Assignment Table Info Missing

I was trying to install the Erick Minekus 'Display modifications for the Traktor Kontrol S8' and when I went into Traktor>Preferences>Controller Manager and changed the device to each of the devices installed (X1, Z2, S8, & Scratch 2), there is absolutely zero info in the Assignment Table space, however when you do the same for the Scratch 2 there is info available in the Assignment Screen (see attached screenshots). I am unsure or not if this is normal, i currently do not think so. Is there somewhere I can find the default and other mapping for each of the three devices (the X1 MK3, the Z2 mixer, and the S8 controller) that I am using, and get the mapping installed? I am using Traktor Pro 4 v 4.1.1 and have never updated/changed mapping previously. Any support to help me navigate this challenge is appreciated!

Best Answer

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,213 mod
    Answer ✓

    Just to confirm that having an empty assignments table is normal for Z1, Z2, and any other Mk2 and Mk3 hardweare by Ni. All default commands are hidden out of the way and any newly added command will appear in the table. It's cleaner than having a look at hundreds of commands.


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    By default the S8 mapping in TP3 and TP4 is internal so you don't see anything in the table unless you've added it. Not sure about the X1 and Z2 as I don't have those to check with but @Stevan will almost certainly know for sure.

  • cupateech
    cupateech Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thank you, this is helpful. I didn’t want to make assumptions but thought it was different.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,213 mod
    Answer ✓

    Just to confirm that having an empty assignments table is normal for Z1, Z2, and any other Mk2 and Mk3 hardweare by Ni. All default commands are hidden out of the way and any newly added command will appear in the table. It's cleaner than having a look at hundreds of commands.

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