Traktor keyboard shortcut tip:
This is a very simple tip for Traktor that I have found very useful: Download an image of the Traktor keyboard shortcuts to your computer. Set this image as your computer’s desktop image. Make sure the “Show Desktop” gesture is enabled under Settings -> Trackpad -> More Gestures tab (this is for Mac, I assume it’s…
Loop in traktor
Good afternoon. Does anyone know how to move a Loop through the song, with the mapping on the DDJ-FLX10 for tractor. In the Rekorbox configuration, once you have the loop, click on the Jamp beat boots that are next to the shif boots. Thanks, regards. !!!
How can i save a sample from remix Deck. I dort know C
I dragged a self-made sample into Remix Deck C. How can I save this sample? I don't know how. I dort find anything in internet
Jesse Martinez
is there a mapping for rane four to use with traktor 4?
How to analyze Traktor pro crash dump file?
Hi. After a more than a 3 years of using Traktor, on the last weekend I had my first unexpected Traktor crash. 🤯The Traktor application window just instantly disappeared. This was so instant and fast I think after I have pressed the load track button. There was no error messages, nothing. Is it possible somehow to analyze…
How to get audio from Traktor Pro 4 into OBS
To whom it may concern I use Droidcam on my phone to do video and that all works fine. What I need help with is just how to get the audio from Traktor into a channel in OBS. First pic works in OBS but I don't have scratch control on my turntables. Second pic I have scratch control with the vinyl but I can't get audio to…
Traktor pro4 Remix decks missing file names in browser window
Hi there. Traktor pro 4 does not display all the files of the remix set if the loops made from the same track. it just show 1 file (loop). Even in the Traktor library outside of Traktor pro4 it shows only 1 file of the remix set even though you have many more loops in the set. Hope it does make sence:). Is it me or did…
distortion and crackling in the speakers
Hello forum friends,I'm at my wits' end and haven't been able to get anywhere for months and haven't found a solution to my problem. I have distortion and crackling in the speakers.Since this cracking still occurs with other boxes and new cables, it is probably due to my laptop. I use DJ software Traktor Pro4 and…
Hallo, I have an internet radio that's why I want to go live with my pc winows 10, I work with traktor 3 and traktor konrol S3 , I send a screenshot according to my server must for your server you need shoutcast and mp3 support that's the answer of my servers ? please help me so i can broadcast, thanks in advance
Z2 Mixer Vinyl Analog Mix Aufnahme
Hallo zusammen Ich habe einen Z2 Mixer, sowie die Software Traktor Pro3. Ich würde gerne einen Analogen(mit Vinyl nicht Timecode) DJ Mix erstellen und mit der Software Traktor pro 3 diesen aufnehmen. Welche Einstellungen muss ich tätigen an der Software, bzw. was muss ich einstellen am Z2. Wer kann mir weiterhelfen. Danke
How to browse through Remix sets pages with the S4 MK2
Hi Guys, i am working on remix decks/sets at the moments. I do have 2 F1s available, but sometimes i would like to just use the S4 MK2 to play 2 track decks and 2 remix decks. However it seems that i can play the first sample of each row of the first page of a remix set, play and pause them, but i need to use the…
remix decks traktor 4
when i set a loop 4 beats in a song and i load it in the remix deck it is 4 beats and something more. when i zet this loop in a single shot and play it it moves , but no sound and the light on the f1 turns white , when i turn it back to loop the sound is back. no problems in traktor pro 3…
Feature request : stand-alone Traktor Kontrol S4 Mk3 ?
When is Native Instruments going to bring an all-in-one controller to market without the need for a PC?
KONTROL S4 MK3 - Tempo slider right deck
Is this a known problem the NI team are aware of? Let me explain. And incidentally this is my second S4 MK3 controller and it's done it on both. I had posted this on a Facebook group and had differing responses. Interested to hear NIs take. So right deck temp slider - start it dead centre. Same on software (latest version…
Traktor kontrol s4 mk3 energy problem
Hello, My S4 MK3 controller has started to turn off by itself and then immediately turn back on. I have tried switching cables, the power supply, and the socket, but nothing has worked. There are threads reporting the same problem, but without a solution (at least on the forum). I opened a support ticket, and I've never…
Experiencing traktor crashes 3 times in one hour after updating to TP4
Hey folks. I just installed TP4 this weekend and I've experienced 3 crashes in about an hour just messing around putting a set together. Doesn't seem to matter if a deck is playing or not, It seemed to happen when dragging and dropping tracks into playlists or into a deck. I'm on a 2022 M2 13" macbook air on Venture 13.4.…
Recover deleted playlist folder
I accidentally deleted a playlist folder. Any way to recover? I don't find any of the playlists in the collection.nml file with text search. also, the collection_2024y09m12d_13h24m36s.nml file(s) don't seem to have them. I can recover some pieces just from the history files, but nowhere complete. Any help??
how to enable recording function in tranktor pro 3?
how to enable recording function in tranktor pro 3?
TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 - Input Line not working
Hi I have connected 2 lines RCA (1 phone & 1 synth) in the input channels A & B, to run on decks C & D, but i don't get any sound :( Did i missed something please ? Thanks :)
issue when streaming with BUTT
butt only listen & stream from WDM drivers, not asio at all. when I start traktor 3, it set to asio native mode and everithing is fine' but impossible to get audio stream in BUTT if i switch traktor to wdm, BUTT can process, but I loose monitor in traktor and can't do mixing , even if routing is ok (as in the pas working)…