LUA script: Global table 'Kontakt' is empty (nil value)

cinephos Member Posts: 5 Member
edited March 27 in Scripting Workshop

1st attempt to work with Visual Studio and Kontakt LUA scripts.

I managed to launch Kontakt 8 from VS Run Task(*) and then I run the first lua script from the LUA API tutorial.

As you can see in the screenshot below, the 'Hello World" command is printed.

Yet, the Kontakt global object is empty.

This means that API falied to load the table?

What did I do wrong? Or what else do I need to do?

(*) In tasks.json, I replaced all instances of "Kontakt 7" with "Kontakt 8". I have KONTAKT 8 but not KONTAKT 7. I also enabled 'Developer Features" from Kontakt Options. I suppose that so far, I made no mistake.



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