.tsi mapping file for traktor denon dnS1200 - Help to find
Hi, I have been trying to find .tsi mapping file for traktor for My DN-S1200 for many days. Would you be kind enough to provide it to me or point me where I can download it. I have been around the web for many days but many websites pages are no longer active. Please, I would be very sorry to have to sell them.…
Midi Mapping X1 to Rekordbox
Having trouble with this. I've seen a YouTube video about mapping NI controllers to Rekordbox with Controller Editor, but unfortunately, the latest version of the Controller Editor does not include the X1 MK3, even though the latest update notes says it does. Inside Rekordbox I've mapped several functions, but they won't…
How to map deck volume controls by post fader output levels
Hi Everyone, I would like to automatically lower the track decks A and B volume when the microphone's channel is detecting signal, ie. the mic channel vu meter leds are lit up. I could figure out how to lit up an LED on my s4 mk3, but I have no idea how to control the volume faders triggered by an LED output of the mic…
Rane Twelve MK1 midi mapping for Traktor Pro 3?
Can anyone point me in the direction of where I can find info to get my Rane Twelve MK1 to work with Traktor Pro 3? Would be much appreciated.
S88 Mk3 vs Reaper (DAW)
Hi. I would like to purchase an S88 Mk3 controller, but I noticed that Reaper is not listed among the supported DAWs. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any clear descriptions or videos that reveal what functionality losses this lack of support entails and what functions still work despite this. Primarily, I am curious about…
Mapping Traktor: Global (Cross-Controller) Modifiers?
Maybe I'm missing something… Say I have two controllers: one with pads and one with knobs. Is it possible to make it so the pads on controller A act as global modifiers (Shift Keys) for the knobs on controller B? Example: Knob 1: Deck A Volume Knob 1 + Pad 1: Deck B Volume (PS — That's a very stupid example; please don't…
Traktor - Mapping a "button release" modifier
Hi, I want to map a one-button style effect, where when the button is pressed, effects knob 1 increments to 100%, and when the button is released, the effects knob auto-decrements back to down a bit to 75%, zero, or whatever value I want. The increment part is no problem, but initiating a gradual auto-decrement on release,…
Looking for "Slot FX Enable" setting in Traktor Controller Manager
I would like to map the "Slot FX Enable" setting on a Remix Deck to a MIDI controller, but I can't find it in any of the menus. Help appreciated—thanks!
Reloop Buddy MIDI Mapping with Traktor Pro 3
Hi all, I recently purchased Reloop Buddy and I'm really excited how this controller is flexible. I have a good knowledge about MIDI Mappings on MIDI Controllers but have no much knowledge about DJ Controller MIDI Mappings. I also have Traktor Pro 3 software which is one of the best in the market. Currently I'm trying to…
Connecting Donner DED 200 drums to Kontakt
Apologies if this is a rather silly question - I am very new to virtual instrument platforms and I'm a total novice with all things technology! Ive tried reading around on these forums for answers but often the technical language loses me! Any help would be greatly appreciated. I recently bought a Donner DED 200 e-drum set…
Controller Manager doesn't show the Assignment Table!
I registered Traktor Pro 3 LE. I have the X1 MK2. Traktor Pro recognizes MIDI movement, but for some reason is set up to the keyboard (?).
Stem Deck Mapping Separating Output Signal To Light
hello everyone, i am doubtful this is possible, and wanted to confirm. for a stem deck, traktor separates the 4 stems and shows the visual waveform of each of the separated stems. i would like to take the output signal of each of the 4 separate stems, and map it to a light output / led indicator for each individual stem. i…
control Maschine mixer faders from KeyLab MK II via Midi?
Hi there, I'm new to Maschine MK3 (just bought one) and I'm enjoying the workflow it offers (I use it standalone mostly for just jamming and creating some patterns 'on the fly' just for the fun of it). I have a KeyLab MK II which has nice faders I'd like to use dedicated to control the mixer (volume of each group). I loved…
Pop up Chord screen
hi all, do u know if it’s possible to get a pop up screen in maschine 2 SW when u are using a maschine hardware like Mikro. I don’t know if Native created something like dat but it could be really cool to get dis feature soon ina next update.
Komplete kontrol NKS macro parameter names not visible
Hello! I'm a bit new to this ecosystem so apologies if this has been asked. I searched but couldn't find anything. I've made my own preset of a Reaktor ensemble (Melted Sounds Whoosh), following this guide (linked below). I am trying to re-arrange some of the macros, however they do not show up in the list. Macro names do…