Kontakt 7/Cakewalk/Drum Map
Is anyone having a problem using a drum map to play an instrument created as a drum kit in Kontakt 7? The instrument functions as a stand-alone instrument. And it plays using a MIDI keyboard controller. But when I create a drum map of the instrument in Cakewalk, I can't get it to play within Cakewalk - either by manually…
bpm adjust vs bpm nudge
I'm confused as to what does what Bpm nudge seems to affect the bpm read out on the advanced tab under grid whilst bpm adjust affects the tempo in the browser tempo column but does not affect the actual track grid tempo, even when the track is reloaded The manual only states what bpm adjust does but seems to more closely…
Traktor Pro 4 problem & requests
Hi, I bought Traktor Pro 4 and I encountered a problem and I have some requests: About stems: a) You can create Stems one track at a time.. This is very inconvenient because it wastes a lot of time.. it would be better to be able to select several tracks at a time and process them together. b) It would be useful to be able…
Traktor Pro 4 Pattern Player Mapping Anyone?
Can any of you point me out to a good Pattern Player mapping for Maschine Mk3 or Maschine Jam?
Store and Load snapshot in Traktor 4 - conflict
I'm telling you about a problem or rather something that I've never solved ... I use Traktor 4 I have a Xone K2 controller where I have mapped many effects on keys with D/W parameter settings, button, knob, Unit on etc ... I have a second midifighter Twister controller, which I also use for effects only already mapped by…
LED Mapping Pads
Hello I am currently mapping a rane a-trak mixer for traktor I have currently hit an issue that I cant seem to find a quick solution. I have mapped quick loops where by you press a pad and it auto sets a loop division, the lighting corresponds by showing the pad as active with a light green when pressed, and if I press…
Mapping for - 2x Xone k2 with with external zone 92 mixer
Hi all is there anyone using 2x with external mixer and have advance mapping that covers everything in Traktor Pro 4 ? Please let me know if anyone can help. I will pay.
Why isn't there a keyboard showing in Komplete Kontrol? And what's with the mapping???
Okay, hopefully I'm just dense. I'm using an A61 to play the Stradivari Cello in Komplete Kontrol. Is there a button to click that shows a keyboard at the bottom of the page (like in Kontakt 7) that shows me 1) which note I'm playing and 2) the color mappings for the keys??? And worse… it's annoying that on a 61 note…
feature request traktor midi mapping for denon prime 4+
hi ,by any chance by the end of the year 2024 ,traktor can create a midi mapping or support the denon prime 4+ controller , like serato does ,it will be super amazing to use traktor pro 4 on the prime 4+ with all the new feature on trakor pro 4 provide,stem ,effect n many more,i post a picture of serato compatiable with…
Maschine 3 Major update functions not possible?
Dear NI team please, , put your heads together again and make Machine 3 a real major update. There are still so many very important functions for standalone operation that do not require any extra performance. Midi CC, PC, SysEx Allocation, Midi Monitor, Pattern to Multi-Channel Parametric MIDI Arpeggiator, MIDI Mod…
How to create a third condition in traktor mapping
I'm stuck on a mapping, I would like to create a third condition on my mapping but I can't, does anyone have a solution Thank you for your answers
Kontrol S Mk3 - Custom Midi Templates - Do Midi Templates Dynamically to VSTs in Ableton
Kontrol S Mk3 - Custom Midi Templates - Do Midi Templates Dynamically / Automatically map in Ableton Live to whichever vst plugin is selected with the mouse? If I have a current project of 50-100 plugins I want whichever plugin I select in the project with the mouse for my midi template to instantly load and give me hands…
I’m looking for traktor 4 mapping creator
I’m willing to pay someone to develop a numark NS4FX mapping. If anyone can assist please let me know
Small .bat script to install qml mods
Hoi, super quick one. A small windows .bat script that helps move the qml foler into the traktor 4 folder. This makes it easy to install a qml mod with a single click. For example to install a mod again after a traktor update. Mod developers could also just put it into the .zip file for easy instlalation. @echo off…