Figma to Kontakt is out! A Tool to help UI design and implementation
Figma to Kontakt generates UI implementation code and helps creating buttons and fader animations. FOR FREE! 1) go to https://figmatokontakt.com/ 2) sign up for an account 3) install the plugin: https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1171114784600697919/figma-to-kontakt 4) add the Figma to Kontakt starter…
When discussing about code, you might want to paste some code in. Here's how to get it formatted nicely. First, paste your code as regular text Then, select the whole code you have just pasted On the side, there will be a paragraph symbol (¶), click it Then press the quotation button, then select Code Block option Voila!…
I see people are still struggling with this, after all this time. So I thought I could explain this to everyone once and for all, since it's quite an important thing when doing a custom scripted instrument. First, let's break things down. Kontakt has two types of modulators - internal and external. Internal are: LFO,…
Over on the VI-control forum, user Flaneurette compiled pretty much everything Big Bob had on his website. This includes the - evidently CRUCIAL - math library without which your beautiful custom labels and amazing voicing controls aren't going to be doing much of anything.…
Question About Button Size in Kontakt
Subject: Question About Button Size in Kontakt Hi everyone, I have a question regarding a specific button (circled in red). Could anyone tell me where this button is located and how I can adjust its size? In the GUI, there's an image layer above it, causing the image to change on mouse hover. Is this button a built-in part…
Redirect Output ?
Can we use a switch and the "redirect_output" code option to switch the output of a BUS from the "Bypass Insert FX" position to the third OUT 1 position ?
Invalid $KSP_TIMER?
When I use this code (in a multiscript): on midi_in if ($MIDI_COMMAND=$MIDI_COMMAND_NOTE_ON) reset_ksp_timer $count := 1 while ($count<12) wait(10000) add_text_line($back,$count*10 & " " & ($KSP_TIMER/1000)) inc($count) end while end if end on I get: 10 0 20 39 30 39 40 39 50 39 60 79 70 79 80 79 90 79 100 119 110 119…
Monospaced font for multi-scripts?
Is there a way of using a monospaced font, at least for numerals, in a multiscript? There doesn't seem to be one available with $CONTROL_PAR_FONT_TYPE.
Midi map nka file
Hi, I'm trying to load a midi map into Modern and Massive(GGD DRUMS) using Kontakt 7 but when I try to load the .nka file I get a window that reads: "the array from nka file has a different name from the destination array in the script" Does anyone knows how to fix this? TIA!
Making New Kontakt Instrument - How do I map one sample to multiple keys?
I'm creating my first new Kontakt 7 Instrument with some personal samples. I dragged them all in using the Mapping Editor and made sure each sample (a single pitch) mapped to a single key. Now I want to extend the lowest pitch, G4, down through C4, and the highest pitch, G6, up through C7. Unfortunately, only the single…
Linking two knobs together
Hi there, I am trying to link two knobs together in Kontakt, but haven't had much luck with it yet. Would someone have any good direction for me to go to? PS: my knobs are declared as sliders, so I can add my own knob design to them: declare ui_slider $knob(100000,500000) set_knob_defval($knob, 500000) $knob := 500000…
Kontakt Scripting - Best way to create Wet / Dry FX?
Hey! First time poster. Apologies if this has been asking before, I did look! I'm making a Kontakt instrument with a few different FX dry/web knobs such as reverb, phaser etc. I have the knob mapped to $ENGINE_PAR_SEND_EFFECT_OUTPUT_GAIN and $ENGINE_PAR_SEND_EFFECT_DRY_LEVEL on the FX, reducing and increasing the…
Kontakt Builder & KSP Scripting: Comprehensive Tutorial Series for All Levels
Explore the art of Kontakt instrument building and KSP scripting with Yaron Eshkar, also known as Faxi Nadu. This comprehensive tutorial series provides in-depth knowledge from Yaron’s five years as a QA Engineer and Product Manager at Native Instruments, directly contributing to Kontakt's development. Whether you're a…
KSP Multiple XY's Host Automation question
Hi KSP Scripters, I hope all is well with you. I have a question/problem about scripting Host Automation with multiple XY pads in KSP. Is this possible? I have created two XY Pads and cannot get Host Automation correctly assigned to both XY pads via KSP. When I create a 2 cursor XY pad, I can get the Host Automation for…
Kontakt plays only the sound of the first Group
Hi, I want to build my own instrument with multiple layers. After adding samples to my new groups, i can only hear the sound from the first group. when i play on my midi keyboard, only the first Layergroup "Fast" turns yellow and i can hear sound. If i click Group Solo and select the Group "Slow" i can't hear any sound.…
Is there a Kontakt user library?
I'm a long-time Reaktor developer who's becoming interested in creating Kontakt instruments. When you create a Reaktor instrument a natural thing to do is upload it into the Reaktor User Library. So, I looked for a Kontakt User Library, and it seems to be read-only. Is there no Kontakt User Library, or am I missing…
Wanting Kontakt to recognize script.lua in Resources directory
Hey! So, I notice that when I repack a Resource Container it only reconizes scripts in the Resources folder IF they have a .txt extension. This is unfortunate, as I name them .lua so that Sublime will highlight the syntax correctly. I know I can cut & paste the code into Kontakt's script editor, but I'd really rather avoid…
When using the Creator Tools GUI Designer...
When using the Creator Tools GUI Designer, the very last setting for the performanceView is Icon:image. Can you reference the "Stock" icons that are in Instrument Options? I do get you can make one and put it in pictures (which should be called images or graphics, not pictures lol. That's almost as bad as calling it…
Can I use the old scripts which I have been using in Kontakt 3 in the new K8?
I am using Kontakt 3 on a vintage mac book pro. I have worked a lot on retuning scripts which work very well even on newer version of K. I would like to know if they will work on the latest K8 version. Thanks
How can Icreate a channel strip for my drum library
Hi, I've created a drum library. All the parts are in a group but I want to create a channel strip that contain volume slider, pan and mute. Is there a script resource that would have how to script that or even a drum template that I can just load my sounds into that already have a mixer? Thanks
script error for ep preamp mode
Is there a known bug for this EP Preamps engine parameter? set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_EPP_EQ_MODE, $NI_EPP_EQ_MODE_E_GRAND,-1,3,$NI_MAIN_BUS) This is a part of a select/case. When applying the script, Kontakt 7.10.6 stops and shows this line in red. All other other modes (70's, 80's etc), work fine. It is just the Electric…
Send MIDI to Outside World - Instrument Script Not Sending Correct Note-Off
I have a problem with Kontakt 6.7.1 where instrument scripts are sending note-off messages, to the outside world, for the incoming note instead of the note changed by the script. I've tried a couple factory instrument scripts: Randomize Pitch Change Keys and both exhibit the same incorrect behavior. After some…
Creator Tools - getting io.output to work on MacOS
So I have a creator tools script that runs fine on Windows, now I'd like it to run on MacOS It writes some data out to an xml file for me to use later, but this line: io.output(targetFolder..targetName..".xml") which works fine on windows gives me this error on MacOS: Any idea why?
Microtuning Session Horns Pro
Hi all, I'm trying to get microtuning to work with NI session horns pro. The microtuning script doesn't seem to have any effect, having checked with a tuner plugin. On the other hand, global tuning works fine at resolutions less than one semitone. This is the first time I've used a script in kontakt, but it looks pretty…