Pioneer DJM-750MK1 compatibility with Traktor
Does the Pioneer DJM-750MK1 still work with the latest version of traktor? I've been a user of traktor since the original scratch was released. Now i am ready to pack it in. With every update something seems not to work anymore, I really cant be bothered with this anymore 🤣 Cheers 👍
Traktor Pro 3 and Maschine 2 Won't Launch
Apologies if this is a duplicate or anything, I tried to do a search but couldn't find any post similar to the issue I've been having. I have been unable to launch both Traktor Pro 3 and Maschine 2 after rebooting my computer once several weeks ago. When I launch Traktor or Maschine, a task shows up in task manager, but no…
Traktor S2 Mk2 - Traktor Pro 3 Resetting Key Ajust via FX button
Yep - I love my custom mapping questions 😎! I've mapped the FX3 knob (4th knob) on Decks A & B to the mixer Key Adjust for each channel. I use it for a smooth key effect for buildups. Is it possible to map the FX3 button to reset the Key adjust to the center line? That way when I sweep the key for the buildup, I press the…
Problem: why is traktor pro 3 suddenly slowing down?
For about half a year I'm having a serious problem with my traktor pro 3. Almost everytime I am using the software at some point the program starts "slowing down". The sound becomes slightly distorted and the whole software starts working in slow motion. This also reflects in the sound: the music sounds super slow and also…
Traktor 3 and Music App Playlist's are upside down
Hello. Guys, I need help! I have a big problem with playlists in Traktor, they are upside down. I use the Music app for playlist creation. Is there any advice? macOS 12.2.1 (21D62) Traktor Pro 3.5.3 302
Where are the roadmap updates?
Greetings, This is not a rant post, but 5 months have passed since the last roadmap update. What's new and in development? What's still in research? What are we getting besides pattern player, "stability" updates and minor fixes (the reason I'm still at 3.4 version of TP3...)? Talked about being more transparent? Yeah…
Why are my track #ID's resetting?
Hi all, I've had an issue recently where I load a track into a Traktor deck and it automatically resets the track# so when I then go to, for example, edit the track info on a newly imported track, it has moved position down my playlist and reset its # id to the highest number ie: the most recently imported track. I hope…
disabeld input routing
Hello, I tried to connect a microphone, took the tractor instructions and did everything that way. Unfortunately, the whole thing didn't work and the only difference was that all input channels were disabled before the rest. I got the new update and reinstalled the driver again can someone please help me?
Configuration options missing in preferences menu
Hola a todos. He instalado el traktor pro 3 de la pagina de NI. En el menú de preferencias faltan algunas de las opciones de configuración y no puedo configurar el traktor scratch para pinchar con vinilos de tiempo. Tampoco la latencia. He descargado la versión demo del traktor pro 3 de pago y tampoco aparecen estos…
Is there a way to replace the audio of a track while retaining metadata?
Hi, I'm using Traktor with my own tracks, and while preparing for a gig, I sometimes have the need to review my track's mix or whatever. Now, if I already set it up in Traktor, like fixing the grid, add cue points, I couldn't find a way to keep these and use the new audio. Is there a way? Like in Ableton Live, when you…
Traktor pro, S4 mk3, f1s and Turntables ❤️
lovely gig last night for Narcotics Anonymous. Attached turntables for first time and wow it’s so easy and amazing to switch back and forth. With F1 can also fire off samples and of course the pattern player. Juicy.
Couldn’t upgrade to traktor 3 even after paying 49$
I have traktor S4 MK2 and am a registered traktor pro 2 user, I just paid for upgrade but I cannot see the upgrade in native acess 2. Please help
Cant update Traktor Pro 3, or record vinyl
Hi All, I am having issues with Traktor Pro 3. NI says the current version is 3.9.0, but I am running 3.5.3. However, on my Native access app, it says that all software and hardware is up to date. I have tried to update Native Access, but no joy, no options. I'm running Big Sur 11.7.6. on an old Mac, 2015. Yes I should get…
Is there any way to change deck color on Traktor S4 & S3?
Hi, as the title of this post says, I just wanted to ask if there's any way to change the color of decks in my S4MK3. Also, my partner has a S3 and wants to change the deck color when looping. Any help is appreciated!
library management
this may seem like a very silly question but its got me stumped. ive recently upgraded my macbook air to a macbook pro. previously i used to keep all my newer music in itunes/music in different playlists that i could play through traktor, i would then plug my hard drive in for all my older music which is very unorganised.…