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Overview (native-instruments.com)
Stereo not coming through from Komplete Audio 1
Hi Hope someone can help with this. I have connected my Pioneer DJM250 mixer into the instrument IN2 input on my Audio 1 and fired up Audacity and it only seems to have sound from one channel instead of both on stereo. Any ideas, is this a setting somewhere? I also used Butt for radio streaming and it seems to be the same.
Tips on how to use NI
I have found that the instruments/samples that NI provides is quite nice when I use them in conjunction with my classic KORG hardware and LP11 with MainStage. Because I have long been a fan of KARMA in the KORG instruments, using the sounds and patches in NI and then daisy chaining those sound via MIDI to another computer…
Freak + FM8FX
Sometimes is worth to play a little with automation to achieve funny or interesting results. This time I was using Freak (two Freaks in fact - one in sidechain mode, second for freq bend effect) and FM8 FX (Talkwah). Plus drums from "Very Own Drums" and instruments crafted in Massive. And some EQ etc. from NI. Trick is to…
Komplete 15
Here are my 15 characters 😁
Tip: Make Kontakt load faster
What problem does the tip below solve? - Kontakt 7 loads extremely slow with a lot of people. Despite many promises, not much was done about it by NI. You could buy Kontakt 8 and hope that will work faster, but I don't see many reasons to do that: NI was bought by an investment company that doesn't care much about music,…
Display viewing angles S88 Mk3 v S88 Mk2
Hi, I think the display viewing angle on the S88 Mk2 is pretty poor. The colour and contrast are so much better when the screens are viewed from directly above. I realise this is to be expected but sitting at the piano the screens are always viewed at quite a shallow angle. I was wondering if the Mk3 screens have improved…
Quick Question re Komplete 15
I have Komplete 14 plus a few other libraries. Only Fables in the library list. If I update to 15, presumably Native Access only downloads what’s new? The full download is stated as 300Gb. I don’t have that space available so I’m hoping it will only update what’s new?
Fun with Native Instruments Razor and Molekular !!!
Do This: Open NI Reaktor 6, open Razor, then edit Panel and in there do right click and " Import Esemble ", then import Molekular, conect Razor output wires to Molekular, then the Molekular output wires to Output, then start choseing presets on both Razor and Molekular and Start playing and Have Fun with them !!!
Isn't the Kontakt 7 Player a VST plugin in Komplete?
I just installed parts of the Komplete 14 package, and there is no Kontakt VST plugin installed in either of the VSTPlugins (32/64) directories. Kontakt is only available as a standalone application. FM8 and Bite for example installs a VST. Isn't a VST of Kontakt included, or am I missing something?
komplete 15 collector upgrade
hi. friends just wondering I bought upgrade and payment went ok and I'm still sat in progress? can we predownload the update or it only on 23 September that wee can download it? thanks
Komplete 15 or Kontakt 8 alone ?
I bought komplete 14 ultimate and in the past few months I spent about $500 in NI software that is included in komplete 15. There's not much I'm interested in regards to instruments and expansions, since I got almost everything I really wanted that was released unless I upgrade to the collectors. I sent an email asking for…
Fake free plugin offer
Here is the message I received from Native Instruments: A $29.99 voucher for a Plugin Alliance tool. Thank you for registering Komplete 14. Here's a welcome gift voucher from our friends Plugin Alliance. With this voucher, worth $29.99, you can get software from their range of mixing and mastering effects, amp emulations,…
Using harddrive for NI content
I found out the hard way.The best to use Komplete is Having a Harddrive with no less than 2tb (ssd if possible) and only content made for NI Komplete
GM Library
I have seen a free GM 1 library is availble? I have found a link to download the samples individually, Is there a library that can be downloaded?
Which Kontakt Instruments are included in K Standard 15 ?
Which Kontakt Instruments are included in K Standard 15 ? Is Icon Bass included ?
Question about license for Komplete CE PA Bundle
So I quit making music and sold my copy of komplete ultimate 14 collectors edition. Under my products and serials i still see "Plugin Alliance Bundle for KOMPLETE COLLECTORS EDITION". Am I supposed to give this to the person that bought the license from me? If not, am I able to resell it? I have no use for it.
Is there any way to upgrade Komplete 14 SELECT to 15 SELECT without purchase new hardware?
Is there any way to upgrade Komplete 14 SELECT to 15 SELECT without purchase new hardware? And if yes, how about the price?
Can any of the guitar instruments produce swells?
I am new to Komplete and I am trying to make guitar swells with the various guitar instruments, but having no luck. Are swells part of any NI guitar VST?
Controling Komplete Audio 1 volume through windows and computer keyboard
I am using Komplete Audio 1 as an external audio card to my Windows PC. I use it for example to manage the audio stream of Windows without any DAW (ex: to hear the sound of an MP3 file, the sounds of windows…). Works well. But the volume/mute buttons of my keyboard (or in the quicklaunch audio icon) have no effect. Is…