Traktor S2 Mk1 B-Deck Tempo issue

Ango56 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Hi everyone,

I just bought a Traktor S2 mk1. All seems to be in good order, except for the b-deck tempo fader. When positioned in the lowest speed setting, it runs just slightly below default tempo, and the highest speed setting runs at highest speed. So effectively can only really go faster using tempo. It also bounces around a little bit by a few decimal points in bpm on its own as well.

Couple things I've tried with no huge changes:

  1. I have tried to calibrate the faders on Traktor Pro 4.
  2. Tried a little bit of rubbing alcohol to get rid of the gooey grime on the inside of the fader holes. Tried compressed air too.

Any other thoughts on how to resolve/diagnose the issue would be appreciated!


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,762 Expert

    If I had to guess, I would set you might need to replace the fader.

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