The Usual Suspects NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library. This folder contains full NKS for Vavra and Osirus, and templates for OSTirus and Xenia Mostly by Kymeia and Diam
Create an NKS compatible Reaktor ensemble
This procedure is meant to be the final step, after you completely finished with your ensemble creation. Step 1: Choose the parameter you want to start with, go to "Connect" tab, enable Automation, map the ID numbers in the order you want and give an appropriate name to the Custom Parameter Name: Note: Make sure that your…
Kontakt 3rd party libraries NKS
This thread is specifically created for Kontakt 3rd party libraries that are not NKS ready, either because they are old either because the developer does not support NKS natively, or simply, because the don't have graphic resources.
Devious Machines NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Custom icons for .nksf & .nksfx
I made 2 custom images and also separate the instrument from the FX in Registry, as: Native Kontrol Standard Instrument Preset, and Native Kontrol Standard FX Preset. The registry values needs the 2 icons to be at: C:\Users\Public\Documents\NI Resources but you can modify them easily to whatever folder you like. Zip…
NKS 2.0 - a running list of compatible content
I thought it might be interesting for folks to keep track of content as it's updated for NKS 2.0 As of now, the current list is: Action Strings 2 Action Woodwinds Ashlight Cremona Quartet: Guarneri Violin Cremona Quartet: Amati Viola Cremona Quartet: Stradivari Cello Cremona Quartet: Stradivari Violin Crosstalk Piano…
GForce NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
BLEASS Audio Plugins NKS Presets https://www.bleass.com/
What's planned for the NKS Partnership?
I'm doubtful that Kontakt would ever work on other hardware (understandably doubtful). It would be nice to at least have battery running on an MPC. Stretch-Goal: Make Reaktor Ensembles exportable to MPC. 😎 What would you all like to see?
NKS User Guides
The great thing about NKS is it enables you to control pretty much any plugin Komplete Kontrol can host, and with a lot more precision and detail than using MIDI cc. Although a lot more plugins and companies are ‘NKS ready’ out of the box than there were when we got started, there are still many more that are not, which is…
Polyverse Music NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Aly James Lab NKS
This discussion is about NKS presets by Aly James Lab plugins
Roland NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library. _________________________________________________________ Comment by Solncev_ Member Posts: 42 Helper January 2022 Roland Cloud Juno-106 https://www.dropbox.com/s/yuw1hvpoxuuqocb/Juno-106.zip?dl=0 I created the NKS library for Roland Cloud Juno-106 for…
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Pitch Innovations NKS
Pitch Innovations - Innovative AU, VST plugins for music production Download Created as the Instrument NKS, rather than FX plugin, because it's more fun.