Listening to all instruments (1800 presets) in Absynth5
Sometimes when I do some music I randomly click on some instruments and after some minutes I find one I like to use on my project. I have not the time to listen to all instruments. Absynth 5 should have 1800 presets. This takes 3 hours listening by 6 Seconds for one preset. As my other hobby is programming I did start to…
Error messages with reaktor and absynth in logic pro X
Hello, No sound is happening with any of my reaktor synths and when I try to open Monark it says: "Error while reading file Macintosh HD:Users:Shared:Monark:Monark.ens: Not a valid Reaktor file !" and then logic quits. With absynth it says: "The plug-in named “Absynth 5” isn’t available on your system." It was doing this…
Absynth 5.3.4 does not start in Windows 10 (ABS5-948)
Some Windows users experience this issue. Absynth will not start. Windows error reports mention ucrtbase.dll failure. In this case, this is the workaround: You can try to enable: "Beta: Use UTF-8 for worldwide language support". You can find this under: Windows Start > Settings> Time & Language> “Date, time, & regional…
The purpose of Absynth + tiny clicks
It was +-10 (maybe more) years ago when last time I have "touched" the ABSYNTH - mainly as an interesting synth, but in fact I did not use it (not having enough powerful computers, and also I did not really get the purpose of - sorry for that if that is obvious). Today my machine is vey powerful (16 cores, 32 threads). I…
Absynth 3 - How to save a preset?
Hello, i hope someone can help me, i know this product is very old, so thankfully it seems to still work on my current setup and i want to save everything and import to Absynth 5 for my projects. so i can replace my Absynth 3 instances. but i couldnt find any option to save a preset? does anyone know HOW TO SAVE a preset…
Absynth BPM/Speed Control issue in FL Studio 20
Hello everyone, There's a sequence in Absynth 5 I'm trying to use, but the BPM of my project in FL Studio 20 is too fast for it and I want to slow the Absynth sequence down. The sequence speed default is already at its lowest setting so I can't slow it down from there. I thought my next option would be to use the BPM%…
Sub-categories for individual synths?
I was wondering if anyone at NI would be amenable for making individual forums for each of the synths (Absynth, FM8, Battery) instead of the "Others" category?