Traktor 3 and S4 MK3 semi-freezing randomly
So, why can this be? Sometimes traktor stops playing, all controlls still work, but the audio doesnt work. The songs look like blurry and I have to re-start the software. I was using for years a S4 MK2 and this never hapened. I just changed to a S4 MK3 and now it started happening. Any ideas or relatable situation?
Secondhand Kontrol S4 MK3 without software
Hi everyone, i would like to ask if i buy the Kontrol S4 MK3 secondhand from an online store and the previous owner hasn't provided the license transfer. How am i able to download Traktor Pro? As i understood Traktor Pro should come with the controller. Or is there a way to speak to NI and they can do that? Many thanks in…
Traktor Pro3 & Kontrol S4 MK3 vs OBS or Stremlab: External routing problem
Bonjour, Je joue depuis peu avec TRAKTOR PRO3 & KONTROL S4mk3 en passant sur une plateforme pour le "Live"... Avec ce nouveau contrôleur mon setup est simple : TraKtor Pro 3 via Kontrol S4 Mk3 + carte son Scarlett 2i2... Via OBS (Obs ou streamlab: même problème) mon routage interne fonctionne sauf que je ne peux pas…
Stucking & screen rendering and audio buffering traktor pro 3 - S4 MK3
I am using my S4 Mk 3 for past 8 months & i am facing some problem with Traktor pro 3. The following problem: When I load track on to another deck the master deck song gives a little jerk stop. When I load tracks the collection area starts render likes refreshing desktop. Internal audio not working for Traktor. Tried NI…
Second Hand ebay purchase Traktor S4 MK3
I bought a controller on Ebay, so no transfer title, I emailed and sent messages through NI a month ago multiple times to get a transfer so I can register my controller. Theres no support at all here! Help 😭 Do I need to register it to be able to use it? It doesnt seem to want to connect to my mac, though it did once! But…
Music stops for a few milliseconds while playing on S4 Mk3
Hi everyone, I'm a Traktor user since the first Traktor scratch pro (the grey and yellow one), I'm just new to this community.. I'm experiencing this problem, as it is written in the title my Macs continue working and music stops for a few millisecond and everyone can hear it.. causing tracks getting out of time and…
Traktor Kontrol S4 Mk3 - temporary loss of power?
Hi all - hope you are all keeping well. Has anyone had any experience with temporary power dropouts with the S4 Mk3? Have only experienced this once (so far) with my new-to-me second hand and out of warranty S4 mk3. Connected to mains power with the official power adaptor and to MacBook Pro by USB cable and USB-A to USB-C…
what pro & contra for updating Traktor Pro3 -> Pro4 ?
hello everybody, I usually update software as soon as it is available, unless the current version completely fulfils my requirements. Sometimes I also try to save money, especially if an update of several older versions is available at the same price. Now I don't like the update price of 75€ for TraktorPro 4, but I would…
S4 MK3 -how change the preview button to on/off type
I currently changed from the Traktor controller S4 mk2 to s' MK3. On the S4 MK2 the preview button is working as an on/off buttonn On the S4 MK3 te preview button is need to stay pushed to activate. How can i change on the S4 MK3 so it's act like on the S4 MK2 so when i push it it stay activated and when push again it's…
S2 MK3 tempo fader work in S4 Mk3?
Hi. I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I've a DJ competition coming up next week and the tempo fader on the left side of my S4 mk3 has started to glitch and jump in tempo constantly making it impossible to mix without the sync button. I was going to send it to NI to get repaired but I'm in the UK and there's no chance it'll be…
Traktor Pro 4 (4.0.2) BUGS ?
Connect and play for first time after the update in the middle of the gig, deck crushed (the music stopped, the waveform goes blurry, I tried to restart it and the program completely crashed). Does anyone experiencing a similar issue ?
Sampling from S4 Mk 3
Hi, Some time ago the question was asked about the Sampling function of the S4 Mk 3. https://www.native-instruments.com/forum/threads/sample-capture-with-s4-mk3.340019/ I was wondering if this is still on the roadmap, or will never get fixed. The thread does give an answer, however, I was wondering if this will be a native…
It's impossible to tell if a stem track is on or off in a dark club
I'm using Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3 and when I turn off vocal stem for example, the light on pads is just a little bit darker but the color is the same and I can't really tell in a dark environment if it's on or off. Messed up transition few times because stem stayed off after switching tracks and I thought it's on because…
TraktorPro3: Load and Grid needs 2 Cue-places, no way to have them together?
hello everybody, in the prefrences is a point under "Loading" that´s called "Initially cue to load marker" if I activate this, the loaded tracks are still at the beginning, found than out, that there is a "Load" in the Cuetype-pulldown, which I always have set to grid or cue (depending which Cue-key, for me: 1=Grid, 2=Cue…
Por varias ocaciones se me cierra el programa de Traktor pro al cargar una musica en el deck, por que me sucede ya varias veces en un evento. On several occasions, the Traktor Pro program closes when loading music onto the deck, because it has happened to me several times at an event.