Stem FX Sends on S4 Mk3?
Hey there NI folk. I've upgraded to Traktor 4 Pro (FINALLY GOT STEM SEPARATION!!!!!) but where did the Stem Channel FX Send Pads go? On my S4 mk3 with Traktor 3 Pro they worked just fine. I am sure I could just custom map this but has anyone else made this discovery since the upgrade?
How to avoid having to go through Set-up Wizard again on Traktor Kontrol S4 &lose all data settings?
Hi, I use to have my OS set-up to 12.7.4 version on my MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021) Apple M1 Max 64 GB and I had my Traktor Kontrol S4 MK 3 working perfectly well. One day, I was prompted to update my OS to the latest Monterey 12.7.5 OS and I did it. From that moment, I fired up my Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3 to work and was…
Traktor wasapi driver poor quality sound on windows and Osx Traktor pro 4
Hello friends, I am using traktor 4 with kontrol s4 mk3 with Osx on a mac i9 with 32gb ram. The cpu load does not increase almost at all but the sound sounds a little distorted in the mid and high frequencies with the wasapi driver, I have already tried all by raising the frequency from 48 to 96 and trying the bit bar in…
Traktor S4 MK3 jogwheel issue / Sound moving back when scratching ( ! July 2024 issue ! )
Hi everyone, I have an issue with my Traktor S4 MK3. I m using it only for scratching on my production. Everytime, I'm playing with the jogwheels to scratch (For this reasons, I m using it only in TT mode, if not there's no interest in using a S4 for scratching ), I have my sound which is making a little movement back on…
Best way to control effects units 3 and 4 while using 4 channels?
Hi! I use the s4mk3 and I use effects unit 1 and 2 as pattern players. This is easy for the s4mk3. And it is easy to use. My question is, if I want to also use effects unit 3 and 4 as group or single effects. On all four decks... Whats the best way to do that? Im open to any ideas. I have an f1 i could remap, but Im open…
Is it possible to change the torque in tt mode on an S4 Mk3?
In settings I can change the torque in jog wheel mode but the setting doesn't seem to change tt mode. In tt mode the wheels feel 'slippy', more like an old belt drive turntable and I would prefer it to feel more love a direct drive. Can't figure out whether it is possible.
Traktor 3.9 (Official Release) on MacBook Pro M1 crash
I know that the there is the TRAKTOR Crashes help page with a few possible solutions, but I'm wondering what others have experienced with Traktor 3.9 on M1 (nor Pro/Max). Overall, I've had a pretty solid experience with mine using the S4 MK3. In fact, I've rarely encountered issues, until this past Sunday when it just…
Traktor Pro 3 Deleting Songs From Playlists
Today I noticed a newer playlist of mine and some others were missing a lot of songs. One of them I was literally mixing in last night, everything was there and has been for a good month. But I opened my software today and that exact playlist is missing 50 or so tracks. When I search for them in the browser I find them but…
How Can I control FX3 & FX4 using my Kontrol S4?
I enabled 4 FX Units and would like to control the FX 3 & 4 like I can control FX 1 & 2. How can I use my hardware to do this?
Traktor 3.8 and previous stuttering sound intermittently problem.
Hi guys, As the title says, I'm getting an intermittently random stuttering in the music as I'm playing every so often that sometimes occurs once or twice in a couple of hours and sometimes not at all but as you know, this cannot happen. It's as if for a few milliseconds the music stalls then carries on again. This seems…
Traktor Pro 3 - Phono/Line Input Channel "not supported"
Hello, I seem to be having an issue with low volume when trying to play my Audio-Technica AT-LP140XP turntable out of Traktor S4 Mk3. Input into Phono/Line in B, setup onto deck D as a live input. Swapping to deck B, same outcome. Traktor S4 Mk3 ASIO. Phono light not lighting up on controller. When I try and roll back the…
DO NOT INSTALL 2023-07 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems
Can confirm, S4 MK3 and the above Windows update do not get along. Just uninstalled it and now I'm back in business. Windows 11 just updated again, and now when I boot up Traktor Pro and load a track, my S4 doesn't "see" it. If I hit play in the software, the S4 still works as a soundcard and I hear the track in my…
Samples layout
Hi, I wonder if there is a way to save like a default layout of my samples so I will be able to load it fast when opening the software, right now I need to drag all samples again from "All samples" to the correct place in the software (by dragging or by using the pads), anyone know about a quicker method?
Is it worth using an external audio interface with an S4 MK3?
I play out a lot and have been thinking about using an external audio interface. I have always had my eye on the RMEs but at over 1000 GBP they are cost prohibitive. They are also a bit heavy and need an external power supply. I have recently been looking at the Motu M4 which at 220 GBP is very good value and is bus…
Swap channel Traktor Kontrol S4 mk3
Hi everyone I would like to change the channel assignment on my S4 mk3 I have already performed the map overload of all knobs, effects etc... and everything is ready BUT I can't find a way to swap the channels audio routing , I set the input routing, but nothing, the audio doesn't come out of the correct channel, how can…