Creator Tools not detecting samples in folder path?

roebuck Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited 9:02AM in Scripting Workshop


I'm trying to get into using creator tools. Specifically I'm interested in pitch detecting some more chaotic samples, and mapping them accordingly.

But I'm having troubles. I've been following along with an online video (this one:

I'm following all this guys steps exactly, but Creator Tools is not creating any zones. It will create a new group with the name I specified, but the group will be totally empty. It shows me the folder path it's following, and the path is correct, but it's not interacting with any of the audio files inside.

Like the guy in the video, I'm using CT tutorial scripts and just changing the folder paths ( at the top of the script) and the group name (in the middle). Leaving everything else the same.

I have a bad feeling it's an M1, native vs intel thing. I'm thinking this because Creator Tools will only recognize Kontakt if I open it in logic running in rosseta. CT won't detect standalone Kontakt. Also noticed CT is running Intel. Maybe a communication barrier? Can you get CT to run in Rosseta?

Everything is the latest versions and updated.

Don't know what's going wrong. Maybe someone else is having similar problems.

Here's the script I'm using:

-- Tutorial 6: Samples AutoMapping

--[[ In this tutorial, you will learn how to jointly use the results of the pitch and level
   analysis in order to create and map automatically a set of samples.

   Open Kontakt and double click in the rack area to create an empty instrument.

   In the directory of this script file you will find 15 samples with 5 different
   pitches, each pitch having 3 levels of velocity.

   In this script, the pitch and level of the samples will be detected and then mapped
   in a way so that:

    - key ranges will cover the full range between the lowest and highest
     detected pitch.

    - velocity ranges will be linearly spread over the full 0 - 127 scale.

   Let's get started!


--[[ First, print the directory of the loaded script to reveal where the samples are located.
   You can do so by using the global variable 'scriptPath', which points to the directory of the
   executed script.


local folderPath = scriptPath .. filesystem.preferred("/0_63")

print ("The samples are located in " .. folderPath)

--[[ We will start by running some batch analysis on this folder in order to retrieve the pitch
   and level (RMS) values of the samples.

   For more details about pitch and level analysis, please refer to Tutorials 4 & 5 .

local levelData = mir.detectRMSBatch(folderPath)
local pitchData = mir.detectPitchBatch(folderPath)

--[[ To create an instrument with samples of different velocities and pitches,
   we will follow the steps below:

  1. Create a zone for each sample and find all the unique pitches that the folder contains

  2. For each unique pitch, we will sort the different velocities and spread
    them linearly over the full range (0 - 127).

  3. Finally, in order to fill any gaps between zones, we will spread the key ranges of the zones

-- Check for valid instrument
if not instrument then
  print("The following error message informs you that the Creator Tools are not "..
     "focused on a Kontakt instrument. To solve this, load an instrument in "..
     "Kontakt and select it from the instrument dropdown menu on top.")

--[[Before you start creating new groups, you can delete all the existing groups of your instrument
  (in this case only the default group):


---- and then create a new group:

local g = Group()
instrument.groups:add(g) = "my group"

--[[ Let's add a new zone per sample, set the root key, set default valid values
   for tune/keyRanges/velocityRanges and create a unique pitch table.

local uniqueKeyList = {}

for samplePath, pitch in pairs(pitchData) do

  key = math.floor(pitch + 0.5)  -- rounds the pitch value to the closest semitone

  z = Zone()
  z.file = samplePath
  z.rootKey = key
  z.keyRange.low = key
  z.keyRange.high = key
  z.tune = 0 -- use ' (key - pitch) ' if you want to adjust the tuning
  z.velocityRange.low = 0
  z.velocityRange.high = 127

  uniqueKeyList[key] = key -- fills unique Key table


--[[ To find and count the number of all zones that have the same rootKey,
   we will use the following helper:

function findAllZonesWithSameKey(rootKey)
  local zonesWithSameKeyIdx = {}
  for n,z in pairs(g.zones) do
    if z.rootKey == rootKey then
      table.insert(zonesWithSameKeyIdx, n)
  return zonesWithSameKeyIdx

---- We will now spread the samples accross the full velocity range,:

for _,uniqueKey in pairs(uniqueKeyList) do

  -- find the indeces of all zones that have the same key,:
  local zonesWithSameKeyIdx = findAllZonesWithSameKey(uniqueKey)

  -- create a table that contains the zones indeces and their associated level values,:
  local levels = {}
  for _, index in pairs(zonesWithSameKeyIdx) do
    table.insert(levels, {zoneIdx = index, val = levelData[g.zones[index].file]})

  -- and sort the table by level, in ascending order:
  table.sort(levels, function(a,b) return a.val < b.val end)

  -- Finally, we can spread linearly the velocity ranges of these zones:
  local velocityRangePerSample = math.floor(127/#levels)

  for n,level in pairs(levels) do

    -- Note that we have to use the zone idx, which is stored in the above table: ' level.zoneIdx '
    g.zones[level.zoneIdx].velocityRange.low = (n-1)*velocityRangePerSample
    g.zones[level.zoneIdx].velocityRange.high = (n )*velocityRangePerSample-1

    if n==#levels then
      g.zones[level.zoneIdx].velocityRange.high = 127



--[[ At this point, the rootKey and velocity ranges are set for each zone.
   We will now spread the key ranges, in order to fill any gaps between zones.

-- We can start by sorting the uniqueKeyList in ascending order,
local tUniqueKeys = {}

-- populate the table that holds the keys,
for k in pairs(uniqueKeyList) do table.insert(tUniqueKeys, k) end

-- and sort the unique keys.

-- We now consider the key distances between sequential zones, in order to fill the gaps between them:

local keyRangeLow = tUniqueKeys[1]
for n,key in pairs(tUniqueKeys) do

  if n<#tUniqueKeys then
    keyRangeHigh = math.floor((tUniqueKeys[n+1] + key)/2)
    keyRangeHigh = key

  zonesWithSameKeyIdx = findAllZonesWithSameKey(key)

  for _, index in pairs(zonesWithSameKeyIdx) do
    g.zones[index].keyRange.high = keyRangeHigh
    g.zones[index].keyRange.low = keyRangeLow

  keyRangeLow = keyRangeHigh + 1


print( .. ' created!')

--[[ Done!

   Don't forget to hit Push(↑), in order to apply to Kontakt all the changes that took place on
   the tools' side.

   You can now try with your own samples folders and create more complex instruments!

print("You can now press Push(↑) in order to apply the changes to Kontakt.")


  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,028 mod

    Both Kontakt standalone and CT need to run in Rosetta mode in order for the connection to work, AFAIK.

This discussion has been closed.
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