MPE control possible?
Am I going to have to bang my head up against the wall trying to use an MPE controller with Kontakt or NI instruments? Seems to me there is a long configuration road ahead with midi control numbers for pitch bend, breath expression, and portamento. You get the idea. Checking here before I invest in either an Osmose or Roli…
Maschine 3.0
Hey y'all, I'm working with Maschine software as my main DAW (I make beats and loops). I also have Logic, Ableton and FL but I just love the workflow and the simplicity of Maschine. However there are a few things missing to make it a full DAW actually (i.e. easier way of importing drums, better automation drawing, audio…
Komplete Kontrol S MK3 LED Ring Functionality
What are all the functions of the LED ring around the main encoder? From what I've seen so far it just indicates left, right, down, up movements and shows the selected color. I'm trying to think of some potential additional functionality that might be useful. It'd be cool if it: -Moved around the circle as you turned the…
Kontakt 7 & light guide
Now that we are seeing some of Komplete Kontrol features integrated into Kontakt 7 (like the library function), what is the possibility of getting the light guide working in Kontakt (without Komplete Kontrol - and maybe get a light off option for when Kontakt or Komplete Kontrol isn't running)?
Maschine+ and Guitar Rig
Hey All, I had an MK3 since they debuted and I’ve been using it to record with my computer along with guitar rig heavily. When maschine plus came out I bought it right away. However, I returned it after a month because it would just always crash, and it didn’t serve my purposes as well as the MK3 did. This week I decided…
Adding custom artwork to user libraries in Maschine Plus
Has anyone found a way to add custom artwork to user sample libraries in Maschine +? I've been successful in the standalone version but not on the + This would also be a feature request. It would be great to have a desktop app that would allow us to easily customise graphics for user sample libraries
Non NI Hardware Support
Dear All, I'm a huge fan of Traktor DJ Pro and an experienced user of this software. I think that Traktor DJ software needs more attention from NI. In my opinion, NI should break with the idea that this app is mainly the software counterpart of the DJ hardware they sell (or at least intend to). Traktor DJ should have a…
Why can't you save presets and their effects chains together as a 'channel strip?'
This really bummed me out when I upgraded to 3.0- Sometimes I want to design complex patches using effects in Komplete Kontrol and then recall them for later use- the only way I can do this now is if I open KK in a DAW- We really should have the ability to save a Komplete Kontrol patch with effects and recall it. This is…
Master vu-meter / spectrum analyser
Hi everyone and @Matt_NI, Any chance we could get a master vu-meter (and hopefully also a spectrum analyser) on the Maschine+? It would be very useful in the mixing / mastering process and I think it's an important feature to have. I know that I could route all the groups to a new one to work as a master channel, but it…
Is it possible to hide an available update?
Is it possible to hide an available update in Native Access? I don't want to update some of the Kontakt libraries, because they now require Kontakt 7, which I don't have. And while I could use them in the Kontakt 7 Player, I don't want to lose any extra editing capabilities for those libraries, which are now available to…
Robotic-assisted sampling
I just spotted this today over at IKM : Pianoverse - Robotic-assisted sampling to create a versatile, realistic piano virtual instrument. So , I have no idea what techniques are used by N.I. when creating instruments , sound banks and so on , but I still thought that I would bring it to attention here because it sounds as…
MK 4 concept
Kubrak came up with this concept that would enhance the MK3. I love it. Can someone send this to product development please. This brings together the best of both worlds. The MK 3 and Studio. Kubrak actually posted this several years ago. This such a smart idea.
Adding more colors to tag tracks in your Traktor Pro 3 Library
Hello there, I am heavily using the color tag in my library. Unfortunately I ran out of colors really quickly as there are only 7 colors to choose from. The Software could be easily improved by a lot in that regard by adding the whole RGB spectrum of colors to the existing selection with I suppose close to zero effort.
Missing the looper in Guitar Rig Pro 6
As already said in the old forum, the looper is missing under GR 6. It was promised as a component of GR 6 but has not yet been implemented. A functionality like in the earlier versions would be sufficient.
Symphony Series and Symphony Essentials
Dear Native Instruments engineers, Please add the harp in a future release of both Symphony Series and Symphony Essentials bundles. Thank you