Feature Request - Midi CC Channel Filtering

myalteredsoul Member Posts: 253 Pro
edited October 2024 in Maschine

This feature request is to have midi input channel filtering apply to all incoming midi messages from the assigned device. Currently, channel filtering only applies to note data.

This will allow a user to map their external synth to control the macros for the device. This will allow you to program and automate device parameters using the hardware itself.

This will also open up Maschine to be able to be used in tandem with external software controllers such as the Soundforce SFC series controllers (SFC Mini, SFC60, SFC5, SFC1, and SFC8). Currently, using external controllers to control knobs is not possible due to the limitation of only 119 available CC slots with the current Maschine filtering setup.

This functionality already exists in all major DAW's.


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    That’s more of a bug fix request than a feature request: Maschine simply doesn’t work as expected.

  • jdbuerger
    jdbuerger Member Posts: 2 Member

    "Bug fix" may be more likely to be addressed by NI than feature - but this is essential. Maschine is a great tool - as long as you stay in the NI ecosystem, but worthless as a Midi controller in any more complex rig setup.

  • deluxepaint
    deluxepaint Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Yes, please fix this bug NI guys. I got a brand new midi controller with 32 knobs but I can not record automation with them.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023

    I'm confused... What do you mean?

    This bug/issue does not stop us from recording anything, you just can't use multiple MIDI Channels for different things, put all your 32 CC's in the same channel and it should work fine. Or are you forced to use multiple channels for some reason?

This discussion has been closed.
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