traktor pro 3 und 4 sind langsam und unstabil

modredt Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

ich bin traktor user seit der version 1.0 und ich bin seit 1999 professioneller dj.

kürzlich habe ich auf traktor pro 3 aufgerüstet und folgendes problem festgestellt:

das programm braucht über eine minute um hochzufahren und über 2 minuten um runterzufahren….

traktor pro 2 brauchte dafür jeweils 30 sekunden!

ja ich habe eine sehr grosse musik kollektion von 170.000 tietel was verständlich ist wenn man bedenkt das sich auf meinem laptop die musik aus 25 jahren dj karriere befindet..

traktor pro 3 ist somit für mich nicht nutzbar da 2 minuten 20 sekunden einfach zu lange sind um runterzufahren.

das argument das meine meine musik sammlung ist zu gross lasse ich nicht gelten. die alte traktor version mit der selben hardware kam damit zurecht auch wenn diese schon sehr langsam war wenn man die zeiten mit anderer dj software vergleicht.

virtual dj fährt augenblichklich hoch und augenblicklich runter. das selbe mit rekordbox die suche in traktor pro ist ebenfalls schmerzhaft langsam. in virtual dj suchst du und in der selben sekunde ist der titel da.. in traktor kann das locker 5-15 sekunden dauern…

ist das noch nie jemandem aufgefallen? ich weiss als bedroomer mit 300 titeln gibt es wohl kein problem aber es heisst trakto PRO oder?

ich habe die demo von traktor pro4 runtergeladen kann aber nicht upgraden weil das problem in keinster weise behoben wurde.

mit jeder neuen version wird traktor langsamer und weniger stabil. da ich mit auflegen mein geld verdiene muss ich wohl wechseln obwohl ich nicht will…mach was native instruments!


  • Unknown
    edited December 2024
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  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,996 mod

    This is an english speaking forum. If you have trouble using the english language, here is a link to an online translator:

    das argument das meine meine musik sammlung ist zu gross lasse ich nicht gelten. die alte traktor version mit der selben hardware kam damit zurecht auch wenn diese schon sehr langsam war wenn man die zeiten mit anderer dj software vergleicht

    This is the number 1 reason for the start/close delay. The number two reason is that newer software uses more resources as more resources (faster computers) become available. This is a completely natural progression.

    When preparing for a gig, get you playlists exported and include a bunch of evergreens and your latest acquisitions. Keep the rest at home. It will reduce load/exit times considerably.

  • modredt
    modredt Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    so i let the software decide which music i use? because the sofware is too slow? rekordbox, virtual dj and other software can handle it easy, the new traktor versions can not. traktor has less features than virtual dj but it can handle less?? if a new version is 4 times slower than the old version with the same tasks the hardware is not the problem. a slow database just shows bad coding. i can run virtual dj which has video , stems and many other things on a 500 euro pc with very very large music collections without any problem and you tell me my i5 with 32 gigabyte ram my be to slow for mixing 2 auditracks together? something is very wrong here… for me as a traktor user from day one this is unacceptable. if you really want to sell a software has very very bad performance compared to the competion and older versions you should warn users before so they dont throw money away for a useless "upgrade".

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,996 mod

    … and you tell me my i5 with 32 gigabyte ram my be to slow for mixing 2 auditracks together?

    Not at all.

    Also i am not trying to sell you anything. Just pointing out that a big collection does impact load/exit speed. You should pick the software/hardware that both suits your needs and accommodates your wallet.

    It seems you are not looking for help from anyone really, just for a place to vent your frustration. In my personal experience, anything software related will sooner or later bump into some corner.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 765 Expert

    If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence it is maybe time to change. If other solutions suit you better feel free to use them. Ranting here in the community doesn't really change anything. Especially almost all users here are "only" users themselves and not employees of Native Instruments. You may contact support and file a bug report this way. But I expect that libraries as large as yours are an edge case.

    My music library has just around 12.000 tracks but it works with Traktor Pro 3 and 4 without real issues. Cannot test with larger libraries though.

  • modredt
    modredt Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    12000 🤣🤣🤣 i am a working pro dj since the first traktor version came out in 2001 . 12000 is a beginner collection. i like traktor as i paid for all updates obviously but it cant compete with other software anymore and this is sad. hell ni does not even sell dedicated dj soundcards anymore.. i have to buy one from pioneer if i want one.. lets face it traktor went from a pro software to a bedroomers toy and it seems the company i supported for 24 years dont wants my money anymore instead of fixing their faulty software. and no i will not spend 6 months to sort out and delete over 100000 files to make traktor work . i love my flexybility that comes with having everything. all i hearis just buy a 3000 euro macbook to maybe get half the performance virtual dj and rekordbox give with the cheapest hardware available…

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,996 mod

    12000 🤣🤣🤣 i am a working pro dj since the first traktor version came out in 2001 . 12000 is a beginner collection.

    Now you are being rude and wrong at the same time.

    You are clearly disappointed by traktor. Switch software and go ask NI for a return of your product. @maniacintosh81 pointed out correctly that we are mere users trying to help out people. You are looking for something else. Go find it.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,228 Expert

    After translating the post from modredt, I really don't understand what the "issue" is supposed to be…

    If Traktor takes one minute to open, why is that a problem? Just set up one minute earlier.

    Likewise, two minutes to shut down. Why is that a problem? Your performance is over. You can't wait two minutes before you leave the venue?

    Fifteen seconds for a search also really is nothing - surely you play a track for longer than fifteen seconds before needing another one?

    The way I work, once I press play on a track, I immediately search for a track to play on the other deck. Get the next track loaded ASAP. Even if search is fast, it's still the best practise.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,763 Expert

    It gets even worse with latest tp3 or 4 when the data device is slow, like a network drive. Some users reported it takes hours to close, because for whatever reason traktor now has to access every file in the collection before closing.

    Anyhow, a pro can have a small collection and a beginner can have a big collection. It's not related to skill level.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 765 Expert

    12000 🤣🤣🤣 i am a working pro dj since the first traktor version came out in 2001 . 12000 is a beginner collection.

    You are the greatest. Got it. More tracks equals more skills. Got it. Won't consider me to be a pro DJ, but I wouldn't call myself a beginner either. And the amount of tracks is no scale to rate if someone is a beginner, pro or somewhere in between. I am pretty sure most will start with less than 12000 tracks. And I am not adding everything which is a playable audio file to my Traktor library. I am sure even in these 12000 tracks there are a few tracks I have never played til now.

    i like traktor as i paid for all updates obviously but it cant compete with other software anymore and this is sad.

    Okay, because you paid for all the updates you switched to Traktor Pro 3 just recently. Shortly after it got end of life. And because you paid for all the updates you have to test with the demo of Traktor Pro 4. Sure. Stay with Traktor Pro 2 if it works better for you.

    hell ni does not even sell dedicated dj soundcards anymore.. i have to buy one from pioneer if i want one.. lets face it traktor went from a pro software to a bedroomers toy and it seems the company i supported for 24 years dont wants my money anymore instead of fixing their faulty software.

    Would love to see a Traktor Audio 10 Mk2, too. But there is a reason that there are not much offerings in that range anymore. Most mixers come with integrated audio interfaces now, many DJs are using controllers - with integrated audio interfaces - now or are just bringing their rekordbox USB thumb drive with them to the venue and use standalone stuff. But you don't need to buy a Pioneer one, Reloop has the Flux as alternative. And Traktor Pro works with any audio interface. As long as you don't need DVS with vinyl you are most likely fine with other audio interfaces.

    and no i will not spend 6 months to sort out and delete over 100000 files to make traktor work . i love my flexybility that comes with having everything. all i hearis just buy a 3000 euro macbook to maybe get half the performance virtual dj and rekordbox give with the cheapest hardware available…

    No one here said you should get a MacBook. If Virtual DJ and rekordbox perform better and Traktor is now only a bedroomer toy for you: As Pro DJ you should really make a change to one of these 2 pro solutions and leave the bedroomer toy behind you. NI will maybe adress this issue or they won't only NI knows. But for sure they won't have a solution by tomorrow or next week.

    I understand your disappointment. From the late Traktor Pro 2 times until Traktor Pro 4 there wasn't really much progress in Traktor Pro. While competitors still added features to their software and overtook Traktor Pro. I was myself thinking of a switch to another solution more than once in the last years. But with my tiny beginner collection Traktor Pro is still the best tool for my needs - especially now with Traktor Pro 4.

  • modredt
    modredt Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    the problem is real life work situation. i cant be as fast as needed. you have to be fast. lets say the gig is over , boss comes o this guy paid this and that and wants another song.. if i say oh you have to wait forever as my app is slow.. this is not working. imaginge boss says this while your app still is in 2 minute 20 shut down mode.. happend to me. this does not work. now imagine traktor crashes what version 3 and version 4 do too often.. audience is waiting… one minute can feel like a n eternety in this situation.the real problem is that traktor cant handle it. no one here seems to see that. everyone is saying traktor is fine if it is not.. if this behaviour was normal for pro apps i had to accept it but as i said the competition does not have this problem. this problem exists to a lesser extend since traktor pro 2 (the old one) bevore that everything was lighning fast. with trak 3 and 4 ( the new ones) it just got worse. this looks like a bug that never was fixed.

  • modredt
    modredt Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    ja a pro can work with a smaller collection but why should he? a pro app has to support the workflow a user has. not anyone has the same requirements.

  • modredt
    modredt Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    i never said more tracks equals more skills. i just have more music and i use it to my advantage , thats all. when i said 12 thousand is a beginner collection i did not mean it in a bad way. compared to a dj working since 20+ years it simply is. i bouhgt trak 3 later as i though all bugs have been sorted out.. but this is not the case. i tried the demo for trak 4 if it fixes the problem but it does not so i dont buy it.. yest most mixers have a soundcard but not all. a pro has to own his own gear. and even if a mixer has a soundcard, most mixers dont have 2! so how you play b to b with another laptop dj? this does not work. the only company who sells dedicated dj soundcards is pioneer! why they do it if their mixers and players have a card inside? they do it because many djs need it anyway… a dj soundcard and a production cards have different requirements. yes i have to change something if ni refuses to make traktor up to par with the competition.. i wil buy a pineer soundcard and use virtual dj but i would rather stay with traktor. its feels very bad to change a workflow you had for 20+ years.. maybe i ditch software djing all together and switch to a denon sc6000 prime. the workflow is very similar to traktor and it has 2 deck output so its small enough to take with me everywhere. you said traktor has not made much progress with new versions but this is not a problem to me. i need two audio tracks, a fast database, and super stable performance. thats all i need for the work i do. stems or other fun stuff are cool but dont belong in a dj software in my oponion. if i want i cool remix i make one in ableton live. a pro dj does not gain anything frome using stems and other stoff in his live performance. it adds stress and the audience does not even what the guy behind the mixer really does nor they appreciate it. i am happy traktor works for you but i have different needs and a pro software should work for any kind of user no matter if they are bedroomers or someone who gets paid 1500 a night.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,996 mod

    This seems like a pointless discussion.

    What do you want to do?

    What do you want us to do?

    Note: Whatever you want NI to do, go tell them. Right here: Contact Support. In case you actually have answers to the two questions i asked, try to be realistic in your expectations.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,763 Expert

    Sometimes you just want to talk about your problem 🙏

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