I need a mapping for the flx6 controller.
I was using traktor for a while and I liked it a lot, this controller is not compatible with the program so I am looking for a mapping please.
How can I escape Catch 22 to update M32 Komplete Kontrol keyboard?
Ah, re the question below: I closed down KK, unplugged M32 and then started up in different order this time. ie. I started KK, then connected M32 on USB, and now it works. Help!. I have a new M32 keyboard, which seems quite buggy to me. I want to access the midi templates. Here's the Catch 22. According to the NI website,…
Mikro MK3 Groove Agent 5 Controller Editor Instrument Map
Made a small poly pressure controller instrument (Group 3) map for Groove Agent 5
Can't map my dicer to the software
Recently updated to Traktor Pro 3 on Mac but I cannot map my dicer to the software. Any advice?
Reloop Mixtour + Audio A6 [NI]
Hi. Does anyone have experience or know how to set up Reloop Mixtour controller with External dedicated audio card A6 from Native Instruments with Traktor Pro 2 ? I found some mappings but there is just only Internal sound output working well. I'd like to control the software [TP2] with reloop mixtour and on output audio…
Maschine Integration and workflow
Hello everyone this is my first post here as am new to maschine I got a little around it but I have few questions My only use to maschine is for drum sequencing live nothing else The main point in my setup is Xone96 & Xone k2's ( 2 ) Questions: 1- Tried to map macros and levels of groups to my k2 faders. it is taking the…
Maschine + Traktor Mappings
Hi! I'm both a Maschine and Traktor user and decided to search for a decent mapping with clear instructions and purpose, I found one that suits my needs and it was (or is) free. It does 90% of what I wanted so I'll map the rest 10%. Do any of you have one that's already mapped for the Maschine Plus? I found one here:…
Modifier as a toggle instead of hold?
Does anyone know if there is a way to setup a modifier button as a toggle/switch instead of hold? So I don’t have to keep pressing it for it to work, instead just on/off thank you!
More than 8 Global MIDI controls?
I'm wondering about global midi, currently there are 8 buttons, 8 faders and 8 knobs. I want to use my S4 MK3 to control Traktor and Ableton and since there is no MIDI Mode the only way to send MIDI to Ableton is to output it from Traktor using global midi commands. For which, 8 of each is quite limiting. Please NI,…
Selecting filters on S4 MK3
Hi, how can I browse filters (in filters units) using the controller? If there is no way I am willing to try to program the MIDI mapping, but I would really appreciate some help or hints on this. I would imagine to do change the filter in a single mode by holding the shift button and pressing the ON button under the…
Como faço pra limitar uma livraria pra apenas uma pessoa usar???
Quero que só uma pessoa use o sample
Need help: Need to add mapping file for second mixer to my set up without losing old custom settings
Hi, it´s probably very easy to do, but I can´t find how to do it. I have a S4 mk3 with the priginal mapping plus a few custom modifications I made, but I also have a smaller Mixtour mixer I want to sue and have as a back up, but when I add the file for it´s mapping my S4 goes back to it´s original mapping and I lose my…
Dennon DNSC 2000 issue with traktor
hey guys wondering if anyone can help. i have 2 of the below units and want to work the left unit for deck A and C and the Right unit with Deck B and D. for some reason when i plug them up the mapping works fine but they will only load and play tracks into deck A. can anyone help please? thanks
Suddenly different keymapping on my new Komplete Kontrol M32
Hello everyone, first of, im a Beginner when it comes to Music Hardware, but when my M32 arrived last week it was pretty intuitive. I got it working with FL Studio and had fun playing arround. But the fun didnt last, because since Sunday all the keys seem to have lost or switched their functions. I dont know if i entered…
Is it possible to re-map the MIDI controllers?
Tested by recording in Cubase, I found that the MIDI controllers at the top of M32 are mapped to MIDI 80 ~ 87 by default for smart pre-map as advertised. However, in normal workflow I would prefer mapping the controller buttons to usual MIDI controls (i.e., 1 2 4 7 10 11 14 64 for me). Is there a way to do that? Also, a…