Is Traktor Software compatible with Apple M3 chip and Sequoia 15.0
I recently purchased a MacBook Air with an Apple M3 running Sequoia 15.0. I have traktor 2.0 on my old Mac which I purchased in 2015. Can I transfer my Traktor 2, with all my songs and play lists, to my new Mac? If not, is Traktor 4 compatible with the my new Mac book Air. I have heard that there are all kinds of problems…
Kontrol Z
Hello! I have problems with the control z. When connecting to the computer, the indicator lights turn on for a second, but then the tractor stops seeing the controller.
Traktor pro 3 license
Hello, I bought an S2 mk1 brand new in 2013, a few months ago I bought an S3 2nd hand, when I register de Traktor PRO 3 license in my account it's shown (an still does) as an update of the PRO 2 license of the S2 (non transferible). I should have 2 full transferible licenses of software as I bought 2 different products and…
Traktor 3 license to new laptop
Good afternoon! After about 11 years i finally had to buy a new laptop. On this laptop i always had Traktor 2 and later (most of the time) Trakor 3 PRO. Now i want to use Traktor 3 PRO on my new Windows laptop, after some searching i found the used product key in the software on my old Macbook pro. When i try to enter that…
No live input signal @ S4 Mk3
Hello from germany, I can try whatever I want, but I cannot get a signal from ext. device (e.g. Ipad) via live input on S4 Mk3. Does not work. I tried all your tricks & tipps. Traktor Pro 3 is updatet, Macbook (12.69) is updatet, S4 is updatet, cables are new -- the signal is not going into S4. I tried all 4 channels, Does…
How do you correct wrong BPMs on Traktor Pro 4?
Just downloaded Traktor Pro 4. Love it so far except that some BPM values are incorrect. For example, the track "Dance" by Big Sean is clearly 80bpm (or 160) but TP4 is saying it is 95.08 BPM. Anyone know how to correct this issue? Currently using 14 inch Apple MacBook Pro M1 Max on Mac OS Sonoma 14.7.
It's impossible to tell if a stem track is on or off in a dark club
I'm using Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3 and when I turn off vocal stem for example, the light on pads is just a little bit darker but the color is the same and I can't really tell in a dark environment if it's on or off. Messed up transition few times because stem stayed off after switching tracks and I thought it's on because…
Traktor 2 with Touch Screen monitor
Has anyone tried using Traktor 2 with a touch screen monitor, if so does it work OK?
How do you delete your library and add a new library to Traktor 4?
for the life of me I can't figure out how to delete my library. The first library transfer seems to have missed a bunch of music and I have duplicates. I want to delete everything and start over.
Favourite Playlists - reset???
Having a bit of a brain freeze here right now… How do I reset all of my Playlist Favourites Bar to original settings?
Issue in Traktor Pro 4 - Issue with Audio DJ 8 and Z1
Hello, I am having an issue in Traktor. My current set up is X1 MKII, Z1, and two F1's. When I set my audio device in Traktor Pro 4 as the Audio DJ 8, my Z1 no longer can be used to mix my A & B Decks… I do not understand why this issue is happening. The Z1 is a mixer and audio interface and I should be allowed to use the…
Traktor Pro 4 sync issue with two controllers
We used to run B2B gigs with two guys' controllers hooked up to one laptop (Z1+X2mk2 and S2 mk3). Worked fine on multiple shows. I upgraded to Traktor 4 this summer and we had some sync issues going on last night at a show. Basically what would happen when the other guy starts bringing songs in on his controller, they…
Cannot play music through both my headphones and speakers
Hi, I am having ongoing trouble trying to have both my music playing through my speakers and listening to tracks through my headphones. It only allows me to do one or the other. I believe everything is set up right but I just can't live mix because I can't hear anything through my phones. Have I set it up right?
With the icon column in Browser now cluttered with 'Prep Playlist icon' / 'Stems Icon' etc it's now difficult to see the tick when a song has been played. I tend not to have this column too wide as its takes up space which I better use for some of the other columns. With that in mind, could the stems icon be made smaller,…
Traktor 311.1 17 - - suddenly crash
its happend frequently - i use macpro M3 24gb - macOs sequoia 15.0
STEMs not showing up in right click
Hi, What am I doing wrong here? I don't see any right-click menu item that says anything about generating stems. Thanks. Windows 11, 64GB RAM, TRAKTOR 4.0.2 13, Full License. STEM file director and all other directories are writable.
Traktor cannot find local music library after updates to macOS Seqouia 15.0.1
Hi, I am having a problem with Traktor Pro 4 since upgrading to macOS Sequoia 15.0.1 on my MacBook Air. When I click to refresh music playlists, it is refusing to read the library and showing the following error message: Could not open ITlibrary! Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097”connection to service named…
Quels sont les meilleurs réglages audio pour utiliser Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3 avec traktor pro 3?
Je me demande par exemple si je dois utiliser le limiter. En club la sortie manque de puissance, les ingés son des clubs ont une avis différents. conseillez vous de repasser par un Mixeur analogique en sortie. Quelles sont vos expériences et vos settings ?
TRAKTOR AUDIO 6 is discontinued. When will there be a replacement?
When will Native Instruments address/ start manufacturing more Traktor Audio 6's or something similar for Vinyl users? They are nearly impossible to find, and a lot of the websites claiming they have them are straight up scams. Is there any alternative interfaces besides the Audio 6?
Traktor Pro 4 from Traktor
Hi. I have a fully licenced version of Traktor Pro. I'd like to upgrade to Traktor Pro 4, but just rtying to work out whether I need to purchase the whole new version at £129 or whether I can upgrade the current version I have (whether this would qualify as the 'Update for Traktor Pro 1/2' Any help much appreciated. Thanks