Feature Request - Add waveform previews with hotcues in browser
Please, adding waveform preview including hotcues in browser is really helpful as Rekordbox has implemented. I would like to request this feature to be available in Traktor and watching in a quickview the structure of the track. Thanks
Bounce in place
When will maschine add a "BOUNCE IN PLACE" feature for instruments?
Knobs and buttons
NI added buttons to polysynth, which is very convenient for control from knobs. switching a button with knobs is very uncomfortable in other synthesizers. I just dream that NI would add to create such a button as in a polysynth for 3rd party synths at least for custom binds It will help me a lot to use the maschine or KK…
Additional pedals in the macro
Hello NI developers, I would like to see an extension of the macros. In addition to the switches, which could be set either with or without hold mode, the GR5 also had a pedal. There was also a level meter next to the pedal. I would like such a pedal with a level display in the macros. You can leave the 16 switches of the…
Who else would like to have more pickup choices for sample rates.
Assume all ensembles use 192k sample rate. It seems ideal to select divided down sample rates for different modules. In reality nothing really has to run at 192k, it's only a starting point for a master clock and clock dividers provided to us in the pickup menu. Have to admit it beats having to divide down a bunch of…
Feature Requests: Should Users be NI’s North Poll?
So clearly I love Polls. Pause:|| Everyone does apparently. Our new thread about them influencing upcoming Expansions is off to a good start. Find it here: https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/286/user-poll-for-genre-type-of-expansions-we-d-like-to-see-next-would-be-great-right/p2 @Matt @ NI has announced…
Internal mixer and loop creation
Is it possible to suggest new features for future updates, or will this thread just get flamed to hell? Here goes anyway: I would like access to the internal mixer with only one deck displayed. This would be really handy while syphoning tracks, as I like to disconnect my laptop from my mixer and go through tracks in a…
Maschine upload to Metapop / Soundcloud
Hello, would it be ideal for Maschine to export/bounce/share directly to Metapop or Soundcloud.
Mapping S4 MK3 with VDJ
Hi, I use VDJ because of the video functionality. Unfortunately, the mapping in VDJ for my S4 MK3 does not support the display and the haptic drive. It would be nice if NI allows you to customize the mapping.
Bigging up the oldies - Making synths scalable
I've recently been revisiting Massive for the first time in a long while and have really enjoyed getting back into all the potential of that instrument. All these years later it's still capable of wonderful stuff. My only problem is that the interface is now so small on a modern high-res monitor that I need to use the Mac…
NI GUI of software, not adapted to retina screens?
hi I wonder, why the NI gui (graphical user interface) of the NI software, I downloaded today, (kontakt player, complete kontrol) is still not adapted to retina hi-res screens like MacBook Pro etc.., as laptops with retina resolution are sold since years (8 or 10 years?) also the text size is still very small, hard to…
Please make creating a multi-output device in Kontakt more straight forward.
I would really appreciate it if Kontakt was updated to make creating multi-output devices much more straight forward. When I use Kontakt drum libraries, it is really much more complicated that it should, or needs to be to output the individual kit pieces to their own channels on the DAW mixer. Great sounding drums…
For Traktor Developers ... Traktor Pro 3 User Feedback, valuable for future upgrades
As DJs we spend a considerable amount of time preparing our music in the software, Jumping between beats in increments of 16 & 32 and making multiple cue points quickly is what we do ALL THE TIME. Traktor Pro 2 had a much easier work flow to do this, here are some suggestions that I personally would like to see the…
Visual phrasing for Traktor Pro 3
Hello I request visual markers for every 16 beats of a track, that corresponds to the countdown in the beats to cue. The markers should start from the first beatgrid cue point. This practically eliminates the need to set up other cue points. Thank you.