Absynth 3 - How to save a preset?

Gibson845 Member Posts: 39 Member
edited October 2024 in Massive X & Synths

Hello, i hope someone can help me, i know this product is very old, so thankfully it seems to still work on my current setup and i want to save everything and import to Absynth 5 for my projects. so i can replace my Absynth 3 instances. but i couldnt find any option to save a preset?

does anyone know HOW TO SAVE a preset and LOAD/Import in Absynth 5?




  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited March 2022

    Save A3 as .GLO and convert in A5 to .nabs in a separate folder

    After that you can load the .nabs file in Absynth 5

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod

    Hey @Gibson845 Absynth 5 was already an old synth when I started to work at NI. I suspect that Absynth would work like some other plug-ins of ours. You can usually import presets from the previous version, for example, you can iport Guitar Rig 4 presets in Guitar Rig 5 but not in Guitar Rig 6. The missing link here would be Absynth 4. I see that you already contacted my colleagues regarding that, please continue the conversation there, hopefully a solution is found.

  • Gibson845
    Gibson845 Member Posts: 39 Member

    hi Jeremy, awesome thx, yes i have to export and make some projects ready which i may not discuss here as it is for some media production and it is very important of course cause as you could imagine that.

    so im going through a lot of projects and it seems so far Absynth 3 works well, but with worrying for the future etc. i started to also export all data and re-save and exchange older plugins.

    it seems Absynth 3 however has no Preset function but only a Bank function, i will test it today if i can import the user Bank in Absynth 5 and if it works and is loaded correctly so i can replace all Absynth 3 instances.

    the big problem (i didnt want to use this topic here for it but another) Absynth 4. it is Activated in Service Center like Absynth 3 but is doesnt recall my projects/presets and pops up always a window about Demo mode etc. it wouldnt be bad if it would be able to recall my presets and resave them for Absynth 5 but it doesnt do that and always loads the default patch. it is really crucial to get it to work. especially why Absynth 3 works but this not is a riddle for me.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod

    Hey @Gibson845 I understand, I'm not an activation or installation specialist, you should definitely explain all this to the colleagues you are in contact with, they are the specialists and if there is a way to make it work they will find it.

  • Gibson845
    Gibson845 Member Posts: 39 Member

    thx. i made the following steps and Absynth 5 doesnt correctly import the Absynth 3 bank it seems?

    you see the SpacePluck is the Preset chosen, i import the GLO bank in Absynth 5

    but here is no SpacePluck


    the SpacePluck in Absynth 5 Factory Bank sounds also different, i guess different/enhanced or whatever was changed from Absynth 3 to 5, still it is strange?

  • Gibson845
    Gibson845 Member Posts: 39 Member

    hi Jeremy,

    i didnt hear back from support yet, can you please check? thx

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod

    Hey @Gibson845 I've pinged my colleagues, they should get back to you, they have a lot of requests to process. Thanks for your patience.

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