Is there a way I can get the full version of Absynth 5 despite NI no longer selling it?
I have Absynth 5's demo version, and I wanted to buy it at some point, but then found out that Native Instruments took it off their store. Even if I open Absynth 5 and it gives me the option to buy it, it sends me to a link of Native Instruments but not the product. I was really hoping I could buy the product because it…
Absynth - random sample start, how?
For a varied sounding percussion based on noise, I need a random sample start, how do I do that? I tried tying the LFO to the Oscil Sample start, but it didn't help, no effect ver. Absynth 5.3.1
Does anyone still have an Absynth 2 sound bank?
Hey fellow creators, I recently bought Absynth 5, and am wondering if any of you who have been doing this for a while might still have a sound bank left over from Absynth 2? There were a few truly incredible sounds in that release which I used to use constantly back in the day, which aren't included with Absynth 4 or 5.…
Trying to send program changes to absynth 5 on Mainstage?
I am a mainstage user trying to send program changes to absynth 5 with 0 success any thoughts? I have succeeded to send program changes to some of the reaktor 5&6 modules but not all does anyone one know why this is not a universal functioning with NI plugins
Absynth 3 Presets sound in Absynth 5 very often different? varied?
hey guys, i figured out that Absynth 3 only saves banks... so i checked some presets and loaded them first in Absynth 5 normally and heard slight/more differences, then after importing the previously saved Absynth 3 banks i still hear the differences (most presets i didnt change). anyone else noticed that? kinda strange…
Eulogy for Absynth 5 (or, Death of my Loyalty to NI)
Greetings all. I'm writing this blog post to lament over the quiet death of one of my favorite synths Absynth 5. Many of you may either love or loath the softsynth, but I really adored it. Even though it increasingly needed updating the more time went on, it still has use to me right now. Useful and unique features like…
big trio improvements needed!
hey, i recently purchased fm8 massive end absynth 5 overall good ,but there is some modern fixes needed 1 add resizable ui for all 3 2 fix the laggy vave aditor in absynth 5 overall, for the promo price worth it, in full amount absolutely not
Absynth 5 Browser doesn't include Genre
My Absynth 5 Browser only Bank, Type, SubType and Mode. I just did an update and it is still the same. How do I get the browser to show the fields Instrument, Source, Articulation, Genre?
Absynth & FM8 & Cubase not showing up in Cubase
Hi there, hope this is the right place. I just bought the Komplete Classics Collection, mostly for Absynth, but the other 3 look good too… Anyway, Absynth & FM8 don’t show up in Cubase at all. The stand-alones work fine. It’s a brand new Windows 10 computer with the latest Cubase 11. I saw something in Googleland about…
Some Absynth presets don't appear in Maschine browser
I can find 2,411 presets for Absynth in finder. But Maschine only scans 988. I can still load the missing presets within Absynth but they don't appear in the Maschine browser. How do I fix this? They were there before and after reinstalling on a new computer I only have some of them.
End of Sale for Absynth 5 - Official statement & FAQ
End of Sale for Absynth 5 - Official statement Native Instruments has made the decision to not include Absynth 5 in Komplete 14, and to additionally stop selling it as an individual product. We know that this will be disappointing news for many of you who have been long-time users of the software synthesizer during its 22…
ABSYNTH IN KORE2: Default not loading
Yes I realise Kore is no longer supported but Im not sure the best place to post. I still use Kore because its a masterpiece...there is NO comparative solution to snapshot morphing that hosts etc that I can find...none Ive been happily using it for live performance until last week. I havent used Absynth live but found some…
What's the deal with the tiny GUI?
Perhaps it is much harder than I think, but I'm guessing that a fairly successful company like Native Instruments has the budget to hire a coder or two that will bring their GUI into the 2020s. It's fair to says that these days most people are using a monitor that is either 4k or 5k and using a HiDPI practical resolution…
Absynth 5 factory content question
Hi, in order to save the very limited space left on my tiny SSD system disk, I installed Absynth 5 to my external disk 'D', into: 'D:\Native Instruments\Absynth 5\' the irony is that the installer put then Absynth 5 standalone .exe file there, and the whole factory content on the system disk, into: 'C:\Program Files\Common…
Missing presets in Massive, FM8 and Absynth 5
Hi I've just installed Massive, FM8 and Abysnth5 on my new MacBook Pro (using NI Access). They have installed ok, and open ok in Ableton, but there are no presets? Is there a way I can get/install the presets for these synths? Thanks Pete