Traktor Pro 4 is here!



  • muthafunka
    muthafunka Member Posts: 45 Helper

    I wouldn't imagine so, the processor speed will likely be the limiting factor, not the write speed.

  • Izvrat
    Izvrat Member Posts: 3 Member

    What about Phase Dj ? HID - ??

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    Yes, everything is mirrored as far as tracks are concern. what you chance in the stems will be reflected in the original file as well and vice versa for the original file. They are linked

  • Gundz
    Gundz Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited July 2024

    After some testing:

    • The Joe Easton S4 MK3 mods works perfectly (with the 3.6 version)
    • The Devs from NI forgot to update the Bar Markers… so when there is a tempo change the bar markers are totally f* up (for example on a track going from 128 → break → 88 bpm), the sync works fine, but it's a little bit confusing, and can be problematic.
    • It's also weird that in some case when you enter a specific BPM it get's changed even tough i'm pretty sure it's the right one (so I need to put some additional markers, but ok why not)

    • Something else to note that is very important about the stems, from a quick test it seems that they didn't found a way around the 1:1.

    By that i mean that a separated stems deck playing with all parts on full volume will not be a 1:1 with the original track.

    NI should really consider having the 5th master track play if all the stems parts are on full volume (in background of course).

    But globally i'm happy.

    Just please:

    • fix the Bar Markers
    • fix the symlink issue
    • fix the Rane Twelve ! (or put HID mode)
    • And add the feature to be able to drag stems tracks to the remix set.

    And i'm good for the next 10 years

  • Chris Yakubovsky
    Chris Yakubovsky Member Posts: 11 Member

    @Gundz So you're saying the latest 3.6 Joe Easton map works with TP4 ? Hoping so. Years ago I got a custom one done and haven't updated to even 3.6 because worried it wouldn't cross over.

  • Gundz
    Gundz Member Posts: 10 Member
  • Casper's Kitchen
    Casper's Kitchen Member Posts: 8 Member

    OMG :) I never thought that day would come. This will be an absolute gamechanger for every Traktorist.

    thanks NI :D

  • gerax302
    gerax302 Member Posts: 5 Member

    You need to send the tracks to a PLAYLIST, once the file be located in the playlist, you will have the option for steams, colors, etc

  • blaztermc
    blaztermc Member Posts: 13 Member

    How is it possible that Traktor cannot work in real time? why you have to analyze music before.... when analyzed it makes me an archico that weighs 4 times the original ... Bad, bad, bad updating is not justified

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    No that is called a fluid beat grid aka beat wrapping and there is only one DJ software has it that it.

  • psyh0x
    psyh0x Member Posts: 15 Member

    seems native leave some bugs so they can release traktor 5 and charge you ..

  • OliverGross
    OliverGross Member Posts: 67 Helper
    edited July 2024

    Hi @Gundz,

    For your question with the the specific bpm, Friedemann had posted a good explanation in the beta forum for this behaviour:

    "What you observe for the BPM of a given tempo zone is "by design" as we disallow phase-skips. This means that the BPM have to match the length of the interval between to subsequent grid markers to ensure an integer number of beats between them.

    So the approach to set flexible beatgrids is a bit different from a static BPM beatgrid. In the past you adjusted the BPM to align the grid to the beats - now you set grid markers and let the BPM automatically snap to the right value to fill the interval. It sometimes happens that the BPM "miss" the correct value and place 3 beats where there actually should be 4. In this case you can drag the BPM value up which will make the BPM snap to the next allowed value, leading to correct number of beats between the markers that you have set before."

    Hope this makes it clear for you how the function was designed.

  • Hettoblaster
    Hettoblaster Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    Can someone tell me: If i transfer (sell) my license of T3, will the buyer also receive the upgrade deal? i would say yes?


  • ianstudio
    ianstudio Member Posts: 5 Member

    Interface is still not Retina.. Seriously NI ?!
    MacUsers should boycott you at this point.. but we cannot since we often invested much in your prodcuts.

    Surreal situation.

  • Pasha Li
    Pasha Li Member Posts: 14 Member

    hello! I couldn't even put on a DEMO, but you write that there is no daylight function in TP!? should I still use color inversion on the entire monitor?

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