Traktor Pro 4 is here!



  • Pasha Li
    Pasha Li Member Posts: 14 Member

    share the full list: which controllers are supported by TP4 (the new ones are clear, and which old ones will work on TP4)

  • isoflex
    isoflex Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    feel ripped off i only registered x1mk3 last week. now i have to pay a extra $110 to upgrade.

    pissed off !

  • isoflex
    isoflex Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Free Traktor Pro 4Traktor X1 ships alongside the latest version of our flagship DJ software – including flexible beatgrids, high-quality stem separation, Ozone Maximizer, and Pattern Player. Plus, there’s the studio-grade effects, reliable sync, club-ready sound, and compatibility with any hardware that make Traktor a consistent fan favorite. Wherever you are and whatever you’re playing, Traktor Pro 4 gives you the freedom and flexibility to mix your own way.

  • Johannes Drakenberg
    Johannes Drakenberg Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2024

    Shame you didn't take the "eq path" way of seperating, as in real time stem seperation.

    Creating these stems takes forever, and can only be done one by one, i'm using a m2 macbook, so it's not my hardware.

    Also, it would be nice if these stems would land next to the original track, instead of a set folder.

    I really hope real time stem seperation will be a thing in the future, we can't have 4 D2's (they can't even be bought anymore) and creating stems like this takes up a lot of time and storage!

    Every other dj-app with stem seperation can do it in real time using the eq knobs, why can't the best and finest program do it?

    I also really hope you release a new controller, like the d2, but in the size of the x1, the d2's where nice, but waaay to big! Also, they must be able to have 4 units connected, as it makes no sense to use traktor with only 2 decks…

    long term veteran here.

  • Dj_NeST
    Dj_NeST Member Posts: 1 Member

    Paying €75 for an update seems like absolute nonsense to me. For now I'm not going to update any more, they should learn from Image-Line that by purchasing a license for their production software they give you updates for life, it's normal that they gain clients daily. Not to mention all the improvements they have made to their DAW over the years!!!

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    Yes, for now i would you recommend this way.

    But I still hope for a daylight mode in Traktor.

  • OliverGross
    OliverGross Member Posts: 67 Helper

    I disagree with you, paid updates as new versions are common in the software industry. I'm not talking about Bugfixes or Hotfixes, I'm talking about updates (versions) with new functions. It's the same with Ableton and so on.

    With Apple, the updates are free, but you will have to buy a new device at some point :-)

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,852 Expert

    You are mixing up two things. Controlling stems with the eq knobs, and very fast stem seperation on load.

    The former might be mappable.

    You should get it for half price, no?

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 771 Expert

    Yes of course. If you have a licence for Traktor Pro 3 in your account you are eligible for Upgrade pricing. But beware: If you sell your TP3 licence and only got yourself a TP4 upgrade licence it won't work anymore as it relies on your TP3 licence.

  • BJ1981
    BJ1981 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I had the same issue, the 'Pay and confirm' option didn't give me the payment options, I did it on my phone browser, that worked

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 771 Expert

    No one advertised that you'll never will have to pay for any updates. And compared to other DJ software the Traktor pricing is fair. Serato and Virtual DJ cost more as perpetual licence. Rekordbox is only available as hardware unlock or as subscription. And many other software vendors like Adobe only offer subscription models where you have to pay every month/year. Even if they would never add new features.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru
    edited July 2024

    I think you missed the F1. It works great with Stems. There is no new entry when you generate a Stem, they're linked to the original track in your Library.

  • dariodelima
    dariodelima Member Posts: 73 Advisor
    edited July 2024

    The interface change is ok, however the effects panel looks very clunky and blocky, its kind of blurry compared to Traktor 3, i think the orange value bars are way to thick and distract from the name of the effects unit, making it appear very blurry.

    Also most of the icons i think follow the same pattern they just look to clunky and out of focus.

    Besides that i do not really mind the new colour scheme. Hopefully they address the effects panel look in a future update and revert it or make it way less chunky.

  • Mart'yan
    Mart'yan Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Will buying S4MK3 come with the full version of Traktor4?

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