Physical Audio NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
AIR Music Technology NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
NKS Repository links
I will add to these as I get them but at the moment the main sources of NKS templates and libraries are the one I originally setup but which several people also contribute to (@Vagus, @Mercury, @Christos Adamos, @Siverskyy, @Diam and @Cooner) - btw I can also setup shared folders for other contributors if they want: NKS…
Expressive E - Noisy 2 NKS
This one has been a long time coming and probably could have been done earlier, but work and family life got in the way. 1211 presets - tagged by hand, so apologies if there's any typos. Includes updated NKS2 imagery plus larger MST_Artwork for those on KK3. Banks setup for: 01 Standard 02 MPE 04 User Presets 03 Reserved…
StereoLab NKS
Here is an NKS pack for the new StereoLab plugin by BOOM Interactive. Something for the sound designers out there. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/w6ropblwo2hgml8xhfp8q/ABUP5EPOoYOMEqlV3xbJdFo?rlkey=juo7qjmosc6ihibvxb2cn5r4b&dl=0
NKS: How can I change the saved instrument category and preset banks?
I've converted a lot of my VSTi presets to NKS in maschine mk3, created the images, but I still can't figure out how to categorize them based on the type of VSTi, and how to sort them into banks. P.S. I also find it annoying to have to switch between user/factory all the time; Any way to unify them into a single group? Any…
Cannot find bx_oberhausen presets in Maschine library
I installed the BX Oberhausen, but after installation I can't see any presets in the library. Also, the controllers aren't assigned sensibly. But the description says that the plugin is nks compatible. The only way i found out ist total export every preset to the User Library.
Note: New plugins, thus main folder link will be add when they re-posted in the public library
Komplete Kontrol - Arturia VST2 and VST3 installed but loading from NKS gives compatability error
Hi, did some searching but the guidance given in other threads is usually that the VST3 versions of the plugins needs to be installed, but in my case I do have the VST3 (and VST2) versions installed, and I can load the plugins both directly into Ableton as well as KK (if I use the buttons at the top to select the plugin…
Arturia NKS
This topic is for content and discussion relating to Arturia NKS. Most Arturia plugins come with NKS as they are NKS partners with NI but I have created more advanced templates for Pigments as the existing Arturia template is more minimalistic, this is useful if you want to do sound design for example and need more…
Audio Plugin Union NKS
Audio Plugin Union NKS presets
Relab Development NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library
Delta Sound Labs NKS
Delta Sound Labs NKS Presets
Sync between Kontrol kbd and KK software not bi-directional
I am looking for a solution for keeping the keyboard display and KK software in sync. I own 3rd party instruments that are NKS ready. (e.g. Arturia synths) Each of those can have favorites saved in them, which can be recalled in standalone or plugin mode in a daw. When I default load them in KK, either through the keyboard…
Diva@Komplete Kontrol - Third party presets not found
Hi, I bought two preset expansion for u-he Diva, which I run via Komplete Kontrol. However, Komplete Kontrol does not show up these third party presets, but I can see these directly in the Diva preset manager. Is there a way to get these presets beeing visible in Komplete Kontrol, even if the third party did not provide…