Komplete Kontrol VST2 missing after 3.0.0 update



  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member

    doesn’t it need the .adg for all the transport/control functionality? that’s what the official steps are, and i checked them they aren’t any different

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod

    "official steps" are just guide-lights for the beginners, nothing more...

    an experienced user or a talented musician can go far, far beyond, experiment, create new paths and ways to use even the simplest thing.

    but more importantly, he wrote "i use it without the adg"... he didn't suggest you to do the same :-p

    you should read more carefully 😉

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,340 mod
    edited November 2023

    No not at all. Not needed for the mixer to work either. I'm not really sure what it is for tbh, like I said I never used it, it just seemed an unnecessary add-on to me. I suppose maybe it was just to enable people to easily add it as a rack?

  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited November 2023

    this is the rudest and least helpful response i’ve ever gotten online, thanks 👍

    it is also incorrect.

  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited November 2023

    Okay, tried the VST3 and it does run the transport BUT there's a connection issue where it drops as soon as you click away and won't relink (the .adg works where whatever is selected in your DAW is what the keyboard displays). NI states the .adg is REQUIRED to fix (not a "guide light" like someone else suggested).

    "You will find the rack here in the Live browser: Instruments > Instrument Rack. Make sure not to use the VST version instead of the Instruments Rack version of KOMPLETE KONTROL, if not you might experience connection issues as described in this article."

    Tried to include the links but wasn't allowed, but I'd included the issue page this quote is from as well as the page with steps to use the .adg.

    So my question remains - will there be a new .adg with the VST3 that fixes the connectivity? Is there any chance the new 3.0 VST doesn't have that connectivity issue?

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor

    There is no connectivity issues with vst 3. The .adg method is old, from the MK1 and MK2 days. It is not needed anymore. It works like a rack, and you can load other vsts in it while in KK. Not just native instruments. I think it keeps the KK in focus,while it is open, if i am not mistaken? I would need to go and watch a few youtube vids to refresh my memory why this was a thing?

    Obviously for some reason, there is no instrument rack for VST3 maybe the guys from Native instruments can explain why there is no Instrument rack for VST 3?

    I remember using it, when I first got my Mk2 years ago, but as time went on, the VST2 became more stable, and I never felt the need for using it.

  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited November 2023

    There IS a connectivity issue with VST3 in Ableton (running at least 2.9.6) - that’s what I just confirmed.

    There’s even a page specifically for it:

    My KOMPLETE KONTROL Keyboard Disconnects from Ableton Live


    Your KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series Keyboard disconnects from the KOMPLETE KONTROL Plug-in in Ableton Live when you adjust a Parameter or switch Pages.


    You are using the VST or AU version of the KOMPLETE KONTROL plug-in instead of the required Instrument Rack version. 


    Load the Instrument Rack version of KOMPLETE KONTROL, which is found in the Ableton Browser under Instruments > Instrument Rack > Komplete Kontrol AU / VST.adg.

    It drops connection once you click away and nothing reestablishes it. The instrument rack is the workaround for this.

    The current steps for Ableton 10/11 mention the .adg so I don’t see how those steps are outdated.

    Are you saying with Komplete Kontrol 3.whatever the VST 3 doesn’t drop connection in Ableton?

    With how many people had to rollback once installing 3.0 (myself included) I’m hesitant to try.

    And I have an MK2, Windows 10 and Ableton 10.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod
    edited November 2023

    "rudest"? seriously? why? because i shared a common truth among artists or because i pointed out a mistake you did and asked you to be more careful when you read?

    You must be very new to the online world, maybe... this is common language in forums (and in everyday life too) and it can not consider offensive in any way.

    Anyway, my point was to educate you, not to offend you. Peace :-)

  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member

    because you were unhelpful and completely WRONG as well. i made no mistake besides wasting time reading your reply. you didn’t educate me at all, you don’t understand the issue so you’re better off just not saying anything.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,340 mod
    edited November 2023

    You mean the transport stops working if you click onto say another track? I am not seeing that, just created 2 tracks with the VST3 of KK3 and was able to click between them and transport worked to record clips in the selected tracks, it did not disconnect

    As I said Live is not a host I use KK a lot in, so I don't have tons of experience using the old rack, I think maybe the original advice to use the rack put me off as I don't like clunky solutions like that and I use Live more as a sound design environment anyway, I mainly use Bitwig and Logic as DAWs.

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor

    People here are trying to help you, we are all just users, the same as you. Calling people rude and saying they are wasting your time, is frankly, RUDE! I do not know how you can expect people to try and offer help, when you are clearly getting angry, because they don't have the answer you want.

    Wait a while for a Native Instrument rep to chime in, Like I said, maybe they can explain why there is no VST3 version of the .ADG rack.

    For most of us, the Rack .ADG thing was from a long time ago, and have never needed to use it. But you obviously are having issues with it, and thats perfectly fine, belive me I have my issues, with the current state of KK..

    Hopefully you get an answer from the reps today.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod
    edited November 2023

    This, is what I call rude response, in fact very rude (especially for a newcomer). Still, i don't care at all, you can speak as you like. I will just add you to my ignore list and that's the end of story. 😊

    By the way, i do have both KK 3 and Komplete S49 MK2 and Ableton Lite and i have no problem to load it (even if i do not use it, since i use Cubase), without using any .adg, so yes, i know very well what i am saying (based on my own experience of course)!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,340 mod
    edited November 2023

    Not so far seeing that, however I do notice if I have more than one KK in the project this is not showing up in the Instance panel in the keyboard so I have to switch track focus using the mouse, however this does not for me disrupt the connection otherwise and I was able to record clips into each track using the transport, including after changing user pages and using controls, so maybe some aspects of this are resolved and some not? Functionally apart from the workaround of instances needing the mouse it seems usable in Live (and tbh I see this in other hosts, the instances panel is not the most reliable feature of KK, quite often I find it just easier to use the mouse for that)

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    You have a MK2 keyboard, right?

    Please check this article carefully: How to Integrate Your Kontrol Keyboard with Your DAW

    You don't need the au or vst rack since Ableton Live 10.1

  • zacmarkey
    zacmarkey Member Posts: 17 Member

    So when I use the .adg, whenever I have the track selected in Ableton, it displays that track on the keyboard. I just have to click with the mouse like you mention.

    But when I use the VST3, as soon as I click onto say the master track, the keyboard reverts to the MIDI display and neither the Instances button nor clicking on the track in Ableton reconnects it.

    This is why I started using the .adg in the first place, after trying the VST3 first and having it drop connections - I do see now these are just the steps for Ableton 9 and NOT 10, but since they fixed the issue I missed that.

    Again, I'm on 2.9.6 but according to everyone this shouldn't be an issue, so I'm hesitant to see how the 3.0 VST3 performs, thinking it won't make a difference.

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