Traktor Needle Drop Mapping Problem

djryanash Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I am mapping the Pioneer DDJ-S1 to Traktor 3 but needle drop is not working as expected.

I can't post a link as I'm new here but it's <forward slash> AGF4AbOgxs0

I expect the track to continue playing from the point where I release the Needle Drop Strip but instead, when I release the Needle Drop Strip on the DDJ-S1, the track jumps back to the beginning and plays from the beginning again. Essentially I want it to work exactly as if you had mouse-clicked in the Deck Stripe, playing from the point where you have clicked.

I have tried changing "Type of Controller" and "Interaction Mode" to other settings but - other than the needle not remaining where it is dropped, "Fader / Knob" and "Direct" most accurately represent the needle position in the track.

"Invert" and "Soft Takeover" don't do anything to help.

In Control Manager, I have also tried to "double-map" the Control Strip to other "Deck Common" mappings such as "Play /Pause", "Cue" and "CUP (Cue Play) but none of that has worked. I also tried "Deck Common" mappings of "Move - Move" and "Move - Beatjump" but I couldn't get that to work either. I suspect there might be some combination of mappings that will allow for the needle drop functionality I require.

Anyone know how to fix this problem or what combination of mapping will do the best job? There also might be some setting in preferences that I am not aware of that might help with this but I have tried a few and nothing so far.



Best Answer

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,184 mod
    Answer ✓

    Did you use "Seek Position" command? Fader/Direct should do it. You can also add "Deck is stopped" modifier so you don't accidentaly hit that control while deck is playing.


  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,184 mod
    Answer ✓

    Did you use "Seek Position" command? Fader/Direct should do it. You can also add "Deck is stopped" modifier so you don't accidentaly hit that control while deck is playing.

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