THE OESER piano library from Key Instruments
Key Instruments We are a new Dutch developer of virtual instruments for the Native Instruments platform. And we are very proud of our first release "The Oeser", which is a 150 year old Viennese baby grand piano with a very rich and intimate tone. This piano was recorded @ the Key studios in the most pure way, with world…
Why is my audio not routing to speakers?
Suddenly my audio is routing to my display speakers, not my outboard speakers. I have re-installed Komplete audio driver.
Can someone please help direct me how to fix my Plug Ins section
So this morning i tried installing my first 3rd party anything, it was an EQ with visuals since that seems to be one thing Maschine is missing. So i cant remember excactly what i changed (I thought I just added a new folder, not mess with any pre-existing ones) but i got maschine to recognize the new VST and played around…
How can I find files in Session Horns Pro? (iMac Late-2013/Sierra OS)
I've tried the Resave batch option under the files menu for the Sessions Horns Library folder and subfolders to no avail (with standalone player as well as the Logic plug-in)-- the batch save function goes through the list files saying "ok" by each one, but Kontakt is still unable to find them-- I originally installed from…
No sound when using Kontakt or Battery 4 on MacOS 12.3
Hi, I have upgraded to Monterey 12.3 on my M1. When I open Kontakt, I see all my libraries (Cuba, Horn, Piano etc) but I can't open them. There is no sound inside. The same thing is happening with Battery 4. I can open it but I can't load any sounds. How do i restore them? I tried with Logic Pro X (also in Rosetta way)…
Saving custom nki/nkm for older versions of Kontakt
Hi there! I recently made some instruments for myself using K6. But they won't open in older versions. I was wondering if there's a simple way to save them so they'd at least be compatible with 5.8.1 so I could share them with more people? They're very simple instruments, just a few groups with RR, some key colors/names,…
Surprisingly high CPU with Hybrid Keys under Ableton with new 11800H
I picked up an MSI laptop with an 11800H in it (20k Passmark) and was surprised to see Hybrid Keys taking about 50% CPU using built in presets under Ableton 11 (which seems to use about 5% by itself). I was hoping to be able to use a lot more instruments than that with this processor, do I have a bum unit or is Hybrid Keys…
Enter chords to quickly generate pop songs
KONTAKT's guitar series can generate guitars through chords. And some KONTAKT for strings. So, I'm thinking why can't I just produce a song? For example I choose a style, such as HIP HOP, rock or dance. In short, I choose a pattern, and then generate a song based on the chords I input. And can choose paragraphs, such as…
Looking for Coders for NKS (Kontakt)
Hello all, I'm looking for coders who do custom coding for NKS (Kontakt) to join me on a project. Please get in touch if you are a coder or know of anyone. Thanks!
Considering getting Kontakt
Hello community, I am considering getting Kontakt mostly because of the excellent acoustic instruments' sounds. Nevertheless, I am not sure if Kontakt is a good fit for me, so I am looking for some expert/knowledgeable opinions for the following reasons: 1) I want to use good-sounding instruments in Logic for reference…
Changing Stradivari Violin's MIDI input
Hello, I'm struggling right now to change the MIDI input of the Stradivari Violin's in Kontakt (ver 6.7.1). I did change the channel in the VST parameters and it doesn't work properly. Sometimes the notes are playing sometimes not, and even with the "Legato" playing style selected it's always playing them short. I really…
NI Kontakt Player - "No Demo" Mode available
I only use the Free Kontakt Player because I don't need the sounds from Kontakt 6. Now two weeks ago I bought a 3rd party NI Kontakt Library (which can not be registered as .nki files are loaded directly into Kontakt Player) which I only need for 1-2 minutes and it worked in Demo Mode for the last two weeks. Now yesterday…
Script to limit voices for release trigger with sustain pedal
I created a 10 velocity layer Rhodes instrument in Kontakt 5 with damper release samples. It's beautiful except multiple damper release trigger samples are bunched up when striking a note multiple times while depressing the sustain pedal. Then when the sustain pedal is released the release samples will be too loud for any…
Is the "Updated for Kontakt 6.x.x release" info availble elsewhere?
I only update Kontakt when I have to and relied on this post to pick the most stable Kontakt version to update to. Is this info available someplace else?
Help with ADSR editing: NI Scarbee bass
Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to change the ADSR of the NI Scarbee Bass in the editing window. I have added the AHDSR envelope by clicking the add modulation button in the group editing window but when I try to change things and nothing seems to happen. ...yeahh i'm quite green lol..any insight is…