free creative flow.

    The task of preset browsing is NOT a "real-time" activity and far better accomplished on the large screen available on the attached computer rig. Trying to do this task on the keyboard display forces a huge compromise to the entire Komplete Kontrol environment and overall user experience.

    Give it up.

  • R_E_D
    R_E_D Member Posts: 33 Helper

    I actually disagree regarding the preset browsing, and that's probably due to difference of workflows and/or use purpose. I find it both more elegant and 'real-time' compared to others, but I also think they completely missed the opportunity to use the screen real-estate when it comes to parameters. This is where I feel MPC/Force nailed it - providing both superb visuals, but more importantly a logical representation and far more visual feedback. I was waiting for NI to ultimately deliver a similar approach, but maybe users prefer jumping through a dozen pages to find a parameter...

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,304 Guru

    To clarify what I meant when I said that preset browsing was not a "real-time" activity.. what I meant is that preset browsing is not a performance activity..

  • Staykool
    Staykool Member Posts: 72 Helper
    edited October 2023

    Kubrak posted this rendition years ago and quite frankly it is a brilliant idea. I have Maschine MK3 but still love my Studuo because of the big jog wheel and edit buttons. Having a D-One that sits side by side with the Maschine would be the perfect addition. It simply makes sense. Is there anyone at the company who I can email to pitch Kubraks idea. Everyone what do you think?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 2,945 mod

    @Staykool said:

    Having a D-One that sits side by side with the Maschine would be the perfect addition.

    You want me to sit next to Maschine? I'm a bit confused.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 633 Pro

    Yes, you have to sit next to the Maschine and let people push your buttons and twist your dials. 🤣

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 2,945 mod
    edited October 2023

    Well... I have to say that is indeed very tempting, the wife probably wont be a fan of this ideia tho... 😅

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,309 Expert
  • Starringstars
    Starringstars Member Posts: 6 Member

    Yup, I would love to see the new Maschine MK4 like Staykool suggested. I'ts been too long since NI is surprising with new hardware and good integration software with DAW. If it takes longer I will have to switch to Akai or Abelton Push. Don't know why they are taking so long. 😒

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