Komplete Kontrol VST2 missing after 3.0.0 update



  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor
    edited November 2023

    This works!!! For Reaper, Copying the scanapp for KK 2.9.6 and puting it in the folder along with scanapp3 I can now open both version in reaper:


    It comes up with an error while scanning the VST2 for Komplete Kontrol.

    But does not do this if I had KK 2.9.6 installed, same VST2 file? so Obviously ableton is looking for something that is no longer there, that the VST 2 file is trying to communicate with??

    Abelton still sees the VST2, after re-opening it, after the crash.

    Unfortunately for Ableton, it still reports that the VST2 is incompatible plug in. I have tried a full scan using Alt+Rescan, but I can't get it to work for ableton:

    2.9.6 install with Ableton:

    As you can see, with 2.9.6 installed, the VST2 opens fine in ableton?

    So why is there a problem, when I doo all of the above steps, to install 3.0.2, and ableton Crashes on scanning the VST2?

    Please Native Instruments, Update your instructions, to include that you also have to copy the scanapp2 file, before upgrading to 3.02. Then copy that file back into: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Komplete Kontrol

    Even better, make it so that the installer, also includes both the VST2, and the ScanAPP2 file when installing.

    Would make things so much easier. This would also suggest that you guys never eben tried this on a windows based system, you only tested it out on a Mac system.

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor
    edited November 2023

    Yes This is the issue I am facing also, but only after installing 3.02.

    I am sure it opened fine, after installing 2.9.6.

    Make sure to do a full rescan using Alt+rescan in the Ableton vst option for rescanning.

    This will tell Ableton to clear its cache, and rescan the 2.9.6 vst2 again

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,343 mod

    Did you backup the VST2 before installing KK3.02 and restored it after the install completed?

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor

    I thought I was quite clear on that from the pictures. Yes I did, both the scanapp 2 and the VST2

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor
    edited November 2023

    works fine for reaper,

    but ableton, must to some other checks, and it does not like this VST2 along side the 3.02 version of KK.

    If i install 2.9.6, then ableton will open the same vst2 file. Its a strange one.

    So I have spent the best part of 4 hours on this, installing reinstalling the 2 different version of this software to try and figure this out. I am done, till I actually hear some support from the Native instrument guys... Kinda just left us hanging here to figure it out ourselves

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,343 mod

    OK must be a quirk of Live, tbh I don’t use VST2 in Live at all but it did work for me in Reaper too (which I run in Rosetta mode)

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor

    Yes your suggestion about the scanapp2 was spot on!!! thanks for that.

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor

    Scrap Reaper working. It works the first time, after scanning the plugin. But after closing reaper, and opening it again, it just crashes again, every time you try to open the VST2.

    This whole thing needs a rework.

    Design the Komplete Kontrol 3 app to Include all the necessary files, so that both versions can exist on a windows computer.

    If this means having 2 separate installations for each program, then do it!!

    Don't give us a work around, that does not fully work!!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,343 mod
    edited November 2023

    Sorry to hear that, it's not for me so maybe this is a Windows bug? Yeah it's a 'kludge' of a workaround though, it would be easier if this was just a 'legacy' version with a separate install etc.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @rdalcroft I've contacted you by email regarding this issue, my colleagues will need to have a deeper look.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Thanks a lot @Kymeia for pointing that out, our article will be updated soon.

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor


    I am running the tool right now, I will send you all the relevant info,


  • GhostriderGlenn
    GhostriderGlenn Member Posts: 17 Member

    yes, I hope that works

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 138 Advisor

    This is all so messy.

    Can Native Instruments do some sort of video tutorial for this. Or maybe schedule sessions with users where they take over the computer via Teamviewer (in the way Adobe does), in order to sort out issues clients with both MK2 and MK3 controllers are having.

    Not enough thought went into it before release and everybody is scrambling to figure out the bits of information required to make their MK3 controller work within their previous Native Instrument ecosystem with their old project still workable.

    I'm not even talking about the MK1 controversy

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod

    Please stop using VST2 before it is too late for your projects!

    In the next 2-3 months, according to the articles below, Steinberg will no longer support them, so very soon every developer will have to follow.

    Original Steinberg article here:


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