Window Resize
Hi everybody, I use an hight definition screen and the komplete kontrol or kontakt windows are very small and I have so much space on my screen. How can I resize the windows to see more instruments because there are no handles on the window Thank you and have an happy new year.
VirusTotal shows Native Access has a virus?
I was installing native access from the official website and i scanned for a virus as per usual and this popped up saying "1 match for rule Oilrig by Ariel Millahuel from SOC Prime Threat Detection Marketplace OilRig is an Iranian threat group operating primarily in the Middle East by targeting organizations in this region…
Tips: Native Access only shows on Win10 taskbar if two monitors
Like many others, I've been plagued by the bizarre NA behavior in Win10 of opening only in the taskbar, but not visible on the screen. Searching the old Forum and Google returns the solution of disabling your second monitor. This works sometimes and I'm sure that like me, you love messing around with your carefully…
Third party library - how to assign the controllers
Howdy all, I'm enjoying the integration of my S49 mk2 with most of the full plugins. I have a few third party libraries, ie: Maleventum Horns, which doesn't have any of the controllers assigned. This is where I get stuck. The Maleventum instrument has MIDI learn only option for its controls but wait the komplete…
Komplete Audio 6 mkII disconnect issue (PC)
I use Komplete Audio 6 mkII on Windows 10 and MacOS. The problem that i met is on Windows only, there's no such an issue on my Macbook Air M1. When i turn on my PC and playing some audio or video on Youtube, KA6 mkII doesn't produce any sound. At this point, YouTube shows a download ring icon on the video, such as happens…
Buying Maschine MK1 without software for windows
Did you buy a Maschine MK1 without software for your windows computer on Ebay, Offer Up, Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist etc? Don't panic you still can make it work but with an small investment and free software drivers. Below I have compiled how I got my maschine mk 1 to work on my window 10 laptop. Step #1: Install…
ASIO4ALL causing Windows audio to stop working
Forgive me if this is the wrong section to post this in, but I've searched Google and the forums here and can't seem to find a good fix for my problem. When I fire up a program that uses ASIO4ALL (such as Kontakt or Cubase), it immediately causes all other audio from my PC to stop working, such as Chrome (YouTube) and my…
Using MK3 Encoders in Ableton Live 11
Hey guys, I use maschine 2 vst version inside of live 11. The NI live template does work. I also use the unoffical script 1.6.0 from gumroad which is great, but the mk3 encoders are not working at all. I reached out to NI support and they send me a script where I can use the encoders to control abletons effects (blue hand…
Parameter Glitch in Maschine 2
Good morning from Philly. When I adjust parameters in Maschine 2, it jumps to random numbers unless I move it very slowly. the quicker I move it, the more random. This happens both with the mouse in the software, and on the hardware with the encoders. This has only been since the most recent update. hope you all fix it…
Komplete Kontrol Software with A25 keyboard.
I have a Windows 11 PC on which I have loaded the latest update of the Komplete Kontrol Software (KKS) fed from my A25 keyboard. When I run KKS as a Windows executable file, select an instrument, and play the keyboard, I hear the expected audio. When I run KKS from within my DAWs (Bitwig or Cubase) I get no audio. Bitwig…
Disabling automatic desktop shortcuts.
Hi. Is there a setting on Native Access to disable automatic shortcut creation? It's annoying to manually delete NI shortcuts every single time a product is updated. Thanks. João
Can you forward the setup manual for Traktor Scratch Pro 2 and Traktor Audio 6?
I am experiencing problems with the installation of my Traktor Scratch Pro 2 software and Traktor Audio 6 interface. The turntables and mixer are not connected to the software and I need the setup manual to verify the wiring installation.
I am not able to install Kontakt 6.7.1
So, i was able to install kontakt 6.7.1 in the past but after some time i uninstalled it and after that made a mistake.. i deleted some registry entries related to kontakt and native instruments after uninstallation was complete. and now, when i try to install kontakt 6.7.1 again, it throughs this error in the middle of…
Flushing RAM...
I have a tech tip for more advanced users; (and NO... I'm not dissing New York, the rest of you... get your mind out of the loo... 🤣) When I get done for the day on a large session (or moving to another large session) of my standard 100+ instrument scoring template, I will flush the RAM using two commands in RamMap: Empty…
Does Komplete 13 come with Kontakt 6?
So I bought a Maschine MK3 about a year ago and its been great, but I noticed as I loaded up kontakt today in my DAW that it was still showing demo mode. I thought this was rather weird since I got the MK3 and it said it came with Komplete 13, and Komplete 13 comes with Kontakt. So why is my Kontakt still in demo mode?…