VST3 support for NI instruments and effects

Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

All our plug-ins will get updated to support the VST3 format, there are already quite a few already. You can check the full list in this article which is updated regularly:

VST3 Compatibility of Native Instruments Plug-ins


  • AndiW.
    AndiW. Member Posts: 5 Newcomer


    i tried every hint here to get my presets in massive and massive x!

    still no presets, any special tip

    mac ventura, komplete 14, logic pro x

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @AndiW. I saw you made a dedicated post, I answered there as this is totally unrelated to VST3.

  • Rob Gee
    Rob Gee Member Posts: 28 Helper
    edited October 2023

    When is Maschine FX getting a VST3 version?

  • PascalHP HSMR
    PascalHP HSMR Member Posts: 34 Member


    Silly question, what is the difference between VST2 and VST3?

    Is due to a technical evolution, or to a more drastic selection for a better selection of more reliable products.

    Thank you in advance.  

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Diferrences from my point of view.

    VST2:older, but more compatable and easier to use. Also, requiers little to no CPU.

    VST3: newer, bit more complicated,takes up more memory compared to VST2 and it has advanced MIDI and automation features.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    Sorry, but it is almost the opposite!

    The biggest improvement of the VST3 plug-in is that it doesn't waste CPU resources and only works when it detects the presence of an audio signal, unlike VST2, which remains active at all times.

    For the user, this means an opportunity to use a bigger number of plugins without overloading the system.

    There are many more though. Some of the most noticeable features introduced in VST3 are:

    • Better performance. VST3 applies processing power only when there are audio signals coming in their respective inputs.
    • Multiple dynamic inputs and outputs. This means VST3 plug-ins adapt dynamically to the channel configuration it’s inserted in. For example, if you are editing in stereo, the plug-in will adjust itself for 2 channels. But if you then choose to switch to surround, the plug-in will switch to 6 channels.
    • More flexible control of VST plugins through remote controllers. The ability to control a DAW and its plugins remotely is becoming more and more popular. VST3 offers much more flexible control to remote controllers.
    • Audio inputs for VST instruments. It’s now possible to route audio data into a VST3 instrument.
    • Multiple MIDI inputs and outputs. Unlike VST2, a VST3 plug-in can have more than one MIDI input or output connected at the same time.


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    I agree with you mostly, Unborn.

    VST3 indeed is improved but slightly complicated, and in the way that it is nearly impossible, but that is a bit more complex.

    That does not mean it is very hard.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    it is Sunborn, not Unborn! If you want to use my name, please do it right, otherwise please don't.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Sorry, mistyped it.

  • kiteon
    kiteon Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hey, I noticed that NI VST3 plugins have no 'Category' set, because when using Cubase plugins get sorted by this category that is defined by developers and until you guys set that your plugins remain sorted to my 'Other' category.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    This issue (no category) it is common actually, on many developers and this is because, Cubase doesn't have much flexibility on it, at least on instruments.


    For Instruments: It is a Synth or a Drum or nothing, just the plugin name. There is no "Other". "Other" exists only if you also still have some VST2 plugins. I don't have any of those anymore, so, i don't see "Other" anymore! Anyway, many developers create instruments that are much more than just a "synth" or a drum", thus since Cubase offers just 2 cases, they leave their instrument uncategorized.

    For FX: Here, there are various choices (including "Other"!), however the only NI FX that appears under "Other" that i know of, is the Reaktor FX (i have many but not all of their FX).

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,225 mod

    UAD categorize Piano, Synth and Organ - not sure how they do that? There's a few manufacturers that use Sampler as well.

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